E Coosh EEWA: The way it is Page 4 Spilyay Tymoo July 17, 2019 Letters to the editor A thank you from Pi-Ume-Sha Rodeo T he Warm Springs Rodeo Association would like to thank its sponsors and those that helped make the Fifti- eth Annual Pi-Ume-Sha All Indian Rodeo a success: The Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs, Warm Springs Telecom, Trina Wheeler, White Swan, Wash., War m Springs Power and Wa- ter Enterprises, Indian Head Casino, War m Springs Composite Products, the War m Springs Credit Enter- prise, Karnopp Peterson Attorneys, and DMJ Automotive. Also: Mike and Mary Emhoola, Emhoola Trucking, Jesse Reese, Dustin Suppah, Jay Suppah, Trevor Hurtado, Larry Switzler, William ‘Taco’ Sam, Col- leen Sandoval, Starla and Kamussa Green, Alyssa Macy, Nicole Bitsilly, Jace Harry, Hoss Gibson, Kim Just, Fay Hurtado, Emerson Culpus, Harry Hisatake, Our economy In Warm Springs our un- employment is very high and our natural resources—our timber cut is low. Our saw- mill is history, our resort never has produced. Our fifty million dollars for a Gorge casino at Cascade Locks is in someone’s per- sonal bank. What happened to our cannabis operation after all these years? And the same with our drones and revenue. Well maybe we need more dreams and schemes such as a real tribally owned super- market. This idea has been in the talking stages for too long like forty to fifty years ago. There are at least two tribes who have very suc- cessful supermarkets and shopping centers. There is another market in town but that’s OK because large ca- sinos in Vegas are side by side and they do OK. We need an asset like a supermarket etc. to draw some of those thousands of cars which just pass by ev- eryday and which will draw the local population who just jump into their cars and spend their money in the region’s big stores. Highway traffic gets heavier every year. We need a good reason for families to stop and for the local monies to stay on the Rez and as they say Lo- Linda Larson photos 2019 Pi-Ume-Sha Rodeo action. Garrett Greene, Daniel Gilbert, Liana and Mike Holyan, Kecia Florendo, Alfredine Smith, Avonn Garcia, and Damon Garcia. Also” Angela Tohet, Fay Hurtado, Asa Maldonado, cation is everything. A trib- ally owned enterprise with a supermarket, shopping center, Laundromat and general merchandise would be an excellent draw if prices are competitive. And a lot of locals would be employed. It could be a re- ality. Hopefully it won’t be in the talking stages for an- other forty or fifty years. Awe-Na - Anthony Littleleaf Community notes... The Senior Citizen Pic- nic is this Thursday, July 18 at the Community Center pavilion, starting at noon. Seniors 60 and older eat for free, 59 and under are $5, and youth under 13 are $3. July 31 is the deadline to submit boarding school applications. Meanwhile, War m Springs GED classes start on September 23 at the Education building. Call Higher Education to add your name to the fall list, 541-553-3311. Applications are avail- able at Higher Education, 1110 Wasco Street, room 306. Phone 541-553-3311. Email: carroll.dick@wstribes.org Spilyay Tymoo (Coyote News, Est. 1976) Publisher Emeritus in Memorium: Sid Miller Editor: Dave McMechan Spilyay Tymoo is published bi-weekly by the Con- federated Tribes of Warm Springs. Our offices are located at 4174 Highway 3 in Warm Springs. Any written materials submitted to Spilyay Tymoo should be addressed to: Spilyay Tymoo, P.O. Box 489, Warm Springs, OR 97761. Phone: 541-553-2210 or 541-771-7521 E-Mail: david.mcmechan@wstribes.org. Annual Subscription rates: Within U.S.: $20.00 Oliver Pimms, Isaac Mitchell, Joel Knapp, John Guerrero, Cody Barney, Aldo Garcia, Brianna Moore, Gladys Graybael, Kristin Tom, Edison Yazzie, Zane Wil- son. If we missed anyone please know that your help was very much ap- preciated. Jimmy Tohet Jr. Rodeo Association president, JE Florendo vice president, and Cher yl Tom, secre- tary-treasurer. The U.S. Census is com- ing up in 2020, and the Census Bureau is seeking to fill census taker po- sitions, including jobs here in War m Springs. The application process is easy. You can apply online at: 2020census.gov/jobs If you need help, just call 1-855-562-2020. If you have unused or expired medications you need to get rid of, the Warm Springs Health and Wellness Center has a MedSafe drop box to dis- pose of old meds. Bring them to large blue box located in the pharmacy waiting area to safely dis- pose of unneeded medica- tions. Movie Night The Tananáwit Warm Springs artists co-op is hosting an outdoor movie night fundraiser this Thurs- day, July 18 at the Warm Springs Community Ac- tion Team building on