Spilyay Tymoo, Warm Springs, Oregon July 31, 2019 Among the ‘100 Who Made a Difference’ T his summer The Oregon Quarterly—the magazine of the University of Oregon— is celebrating its One-Hun- dredth Anniversary. To com- memorate its centennial, The O r e g o n Q u a r t e r l y named 100 Ducks Who Made a Difference. The magazine chose the 100 by asking readers for nominees. Nominees could include alumni, students, fac- ulty, staff, administrators, and friends of the univer- sity from 1919 to the present. The standard for naming the 100 Who Made a Difference: “Those who, through grit, talent, compas- sion or creativity have made our world better.” Among the 100 Who Made a Difference: Class of ’59 graduate Ken Smith of Warm Springs. Mr. Smith earned his Business Adminis- tration Degree from the U of O. He was just the second Native American to graduate from the university. The Oregon Quarterly ar- ticle continues: “Ken went on to serve as President Ronald Reagan’s Assistant Interior Secretary on Indian Affairs, launching programs includes ones to help smaller tribes and Alaska communities.” For tribes Mr. Smith helped provide seed grants that stimulated new business and self-sustaining economic development. Ken, a Wasco tribe mem- ber, also ser ved as Chief Executive Officer of the Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs. Another Native American U of O grad who made the 100 Who Made a Difference Free legal assistance The Native American Program Legal Aid Ser- vices of Oregon is offer- ing free civil legal ser- vices in specialized areas to eligible tribal mem- bers. Employment sistant - Jodi. 3243. The following jobs were advertised recently with the Warm Springs Human Resources Department. Applicants are encour- aged to attach cover let- ter and resume with com- pleted application. Questions regarding application process can be directed to 541-553- 3262. For full job descrip- tions see: warmsprings- nsn.gov Health and Human Ser- vices Community Health Services - Receptionist/ WIC Clerk - Limited Du- ration - Katie Russell 541-553-2460. Children’s Protective Services - Protective Care Provider - Cecilia Collins 541-553-3209. Community Health Services - WIC Coordi- nator/Registered Dieti- tian - Katie. Medical Social Worker - Katie. Certified Recovery Mentor - Misty Kopplin 541-553-3205. Recreation - Limited Duration Bus Driver - Austin Greene 541-553- High Lookee Lodge RN Services Coordi- nator - Jolene Greene 541-553-1182. Kah-Nee-Ta projects Engineering Tech - Alyssa Macy 541-553- 3212. Natural Resouces Fisheries Biologist - Cyndi Baker 541-553- 2001. Wildlife Biologist II - Brian Cochran 541-553- 2001. Fire Management - Firefighter Engines - 8 positions - Lionel Smith 541-553-1146. Assistant Engine Op- erator - Lionel. Fish Tech I - Albert Santos 541-352-7936. Education Tribal Headstart: Fam- ily Service Advocate - Contact Jodi Begay 541- 553-3241. Headstart Teacher Aide - Jodi. Headstart Teacher As- list is Roberta Conner, Class of ‘77, a keeper of tribal his- tories, who also served as board chair for the Smithsonian’s National Mu- seum of the American In- dian. She is now the director of the Tamástslikt Cultural In- stitute The next intake clinic will be this Friday, Au- gust 2 from 10 a.m. to noon at the War m Springs Community Ac- tion Team office. Walk- ins are welcome. Limited Duration Fish Tech I - Cyndi Baker 541- 553-3586. Public Safety Firefighter/Paramedic - Karla Bagley-Tias 541- 553-1634. Patrol Lieutenant - Carmen Smith 541-553- 3272. Chief of Police - Carmen. Corrections Officer - Ron Gregory 541-553- 3272. Police Officer - Jonah Moore 541-553-3272. Public Utilities Facilities mainte- nance - Limited Duration - Brent Graybael 541-553- 2466. Water/Wastewater Page 3 2 youth summer events Tribal youth ages 14- 18 are encouraged to ap- ply to participate in two outdoor experiences this month. There will be a back- packing course August 26-28 on the War m Springs Reservation; and a Deschutes Rafting Course August 26-30. There will be a com- munity gathering planned for all participants on Au- gust 25. There is no cost to tribal youth participants, and registration is due Au- gust 16. For more information on the registration pro- cess, contact TJ Foltz at 541-615-0142. Or email: taw.foltz@wstribes.org Movie night Thursday The Tananawit artists’ co- op movie night fundraiser is this Thursday evening, August 1 at the Community Center Social Hall. The show starts at 7 p.m. They are showing the movie Mulan. Admission is by donation. Tananawit will accept cash donations or recyclable cans donations. Plant Chief Operator - Chico Holliday 541-553- 3246. Warn Springs Ventures Construction Manager - Laurie Danzuka 541-553- 3565. Tule Grill attendant (1 full-time 1 part-time) - Alex Manzano or Christine