Page 2 Spilyay Tymoo, Warm Springs, Oregon New tribal committee members on board T he Twenty-Eighth Tribal Committees of the Confed- erated Tribes took office on Monday. After the swearing-in, the committees met at the Agency Longhouse to elect their officers, and conduct initial business of the new term. War m Springs Chief Delvis Heath gave the invo- cation; and Governmental Affairs director Louis Pitt introduced the new committes. The tribal committees take the oath to two consti- tutions, Mr. Pitt said: The Tribal Constitution, and the U.S. Constitution. And the committees have two bosses, he said: The membership, and the Tribal Council, who made the ap- pointments by resolution last week. Here are the new Dave McMechan/Spilyay Lori Anderson, BIA Agency superintendent, administers the Oath at the Agency Longhouse. committees and their mem- bers: · Culture and Heritage Committee: Paiute—Myra Johnson-Orange and Lonnie ‘Rosie’ Tom. Wasco— Radine Johnson and Lepha Council summaries (The following are summa- ries of recent Tribal Council meetings.) July 8, 2019 The meeting was called to order at 9:30 a.m. by Chair man Raymond Tsumpti. Roll call: Chief Delvis Health, Chief Alfred Smith Jr., Chair man Raymond Tsumpti, Vice Chair Lola Sohappy, Brigette McConville, Wilson Wewa Jr., Glendon Smith, Lincoln Jay Suppah, and Raymond Moody. Minnie Yahtin, Recorder. · Columbia River Inter- tribal Fish Commission briefing. · Carbon Sequestration Options. Other Business: · Discussion on the 2020 operations budgets. · Environmental Protec- tion Agency and Confeder- ated Tribes of War m Springs leadership meeting. · Tribal Attorney update. · Indigenous Capital Fund update. Other Business: · Motion by Glendon to bring Ventures into Tribal Council regarding plans for the Enterprise and their money (grant/loan) from Business Oregon. Second by Brigette; (noted they will come in on July 22). Ques- tion: 8/0/0, Chairman not voting. Motion carried. Motion by Brigette to adjourn at 5:10 p.m. July 9 The meeting was called to order at 9:11 a.m. by Chair- man Raymond Tsumpti. Roll call: Chief Delvis Heath, Chief Joseph Moses, Chief Alfred Smith Smith. War m Springs— Lorraine Suppah and Carlos Calica. · Education Commit- tee: Ardis Clark, Taw Foltz, and Deanie Smith. · Off Reservation Fish Jr., Chair man Raymond Tsumpti, Vice Chair Lola Sohappy, Brigette McConville, Wilson Wewa Jr., Anita Jackson, Glendon Smith, Lincoln Jay Suppah, and Raymond Moody. Minnie Yahtin, Recorder. · Executive Committee appointments. · Tribal Council Priorities and Proclamation. · Motion by Anita to ad- journ at 4:50 p.m. July 10 The meeting was called to order at 9:16 a.m. by Chair man Raymond Tsumpti. Roll call: Chief Delvis Heath, Chief Joseph Moses, Chairman Raymond Tsumpti, Brigette McConville, Wilson Wewa Jr., Anita Jackson, Glendon Smith, Lincoln Jay Suppah. Minnie Yahtin and Madeline Jim, Recorders. Executive Committee Appointment Resolutions: and Wildlife Committee: Bruce Jim Sr., Emerson Squiemphen and Ryan Smith Sr. · On Reservation Fish and Wildlife Committee: Ron Suppah Sr., Raphael Queahpama and Stanley Simtustus Sr. · Health and Welfare Committee: Janice Clements, Catherine Katchia and Eugene Austin Greene Jr. · Land Use Planning Committee: Evaline Patt, Lyle Katchia and Jonathan W. Smith. · Range, Irrigation and Agriculture Committee: Delford Johnson, Flint Scott and Terry Squiemphen. · Timber Committee: Luther Clements, Anthony Holliday Sr. and Levi VanPelt. · Motion by Anita adopt- ing Resolution No. 12,606 appointing committees as it may deem necessary for properly conducting the busi- ness of the Tribal Council to membership on those committees as it shall deem appropriate. · Motion by Glendon adopting Resolution No. 12,607 appointing Bruce Jim Sr., Emerson Squiemphen and Ryan Smith Sr., as the represen- tatives of the Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs as Commissioners on the Co- lumbia River Intertribal Fish Commission, with noted ed- its. Second by Brigette. Question: 7/0/0, Chairman not voting. Motion carried. · An update was given on the water issues. · Twenty-Eighth Tribal Council Priority and Proc- lamation Planning. Motion by Brigette to ad- journ at 12:02 p.m. July 17, 2019 Warm Springs horses feature at foal workshop A nna Twinney is a re- nowned authority on equine behavior. She is a highly re- spected teacher and au- thor, known for fostering connection through com- passion and communica- tion between people and their animals. Next month Ms. Twinney will host a foal workshop—the annual Reach Out to Horses Foal Gentling Work- shop—in Central Or- egon. And for the fourth year, for her workshop