Spilyay Tymoo, Warm Springs, Oregon Food cart trainer/manager (Continued from page 8) · Provide trainees with daily training in food prepa- ration. Provide culinary training, using a variety of techniques, ingredients, and recipes. · Provide training in menu preparation; mentor trainees in the preparation of their own menus. · Supervise trainees and interns (Allowing them to work in the food cart from 9 am – 4 pm daily) and pro- vide training in customer ser- vice. · Work with WSCAT staff to ensure trainees re- ceive financial management and bookkeeping training for managing a food busi- ness/food cart. Goal is to ensure trainees not only make excellent food, but also make money. · Work with WSCAT staff to ensure trainees re- ceive business planning/ Indianpreneurship training. · Refer eligible commu- nity members to WSCAT’s IDA program, so that they may save money towards the acquisition of assets for their food-based busi- nesses. · Ensure trainees are en- rolled in WSCAT’s financial skills courses and that they receive financial coaching/ counseling. 2. Operating a profitable food cart: · Set up food cart, in- July 17, 2019 cluding layout of site, ensur- ing community members have a pleasant dining and community gathering space. · Co-develop visual de- sign of cart, work with WSCAT team to ensure thoughtful branding of the cart. · Co-develop a plan to utilize local and Native American-sourced ingredi- ents: involve Warm Springs community members (and/ or people from other tribes) in the production of plants and meats to be used as in- gredients. · Purchase needed sup- plies and equipment for food cart. · Ensure cart is open with reliable, regular hours. · Develop menu (which may include elk, buffalo, salmon, and other Native American/Warm Springs- influenced foods) · Co-develop marketing plan. · Ensure appropriate dis- posal of gray water, cook- ing oil, and garbage, in com- pliance with CTWS tribal laws and regulations · Ensure food is pre- pared in compliance with all applicable safety rules, regu- lations, and laws. · Co-develop a plan to involve youth in the train- ing, and to potentially train food ser vice workers, cooks, and managers for other Warm Springs-based businesses. Page 9 state and tribal laws pertain- ing to food safety. Knowledge and skills in principles and practice of customer service, and skill at training interns to provide great customer service. Ability to prepare deli- cious, nutritious meals, and skill at teaching and training in food safety and the culi- nary arts. Ability to maintain a good record-keeping system and manage the accounts of a food cart. Ability to work indepen- dently and as a team mem- ber. Other requirements: Qualifications: Ability to perform gen- eral maintenance and repair of food cart equipment. Knowledge of federal, Must possess a valid driver’s license and meet all WSCAT insurance require- ments. Ability to lift up to 50 pounds and to work in an occasionally cramped, hot work environment. Must be bondable and insurable. Must agree to (by signa- ture) all rules and require- ments of WSCAT’s drug and alcohol policy. If interested: Please submit resume to WSCAT at chris@wscat.org or demus@wscat.org Salary will be discussed at interview. Closing date is July 31, 2019. Interviews will occur in early August. Hiring de- cision will be made by Au- gust 15, 2019. For questions, please con- tact Chris Watson, WSCAT Executive Director, at 541- 553-3148. In the Tribal Court of the Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs Please note: All hearings are conducted at the Warm Springs Tribal Court. SHIRALDA CHARLEY, Petitioner. TO: SHIRALDA CHARLEY, CARSON FOSTER; Case No. DD150- 18. YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that a FILIA- TION has been scheduled with the Warm Springs Tribal Court. By this notice you are summoned to appear in this matter at a hearing scheduled for the 20 TH day of AU- GUST, 2019 @ 10:30 AM Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs, Plaintiff, vs. Clifford Fuentes, Defendant; Case No. CV47-18.TO: Clifford Fuentes: YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that a Show Cause Hearing has been sched- uled with the Warm Springs Tribal Court. By this notice you are summoned to appear in this matter at a hearing sched- uled for August 20, 2019, 8:00 a.m. Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs, Plaintiff, vs. Dondi Hoptowit, Defen- dant; Case No. CR722-18. TO: Dondi Hoptowit: YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that a Show Cause Hearing has been sched- uled with the Warm Springs Tribal Court. By this notice you are summoned to appear in this matter at a hearing sched- uled for August 20, 2019, 8:00 a.m. Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs, Plaintiff, vs. Elysebeth Scott-Boise, De- fendant; Case No. CR749-18. TO: Elysebeth Scott-Boise: YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that a Show Cause Hearing has been sched- uled with the Warm Springs Tribal Court. By this notice you are summoned to appear in this matter at a hearing sched- uled for August 20, 2019, 8:00 a.m. Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs, Plaintiff, vs. Roberta Williams, Defen- dant; Case No. CR202-19. TO: Roberta Williams: YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that a Show Cause Hearing has been sched- uled with the Warm Springs Tribal Court. By this notice you are summoned to appear in this matter at a hearing sched- uled for August 20, 2019, 8:00 a.m. Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs, Plaintiff, vs. Roberta Williams, Defen- dant; Case No. CR202-19. TO: Roberta Williams: YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that a Criminal Arraignment has been resched- uled with the Warm Springs Tribal Court. By this notice you are summoned to appear in this matter at a hearing sched- uled for August 20, 2019, 8:00 a.m. Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs, Plaintiff, vs. Elysebeth Scott-Boise, De- fendant; Case No. CR749-18. TO: Elysebeth Scott-Boise: YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that a Criminal Arraignment has been resched- uled with the Warm Springs Tribal Court. By this notice you are summoned to appear in this matter at a hearing sched- uled for August 20, 2019, 8:00 a.m. J A Y C E WALLULATUM SR., Peti- tioner, vs. LORRAINE SUPPAH, RESPONDENT; Case No. DO107-09. TO: JAYCE WALLULATUM SR., LORRAINE SUPPAH, MARYANN BRITO: YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that a MODIFI- CATION HEARING has been filed with the Warm Springs Tribal Court. By this notice you are summoned to appear in this matter at a hear- ing scheduled for the 29 TH day of AUGUST,2019 @ 3:00 PM CTWS, Petitioner, vs. URSELA RUSSELL, RE- SPONDENT; Case No. JV10-18. TO: URSELA RUSSELL: YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that a PERMA- NENCY HEARING has been filed with the Warm Springs Tribal Court. By this notice you are summoned to appear in this matter at a hearing sched- uled for the 7 TH day of AU- GUST, 2019 @ 9:00 AM CTWS, Petitioner, vs. CHARLIE WAINANWIT, A N T O I N E T T E TALLBULL, RESPON- DENT; Case No. JV38-11; DO60-13. TO: CHARLIE W A I N A N W I T , A N T O I N E T T E TALLBULL: YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that an PERMA- NENCY HEARING has been filed with the Warm Springs Tribal Court. By this notice you are summoned to appear in this matter at a hearing sched- uled for the 15 TH day of AU- GUST, 2019 @ 10:00 AM CTWS, Petitioner, vs. LEONA TENORIO, RE- SPONDENT; Case No. JV81-15; JV82-15. TO: LEONA TENORIO, MAR- TIN MEDINA: YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that a CUS- TODY REVIEW has been filed with the Warm Springs Tribal Court. By this notice you are summoned to appear in this matter at a hearing sched- uled for the 21 ST day of AU- GUST, 2019 @ 4:00 PM CTWS, Petitioner, vs. JANELL WALLULATUM, RESPONDENT; Case No. JV89-06. TO: JANELL WALLULATUM, RANDOLPH SCHIRMER, ANTHONY FLU, BONNIE FLU: YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that a AS- SISTED GUARDIANSHIP REVIEW has been filed with the War m Springs Tribal Court. By this notice you are summoned to appear in this matter at a hearing scheduled for the 21 ST day of AUGUST, 2019 @ 9:00 AM CTWS, Petitioner, vs. EDNA WINISHUT, RE- SPONDENT; Case No. JV107-04. TO:EDNA WINISHUT: YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that a CUS- TODY REVIEW has been filed with the Warm Springs Tribal Court. By this notice you are summoned to appear in this matter at a hearing sched- uled for the 21 ST day of AU- GUST, 2019 @ 3:00 PM VANESSA GEORGE, Petitioner, vs. JAMES CRAIG, RESPONDENT; Case No. RO28-19. TO: VANESSA GEORGE, JAMES CRAIG: YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that a RE- STRAINING ORDER has been filed with the Warm Springs Tribal Court. By this notice you are summoned to appear in this matter at a hear- ing scheduled for the 20 TH day of AUGUST, 2019 at 3:30 PM LOUISE KATCHIA, Pe- titioner, vs. DESMOND KATCHIA, Respondent; Case No. DO85-19. TO: LOUISE KATCHIA, DESMOND KATCHIA, VOCS: YOU ARE HEREBY NO- TIFIED that a ELDER