E Coosh EEWA: The way it is Page 4 Spilyay Tymoo May 8, 2019 Letters to the editor An invitation to upcoming flea market Rodeo at 50 Next month the Pi-Ume- Sha Rodeo will celebrate its Fifty Year Anniversary. The rodeo committee is planning a special anniver- sary celebration, inviting families of past and still liv- ing cowboys and cowgirls of Warm Springs. We would like to recog- nize those who have been part with the Pi-Ume-Sha rodeo club and association, as a member or competitor. Anyone interested in spon- soring an event, in your fam- ily member’s name, is wel- come. Please call me for more information, 541-460-0110. Cheryl Tom, Pi-Ume- Sha Rodeo Committee chair- woman. 1910 Church To the community, I would like to notify and pray to let you know we have one minister, Josie Wil- liams. The assistant manager is William Sam. We are the only two who are legally or- dained to do funerals, wed- dings and baptisms for the 1910 Shaker Church. We have our first church elder, Warner Williams Sr.; and second church elder Charley Strom. Our secre- tary-treasurer is Brenda George. We would like you know we are here for you, to pray with you. As new minister of the 1910 Shaker Church, I can be reached at 360-640- 8221. God Bless and thank you, Josie Williams, Minister, 1910 Shaker Church. The Crown The Confederated Tribes is seeking an experienced artist to bead the crown for Miss Warm Springs 2020. Proposals are due in late June. The award will be made to the most well designed proposal, most experienced, best priced and most re- sponsive, responsible bidder using the approved Tribal Contracting process. Artists must briefly de- scribe a list of recently com- pleted projects, accompa- nied by pictures. All bidders must include a sample drawing of the pro- posed crown design. The committee requests that the bead size be no larger than size 13; small sized beads are allowable as well as as- sorted cuts, colors and types but must be specified on the design sample. Cost proposal must in- clude a detailed breakdown for cost of supplies and la- bor hours in a quote/in- voice format. Proposals should not exceed $1,500. Project must be com- pleted and delivered by De- cember 31, 2019. Completed applications should be sent to Norene Sampson, Miss War m Springs Committee at: norenesampson@yahoo.com Or by postal service to Miss Warm Springs Com- mittee, PO Box 455, Warm Springs OR 97761. Native film Wisdom of the Elders, in partnership with the North- west Film Center, will pre- miere two new one-hour programs in its Native Wis- dom Documentary Film Series. The documentaries are about today’s changing cli- mate, and how it is affect- ing Native Oregonians’ tra- ditional foods and resources. The screening will take place at the Whitsell Audi- torium at the Portland Art Museum, 1219 SSW Park Avenue, Portland, on May 18 at 2 p.m. The documentaries fea- ture gifted tribal elders and indigenous scientists and their observations of eco- systems on their reserva- tion and ceded lands where they hunt, fish and gather traditional First Foods and medicines. The films show how tra- ditional ecological knowl- edge is now influencing de- cisions by natural resource managers in Oregon on wildlife and resource man- agement, and how Oregon tribes are leading the way for the nation in habitat and species restoration. Portland-based Wisdom of the Elders, founded by the late Martin High Bear and his wife Rose High Bear, has been collecting Native oral histories, stories on history, culture and mu- sic for 25 years. Known for their award- winning radio series, Wis- dom of the Elders Radio, and the Northwest Indian Storytellers Festival, Wis- dom has started to develop documentary films. The new pair of films, Spilyay Tymoo (Coyote News, Est. 1976) Publisher Emeritus in Memorium: Sid Miller Editor: Dave McMechan Spilyay Tymoo is published bi-weekly by the Con- federated Tribes of Warm Springs. Our offices are located at 4174 Highway 3 in Warm Springs. Any written materials submitted to Spilyay Tymoo should be addressed to: Spilyay Tymoo, P.O. Box 489, Warm Springs, OR 97761. Phone: 541-553-2210 or 541-771-7521 E-Mail: david.mcmechan@wstribes.org. Annual Subscription rates: Within U.S.: $20.00 entitled The Peoples of West- ern Oregon and The Peoples o f E a s t e r n O r e g o n, will screen once only at 2:30 p.m. and 4 p.m. with a short break in between. Great cause Indian Head Casino and the Plateau Travel Plaza this month host the Relay for Life—Jefferson County Golf Scramble. The four- person scramble is next Sat- urday, May 18 at the Desert Peaks Golf Course in Ma- dras. The entry fee is $240 per team ($60 per individual). The fee includes green fees, cart, lunch and gift bag. There is a $15 bonus slot play for 21 and over. Special events: $20 for KPs, Long Putt and Long drive, $5 mulligans each, $10 four-foot putting