she is using horses from the Warm Springs Reser- vation. The Confederated Tribes-Branch of Natu- ral Resources a few years ago conducted a multi-year horse re- moval program on the reservation. The program resulted in the removal of hun- dreds of horse from the reservation, the purpose being to protect and re- claim fish and wildlife habitat. Results of the pro- gram have demontsrated its success, with im- proved fish, wildlife and native plant habitats, Natural Resources has reported. The War m Springs Horse Coalition, based in Madras, grew out of the tribal horse removal pro- gram. The goal of the coali- tion is to find homes for horses, especially those removed from the reser- vation. The Horse Coalition is providing the horses for Ms. Twinney’s Central Oregon clinic, August 17- 23 in Bend. Tribal Councilman Councilman Jay Suppah and Anson Begay, of the Branch of Natural Resources, rounded up horses a couple of weeks ago for the event. Jay Suppah and Anson Begay, of the Branch of Natural Resources, rounded up horses a couple of weeks ago for the event. What sets Ms. Twinney’s workshop apart from other foal training clinics is the horses: She and her students work each year with foals from wild herds. Anna and her students will work to introduce a group of foals to basic vet care concepts, haltering, leading, grooming, and plenty of petting and at- tention. The purpose is to ready the foals for adop- tion, and to create a foun- dation of trust that will help them have success- ful and fulfilled lives with their human companions. A portion of the pro- ceeds from the workshop will aid the Warm Springs Horse Network in their care of foals and other horses from reservation lands. This year’s event will be at the Renegade Equine Ranch in Bend, owned by Reach Out to Horses certified instruc- tor Katie Dixon. For information on the attending Ms. Twnney’s Foal Gentling workshop, contact Vincent Mancarella. Her email is: Vin@ReachOuttoHorses. com Warm Springs Community Calendar Brought to you by KWSO 91.9 FM Thursday, July 18 There is a food handler’s class today from 10 a.m. to noon at the Health and Wellness Center atrium. There will be another on July 24. Thursday’s noon fit- ness classes at the Com- munity Center are Func- tional Fitness in the social hall, and Boot Camp in the Aerobics room. There is an Alcoholics Anonymous meeting to- day at noon at the Behav- ioral Health Center, and a Narcotics Anonymous meeting at 6 p.m. at the Shaker Church. Friday, July 19 There is Senior Fitness Class at 10:45 this morn- ing at the Senior Center. After class a meal will be provided to participants. Today’s menu is barbecue pork sandwiches, cole slaw, eggplant fries and fruit. Friday Fitness options today include Functional Fitness class at 12:10 in the Community Center Aerobics room, and Pi-Yo class at 12:10 in the atrium at the clinic. Personal training is now available: Call Community Wellness at 541-553-3589 or Joe Arthur 553-3243 for details. The Warm Springs Outdoor Market will be set up from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. on campus next to the Community Action Team office, on the corner of Paiute Ave. and Warm Springs St. Interested ven- dors should contact Emily Courtney at 541-553-3148. There is a Behavior Health Walk-In Clinic to- day. Appointments are available between 1 and 5 p.m. The Medical Social Workers at the clinic can help with screenings, as- sessments, crisis interven- tion and many other things for children, adolescents and adults. Saturday, July 20 The Madras Farmers and Artisans Market is today from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Sahalee Park. There is an Alcoholics Anonymous meeting this morning at 10 at Commu- nity Counseling. Sunday, July 21 Warm Springs Chris- tian Fellowship meets this morning at 10 at the Senior Center. The Warm Springs Bap- tist Church has Sunday School at 10, and Wor- ship Service at 11 this morning. The Warm Springs Food Bank is located at the Presbyterian Church. They are open from 11:30- 1:30 today. All food banks and pantries do take dona- tions of non-perishable food or cash Childbirth Education Class is from noon to 1 p.m. at the Family Re- source Center. This is a three-week series that fo- cuses on Pregnancy, La- bor & Delivery, and Mom & Baby Care. To learn more or find out when the series starts, contact Allie Anderson, MCH Nurse at 541-553-2460. Monday, July 22 There is Senior Fit- ness class today at 10:45 a.m. at the Senior Center. Participants are invited to eat a meal after. Today they are having black bean spinach casserole, mixed salad and fresh fruit. Courtesy photo Anna Twinney workshop in August