PRO- TECTION ORDER has been scheduled with the Warm Springs Tribal Court. By this notice you are summoned to appear in this matter at a hear- ing scheduled for the 13 TH day of AUGUST, 2019 @ 11:30 AM CTWS, Petitioner, vs. AMANDA SWITZLER, Respondent; Case No. JV19- 07. TO: AMANDA SWITZLER, CANDRA & JOHN PHILIBERT, CPS, JV PROS: YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that a MODIFI- CATION has been scheduled with the Warm Springs Tribal Court. By this notice you are summoned to appear in this matter at a hearing scheduled for the 26 TH day of AU- GUST, 2019 @ 11:00 AM CTWS, Petitioner, vs. E D W A R D WEASELHEAD, Respon- dent; Case No. JV79,80-12. TO: EDWARD WEASELHEAD: YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that a CUS- TODY REVIEW has been scheduled with the Warm Springs Tribal Court. By this notice you are summoned to appear in this matter at a hear- ing scheduled for the 29 TH day of AUGUST, 2019 @ 10:00 AM DARRYL SMITH, Peti- tioner, vs. DENNIS SMITH SR., Respondent; Case No. DO74-19. TO: DENNIS SMITH JR, CHERYL SMITH, DANIEL SMITH, EMMITT SMITH, MARCIA SOLIZ: YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that a CONSER- VATOR GUARDIAN HEARING has been sched- uled with the Warm Springs Tribal Court. By this notice you are summoned to appear in this matter at a hearing sched- uled for the 27 TH day of AUGUST, 2019 @ 3:00 PM DELLA SQUIMPHEN, Petitioner, vs. JEREMY HOWARD, Respondent; Case No. JV19,20,21,22-18. TO: DELLA SQUIMPHEN, JEREMY HOWARD, CPS, JV PROS: YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that a MODIFI- CATION has been scheduled with the Warm Springs Tribal Court. By this notice you are summoned to appear in this matter at a hearing scheduled for the 6 TH day of SEPTEM- BER, 2019 @ 11:00 AM JOHNNY SMITH, Peti- tioner, vs. ANGELEDITH SMITH, Respondent; Case No. DO80-19. TO: ANGELEDITH SMITH, JOHNNY SMITH: YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that a DISSO- LUTION OF MARRIAGE has been scheduled with the Warm Springs Tribal Court. By this notice you are summoned to appear in this matter at a hearing scheduled for the 14 TH day of AUGUST, 2019 @ 9:00 AM ORVIE & SHELIA DANZUKA, Petitioner, vs. ERNESTINE RUIZ SWITZLER, Respondent. TO: ERNESTINE RUIZ SWITZLER, ORVIE & SHELIA DANZUKA, JAYCE ALLEN: YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that a EMER- GENCY MODIFICATION has been filed with the Warm Springs Tribal Court. By this notice you are summoned to appear in this matter at a hear- ing scheduled for the 12 TH day of August, 2019 @ 1:00 PM PROBATE In the matter of the es- tate of Jacklyn V. Langley, W.S., U/A, deceased. Estate no. 2014-PR16. To Jack Lan- gley, Linda Langley and Derek Kelly: You are hereby notified that an informal pro- bate hearing is scheduled for July 25, 2019 at 11 a.m. In the matter of the es- tate of William M. Rhoan, W.S., U/A, deceased. Estate no. 2018-PR31: Notice is hereby given that William M. Rhoan, who at the time of his death last known residence was 1705 Foster St., Warm Springs, OR, died on the 14 day of August, 2018 and that the above entitled court has appointed Valerie Squiemphen as public admin- istrator. In the matter of the es- tate of Urbana Ross, W.S., U/A, deceased. Estate no. 2018-PR34. Notice is hereby given that Urbana Ross, who at the time of her death last known residence was 6648 Wolf Point, Warm Springs OR., died on the 1 st day of September 2018 and the court has appointed Howard Arnett as the public administrator. In the matter of the es- tate of Raymond R. Sam- Smith, W.S., U/A, deceased. Estate no. 2018-PR32. Notice is hereby given that Raymond R. Sam-Smith, who at the time of his death last known resi- dence was 2629 Juniper St., Warm Springs, OR, died on the 27 th day of August, 2018 and the court has appointed Valerie Squiemphen as public administrator. In the matter of the es- tate of Aurelia Stacona, W.S., U/A, deceased. Estate no. 2019-PR04. To Donnell Frank, Cr ystal Scott, Charles Scott, Cigany Scott, Er vanna Little Eagle, Ramon Stacona, Deshawn Little Eagle, Ramona Stacona, Jeryn Little Eagle, Keith Moody, Damean Frank, Keith Moody Jr., Adrianna Ursua, Catalyeya Ursua, Nadine Moody, Kiana Moody, Tieyenia Padraza-Scott, Lawrence Squiemphen III: You are hereby notified that an informal probate hear- ing is scheduled for August 8, 2019 at 11 a.m. In the matter of the estate of Calvin W. Queahpama, W.S., U/A, deceased. Esttae no. 009- PR09-08. Affidavit of giv- ing notice of final account and order setting time for filing objections was posted on July 16, 2019.