cam- pus. They are showing the movie Captain Marvel at 7:30. Cost is $3, kids 12 and under is $1. They will accept can and bottle do- nations as payment as well. Norman A. Nathan In memor y of his seventh year in Heaven ~ August 8, 1937 – July 18, 2012 ~ If I could visit heaven even for a day, Maybe for a moment the pain would go away. I’d put my ar ms around you and whis- per words so true— That living life without you is the hardest thing I do. No matter how I spend my days, no matter what I do, No morning dawns or evening falls when I do not think of you. Forever in my heart and always loved, Renee Hogan Krstovich SMART in W.S. Start Making A Reader Today—SMART—is re- launching in Warm Springs, and is now looking for vol- unteer readers. SMART is a statewide non-profit children’s literacy organization pairing volun- teers with kids ages pre-k through third-grades for one- on-one reading time and books to keep. The SMART model is re- search based, and is about making reading fun and en- joyable for kids. The kids in our programs receive a minimum of 14 books to keep throughout the year. We are teaming up with Katie Boyle who coordinates the k-8 after-school program in Warm Springs to offer the program beginning this fall. Our programs are all vol- unteer run, and we are look- ing for readers! Our goal is to serve as many students as we can, but that is dependent on how many volunteers we can recruit. Readers will read for two 30-minute sessions one day each week. If you would like to volunteer, or would like more informa- tion, talk with Pinky Beamer, Warm Springs SMART am- bassador. Or talk with Katie at the War m Springs Academy. Thank you! Stephanie Rohdy, pro- gram manager, Central Area SMART. 541-797-7726. Email: srohdy@getsmartoregon. org Births Birth Preston R. Johnson Jr. Preston Johnson and Destiny Summer of Madras are pleased to announce the birth of their son Preston R. Johnson Jr., born on July 9, 2019. Preston Jr. joins brother David, 4. Grandparents on the father’s side are Marcia and Ricky Minthorn of Warm springs. Grandparents on the mother’s side are Albert ‘Abby’ Summer Jr., and Ruth Castriotta of Warm Springs. Kol-lin Christy Chee Morales Jose Morales Jr. and Charlene Chee of Warm Springs are pleased to an- nounce the birth of their daughter Kol-lin Christy Chee Morales, born on July 2, 2019. Kol-lin joins brother Ione, 8; and sisters Mahayla, 11, and Robin, 10. Grandparent on the father’s side is Lorna LeClaire. Grandparents on the mother’s side are Charlie Chee Jr.; and Sarah Ike and Britton Metrokin. At Council The following are some of the items on the Tribal Coun- cil agenda for the rest of July (subject to change at Council discretion): Monday, July 22 9 a.m.: Enrollments with Lucille Suppach-Samson of Vital Statistics. 10: Tribal water project with Direlle Calica. Monday, July 29 9 a.m.: June financial overview with Alfred Estimo and Dennis Johnson. 10: Draft resolutions with the Secretary-Treasurer. 1:30 p.m.: Legislative up- date calls. Items for further con- sideration: Affiliated Tribes of Northwest Indians Cli- mate Change Summit. Free legal aid The Native American program at the Legal Aid Services of Oregon is offer- ing free civil legal services in specialized areas to eligible tribal members. The next intake clinic in Warm Springs will be from 10 a.m. to noon this Fri- day, July 19 at the Com- munity Action Team office. Walk-ins are welcome. For information call 541-553- 3148. Sanitation Warm Springs Sanitation reminds residents to bring your garbage totes to the road on your scheduled pick up days. And please remember that totes are for garbage only—No yard debris or grass clippings. For infor- mation call 541- 553-4943. Warm Springs Recreation this month hosted a great afternoon of kids’ games, water sports, a barbecue and more. Recreation hosted the activities following the Warm Springs Fourth of July Parade. And in the evening, the day concluded with the spectacular fireworks show. Call to artists The month of August at Art Adventure Gallery in Madras will feature the many talented artists who live in and around Jefferson County. Artists may submit up to four pieces in any me- dium. Two dimensional work should be framed, wired and ready for hang- ing. Application forms are available at the gallery, or may be downloaded from the website: artadventuregallery.com Opening reception will be Thursday evening, Au- gust 1, from 5:30-7. 11: August agenda/re- view minutes. 1:30 p.m.: Secretary-Trea- surer and Chief Operations Officer updates with Michele Stacona and Alyssa Macy. 2:30: Warm Springs Ven- tures update with Leslie Davis and Ben Bisland. Jayson Smith photos