E Coosh EEWA: The way it is Page 4 Spilyay Tymoo July 3, 2019 Letters to the editor Warm Springs Business Talk Family Jamboree A Family Jamboree Day—for Warm Springs In- credible Families—is coming up in August. There will be a talent show, hosted by Blue Flamez, with prizes for con- testants. There will be jump- ing houses, rock climbing, music and more. New this year: An Out- door Market and food ven- dors. The Jamboree Day is hosted by Warm Springs Recreation, Tananawit, and Health and Human Services. Family Jamboree Day will be from 3 to 7 p.m. at the community center on Au- gust 15. For more infor- mation contact Carol Sahme, Recreational Coor- dinator, 541-553-3243. For vendor sign-ups, con- tact Emily Courtney at the Community Action Team, 541-553-3148. Email: emily@wscat.org Heart Healthy St. Charles Health Care will host the Heart Healthy Heroes Club in War m Springs on August 13, 20 and 27 at the IHS clinic. Cost is free to anyone with heart disease or a chronic condition that affects your heart. Family members who would like to learn more are also welcome. What you will gain: Basic knowledge about the heart—how it works, and when it doesn’t. Heart medi- cation management, nutrition and exercise information, customized for people with chronic conditions. Tips on saving money on heart-healthy foods. And you will make new friends in a comfortable, relaxed envi- ronment where sharing sto- ries and experiences in en- couraged. For information contact St. Charles Heart Failure Nurse Navigators: Amy Chadwick or Amy Reed, phone 541-706-2989. akchadwick@st.charleshealthcare. org You can register at: stcharleshealthcare.org Click on ‘classes and events.’ Space is limited so please register in advance. Field trips War m Springs Recre- ation is planning field trips for young people over the summer. Some of the des- tinations include: The Clackamas Aquatic Center, Oaks Park, Multnomah Falls and the Bonneville dam. The High Desert Museum and Lava Caves. Movies at Sam Johnson Park. The activities include gym and water play, arts and crafts, the Family Jamboree, game room activities, and the lunch program. The lunch program is available Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays, starting on July 1. Children need to be signed up with the Summer Recreation Department in order to participate in any field trips. Other than for some field trips, there is no fee to come to the center. Applications area posted out and located at the center office. Any ques- tions please call 541-553- 3243. At Wildhorse The Umatilla Tribes will host the Twenty-Fifth An- nual Wildhorse Powwow. this Friday through Sunday, July 5-7. The celebration takes place at the Wildhorse Resort & Casino near Pendleton. Grand entry begins at 7 p.m. on Friday, and at 1 p.m. on Saturday and Sun- day. Over $90,000 in cash and prizes will be awarded to outstanding dancers and drummers in a variety of categories. Dancers will compete in Traditional, Fancy, Golden Age, Grass, Chicken, Jingle, and more. Drummers compete in other categories. The host drum this year is Sharp Shooter of St. Paul, Minnesota. Emcees are Thomas Morning Owl, Fred Hill and Jerry Meninick. In conjunction with the powwow, Wildhorse is host- ing Powwow Comedy Night in the Rivers Events Cen- ter this Thursday, July 4. The show will feature comedian Tonia Jo Hall as the headliner. Hall has gained notoriety as her hi- larious alter ego, Auntie Beachress. Marc Yaffee, who has entertained audi- ences for over 20 years, will open the show. Admission is free, show starts at 8 p.m. With the launch of the expansion at Wildhorse Re- sort & Casino, areas usually reserved for vendors and event parking will be occu- pied by contractors. As a result, the outdoor venue has been moved to the open area west of the Wildhorse RV Park. Deadlines July 31 is the deadline to submit boarding school ap- plications for the Chemawa Indian High School, Salem; the Riverside Indian School, Anadarko, Oklahoma; Sher man Indian High School, Riverside, Califor- nia; and the Flandreau In- dian High School, Flandreau, South Dakota Meanwhile, GED classes start on September 23 at the Education building. Call Higher Education to add your name to the fall list, 541-553-3311. Applications are avail- able at Higher Education, 1110 Wasco Street, room 306. Phone 541-553-3311. Email: carroll.dick@wstribes.org Headstones Pioneer Rock and Monu- ment is hosting a contest with the winning prizes be- ing headstones. Pioneer Rock and Monu- ment, based in Goldendale, Washington, will give away one headstone for the oldest unmarked grave in the re- gion. They will also give away one additional head- stone to the person who sub- mits the winning entry. Submit entries by email at: kris@poineerrock.com Or on Facebook at Pio- neer Rock & Monument. Entries must have some kind of verification—pho- tos, cemetery deeds, death records, newspaper articles, etc. The headstones will be sandstone, hand-carved, ap- proximately 18 inches, by 14, by 3. The contest award does not include setting and delivery. The contest ends on November 30. Meals for kids The Summer Food Ser- vice Meal Program is avail- able at the Bridges High School. Breakfast is from 7:45-8:30 a.m.; and lunch from 12-12:30. At the War m Springs Youth Center breakfast is from 8:45-9:15, and lunch 12-12:30. Nutritious meals are free to kids 18 and un- der. Outdoor Market The Warm Springs Friday Outdoor Market continues this Friday, July 5. If you would like to be- come a Warm Springs Fri- day Outdoor Market vendor, please contact the Commu- nity Action Team and Tananáwit at 541-553-3148. After this Friday, the mar- ket will be on July 7 and 19; August 2, 16 and 30; and September 