Brunoe ext. 7725. Tule Grill cook - Alex or Christine. Cage cashier (2 full- time) - Wyval Rosamilia - ext. 7737. Security officer (2 full- time) - Tim Kerr ext. 7749. Indian Head Casino The following are posi- tions advertised with the In- dian Head Casino: Slot keyperson (3 full- time positions) - Contact Kyle Schackmann 541- 460-7777 ext. 7724. Busser - Heather Cody ext. 7710. Host cashier (part-time) - Heather. Line cook - Peggy Faria ext. 7726. Server (2 part-time) - Heather. Plateau Travel Plaza The following positions are advertised with the Pla- teau Travel Plaza: Security officer - Con- tact Doug Super 541-777- 2818. Line cook lead - Esten Culpus - 541-777-2817. Line cook - Esten. Warm Springs Community Calendar Brought to you by KWSO 91.9 FM Thursday, August 1 The Senior Wellness Center is having Senior lunch at noon . Seniors 60 and older eat for free, 59 and under are $5 and youth under 13 are $3 at the Senior Wellness Cen- ter. There is an Alcoholics Anonymous meeting to- day at noon at the Behav- ioral Health Center; and a Narcotics Anonymous meeting at 6 p.m. at the Shaker Church. Friday, August 2 Senior citizen fitness classes are held Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 10:45 at the Senior build- ing. After class, partici- pants can eat brunch. There is a Behavior Health Walk-In Clinic today. Appointments are available between 1 and 5 p.m. The medical social workers at the clinic can help with screenings, as- sessments, crisis inter- vention and many other things for children, ado- lescents and adults. Saturday, August 3 The Madras Farmers and Artisans Market is today from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Sahalee Park. There is an Alcohol- ics Anonymous meeting this morning at 10 at Community Counseling. Sunday, August 4 Warm Springs Chris- tian Fellowship meets this morning at 10 at the Senior Center. The Warm Springs Baptist Church has Sun- day School at 10, and Worship Service at 11 this morning. The Warm Springs Food Bank is located at the Presbyterian Church. They are open from 11:30-1:30 today. All food banks and pantries do take donations of non- perishable food or cash Monday, August 5 Senior fitness class is this morning at 10:45 at the Senior Center. Partici- pants are invited to eat brunch after. There is Women’s Prayer Group at the Presbyterian Church from 12:15-12:45 today. All women are welcome. The Warm Springs Native Aspirations Pre- vention Coalition will hold its monthly meeting today at noon at the Emer- gency Management Building. Warm Springs Com- munity Health at the Health and Wellness Cen- ter has a Behavior Health Clinic every Mon- day and Friday. Walk-in appointments are avail- able between 1 and 5 p.m. Warm Vocational Re- habilitation will have an orientation session today at 3 in the Culture and Heritage Building confer- ence room, second floor. Those who cannot make it to one of the scheduled weekly sessions, call 541-553-4952 to request a one-on-one orientation. Central Oregon Com- munity College’s Redmond campus is hosting an information session on its Allied Health programs from 5:30-6:30 p.m. in building 3, Room 306. The health programs covered will in- clude dental assistant, massage therapy, medi- cal assistant, pharmacy technician and veterinary technician. It is not nec- essary to be enrolled at COCC to attend this ses- sion. Reservations are not required. Tuesday, August 6 The Jefferson County Food Bank is located at 556 SE Seventh Street in Madras. They are open for distribution this after- noon. Warm Springs Voc Re- hab will hold an orientation session today at 3 in the Behavioral Health Center conference room. Those who cannot make it to one of the scheduled weekly sessions can call 541-553- 4952 to request a one-on- one orientation. There is a Warriors for Wellbriety meeting this evening at High Lookee Lodge. They have drum practice at 6:30 and the meeting is at 7:30. Childbirth Education Class is today from noon to 1 p.m. at the Family Resource Center. This is a three-week series that fo- cuses on Pregnancy; La- bor and Delivery; and Mom and Baby Care. To learn more or find out when the series starts, contact Allie Anderson, MCH Nurse at 541-553-2460. Wednesday, August 7 There is Senior Fitness Class this morning at 10:45 at the Senior Center. Fol- lowing class, participants can enjoy a meal. Warm Springs Christian Fellowship has Bible study at 6 p.m. at the Se- nior Center. The Warm Springs Bap- tist Church has Bible Study and Prayer this evening at 6. Indianpreneurship classes are coming up August 17 adn 24 at the Community Action Team office. This program teaches the basics you need to know to start your own business. They will cover all 12 lessons over the two Satur- days from 9am to 4:30 p.m. Call 541-553-3148 to sign up.