Spilyay Tymoo, Warm Springs, Oregon May 8, 2019 Fourth Annual Veterans Powwow and Expo T he Eugene “Cougar” Greene Sr. American Legion and Auxiliary No. 48 hosted the Fourth Annual Welcome Home Vietnam Veterans Parade and Expo. Once again this was a wonderful tribute and thank you to our Vietnam Veterans. Thank you Warm Springs Ameri- can Legion. Thanks for inviting us to participate in the parade and the Expo. Myself and several others rode our motorcycles in the parade for the third year now, and are looking for- ward to next year. The planning and work involved in this event has to be huge. To all those who put it together, A special Thank You for the welcome home many of us never received way back when. Many of us now feel proud to have served in an unpopu- lar war. It is events like this that brings us together as comrades once again. Len Parsons , Madras Jayson Smith photos New principal at high school Brian Crook will step into the principal role at Madras High School in July. The current co-principals, Mark Neffendorf and HD Weddel, are retiring at the end of this school year. Currently serving as assistant principal, Mr. Crook says he’s ex- cited to take this next step. “I just love this place,” he said. “We’ve got amazing kids that are fun to be around and fun to work with.” Crook adds, “The staff are out- standing. They believe in our stu- dents and are totally committed to these kids and families.” Crook joined Jefferson County School District in 2016. Before coming to Madras, he spent eight years with Bend-LaPine as principal for High Desert Middle School, and assistant principal for Bend Senior High School. In Redmond, he helped design Redmond High School’s alternative education program; and Obsidian Middle School’s health curriculum. He began his career in 1987 as a teacher for Portland public schools. “Brian has been a huge advo- cate for students and educators within the district and we are for- tunate to have him as principal for Madras High School next year,” said Jefferson County School District Superintendent Ken Parshall. “He is a great leader and will continue the important progress our team has made to help stu- dents succeed.” Over the past several years, Jefferson County School District graduation rates have improved significantly—77 percent at the high school. Page 5