30. Spilyay Tymoo (Coyote News, Est. 1976) Publisher Emeritus in Memorium: Sid Miller Editor: Dave McMechan Spilyay Tymoo is published bi-weekly by the Con- federated Tribes of Warm Springs. Our offices are located at 4174 Highway 3 in Warm Springs. Any written materials submitted to Spilyay Tymoo should be addressed to: Spilyay Tymoo, P.O. Box 489, Warm Springs, OR 97761. Phone: 541-553-2210 or 541-771-7521 E-Mail: david.mcmechan@wstribes.org. Annual Subscription rates: Within U.S.: $20.00 Census jobs in W.S. A U.S. Census is com- ing up in 2020, and the Census Bureau is seeking to fill census taker posi- tions, including jobs here in Warm Springs. The ap- plication process is easy. You can apply online at: 2020census.gov/jobs If you need help, just call 1-855-562-2020. Employees are paid weekly. Mindset, dedication keys for success by Dustin Seyler Business Coach, W.S. Community Action Team Business Talk is giving community members a ba- sic understanding of the process of opening a busi- ness successfully, as well as increasing knowledge of ideal business practices. Part 1: It is crucial for any potential businessperson to have the correct mindset and dedication to work 8 hours plus, 7 days a week in order to succeed. Having a positive mindset helps you get through the difficult times and create a con- ducive atmosphere that your employees will thrive in. You must be willing to put in a 160 percent ef- fort all the time and en- sure those that work for you are performing to the best of their abilities. A successful business owner will always want to have the best product or service in order to retain long-term customers and Summary of Tribal Council June 25, 2019 Meeting was called to order at 1:35 p.m. by Chair- man Raymond Tsumpti (by phone); other members present: Vice Chair Lola Sohappy, Brigette McConville, Lincoln Jay Suppah and Raymond (Captain) Moody; others members on conference call: Glendon Smith and Anita Jackson. Minnie Yahtin, Recorder. Enrollments and re- linquishment: · Motion by Glendon adopting Resolution No. 12,604 enrolling nine indi- viduals. Second by Brigette. Question: 6/0/0, Glendon/yes, Anita/yes, Lola/yes, Lincoln/yes, Cap- tain/yes, Brigette/yes, Chairman not voting. Mo- tion carried. · Motion by Brigette adopting Resolution No. 12,605 approving the relin- quishment of a minor so he can enroll in Lapwai, Idaoh. Second by Lola. Question: 6/0/0, Glendon/yes, Anita/yes, Lola/yes, Captain/yes, Lin- coln/yes, Brigette/yes, Chairman not voting. Mo- tion carried. July agenda. · Motion by Brigette approving the July business agenda, subject to change. Second by Captain. Ques- tion: 6/0/0, Glendon/yes, Anita/yes, Lola/yes, Cap- tain/yes, Lincoln/yes, Brigette/yes, Chairman not voting. Motion carried. · Motion by Brigette approving the July travel delegations, subject to change. Includes 2019 Hemp Business Summit in August in Portland. Second by Anita. Question: 6/0/0, Glendon/yes, Anita/yes, Lola/yes, Captain/yes, Lin- coln/yes, Brigette/yes, Dustin Seyler longevity. You must want to provide whatever prod- uct or service that someone would want to pay for. A teacher has a mindset that they are going to make a difference in the students’ lives and help them blossom into something better. A businessperson must have that similar mindset that you are going to provide the best and be the best. You must feel like you are going to do it better than the competitor. Dedication is also crucial to be successful in business. You must commit to spend Chairman not voting; Mo- tion carried. Motion by Brigette to ad- journ at 2:25 p.m. Sanitation War m Springs Sanitation reminds residents to bring your garbage totes to the road on your scheduled pick up days. And please re- member that totes are for garbage only—No yard de- bris or grass clip- pings. MedSafe If you have unused or expired medications you need to get rid of, the Warm Springs Health and Wellness Center has a MedSafe drop box to dis- pose of old meds. Bring them to large blue box located in the pharmacy waiting area to safely dis- pose of unneeded medica- tions. as many hours as it takes to ensure success which sometimes means you sacrifice leisure. It could also mean that you will give up your weekends and holidays, provided the chance you could make substantial profits. Dedication is a vital component of a success- ful business because typi- cally those that spend the most time working on the business have more prof- its and can adjust to the demands of the custom- ers quicker. These are just two im- portant concepts that a successful business owner must be able to master in order to stand out from the rest and create the greatest chances of suc- cess in the long run. Mindset and dedica- tion are not the only keys to success but a strong foundation in journey that is entrepreneurship. To reach the Community Action Team, stop by their office on campus, 1136 Paiute Ave.; or call 541- 553-3148. Youth meals The Jefferson County 509-J School District sum- mer food service meal pro- gram is available at the Warm Springs Youth Center. Breakfast is from 8:45- 9:15 a.m., and lunch 12- 12:30 p.m. Nutritious meals, free to kids 18 and under. The service is also open weekdays at Bridges in Ma- dras at the Westside School. Breakfast from 7:45-8:30 and lunch is 12-12:30. Being free The next classes in the Being Tobacco Free series in Warm Springs will be on Tuesday and Thursday, July 9 and 11 The session is at noon in the Family Resource Center. Learn about the benefits of living tobacco-free. Every- one is welcome, lunch is pro- vided. Community Acupuncture is on Wednesday, July 10 in the Community Aerobics room. Stop by anytime between 8 and 11:30 a.m.