string. For information call Janell , 541- 325-1472. Email: JSmith@indianheadgaming.com You can make payments to: Janell Smith c/o Warm Springs Casino Enterprises; PO Box 890 Warm Springs, 97761. Work Group The Warm Springs Meth and Opiate Work Group this week is sponsoring a com- munity education class on Sweathouse and Spirituality. The class will be this Thursday, May 9 at the Community Center. There will be a dinner at 5:30 and presentation at 6, plus infor- mation booths and door prizes. To students War m Springs Higher Education re- minds students who are applying for the tribal scholarship that the Tribal Scholarship dead- line is July 1. Talk to Carroll at the Higher Ed office for more infor mation, 541-553-3311. Healthy babies Childbirth Education classes are Wednesdays from noon to 1 p.m. at the Family Resource Center. This is a three-week series that fo- cuses on Pregnancy, Labor and Delivery, and Mom and Baby Care. To learn more contact nurse Allie Anderson at 541-553-2460. W e are putting on our flea market in Madras on Sunday, May 19 at the fairgrounds. We are very much in need of additional ven- dors. And we are hoping Warm Springs will join the market, both as ven- dors, and buyers and browsers. My brother and I have been doing flea markets all over the West Coast for more than 40 years, from San Diego to Seattle. We had numerous markets of our own, throughout western Or- egon, over the years. And we attended every major market we could manage to get to. After my brother passed away six years ago, I withdrew from the flea market business for awhile. Then last year I decided to bring it back to the area I now live in, Lil’ Miss pageant The Warm Springs Recre- ation Department will host the Lil’ Miss Warm Springs Pageant at the Community Center on Wednesday evening, May 22. Dinner will be at 5 p.m., and the pageant will follow. The community is invited to attend. Yard sale Warm Springs Recreation will have the community spring yards sale this Satur- day, May 11 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Community Center. Tables are limited. Call the Recreation office at 541-553-3243 to reserve. If you have unused or expired medications you need to get rid of, the Warm Springs Health and Wellness Center has a MedSafe drop box to dispose of them. Bring them to large blue box located in the Pharmacy wait- ing area to safely dis- pose of unneeded medications. Committees For information on tribal committees, please contact the Tribal Council office at 541-553-3257. Wednesday, May 15: Land Use Planning. Monday, May 20: Fish and Wildlife - 3 to 5. Tuesday, May 21: Get free help to apply for or renew your Oregon Health Plan Coverage. The Warm Springs Health and Wellness Center is an Oregon Health Plan com- munity partner. The service is available Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., located at the clinic, the cubicles behind the pa- tient registration desk. Ask for Victoria Katchia, Veronica Sam or Paula Miller; and in the busi- ness office, Kristen Pettit. You may also call at 541-553-2125, 553-2125, or 553-2128. Call for infor- mation or to make an appointment. here in Central Oregon. This will be our third at- tempt to bring the flea mar- ket to Jefferson County. The first two last spring and fall, were successful; however, not to the poten- tial that is there. I know there are many tribal members and families in the Warm Springs who are great artisans, crafters, collectors, and folks that want and need a place to sell their things. Range Committee. Wednesday, June 5: Land Use. Thursday, June 6: Fish and Wildlife Committee - 3 to 5. Wishes... I want to wish a Happy Mothers’ Day to my auntie Maxine, and Beulah, Estelle, Edna, Irene and Janie, Laura and Pertheena. And to Brenda Scott, Gidgit, Granny Tammy, Amanda, Anna, Bonny and Auntie Lisa. And to all my aunties I may not have mentioned. Sahmes, Palmers, Switzlers, Spencers, Polks—Best Wishes on Mothers Day to: M o m m a Fl o r e e n , K i m , Phoebe and Terri, Jen, Sally, Laura, Kit, nanah Denise, Martha, Christina, Chantel, Lyla, Myntora, Brigette, Sarah, Dor they, Michelle, Leata, Simone, Norma, Ger rie, Angela, Sena, Charlynne, Lil’ Char, B r e n d a , Ve r o n i c a , I n a , L o r e a n , B r i a n n a , R u t hy, D e bb i e , L i s a , Fa w n a n d Lorna. Love, prayers and re- spect to all, Vernice Scott- Switzler. To my b e a u t i f u l daughters, Ernestine, Maria and Alice, May your Mothers’ Day be filled with blessings as the blessing of your sweet love. Baby girls, You are in my heart. Most of all You check out our website: centraloregonfleamarket. com You will see all of the dates and locations of up- coming markets. We would welcome any ven- dors and buyers from Warm Springs to come be part of the market. If you have any questions please call me on my per- sonal cell 503 510-7835. Greg Miller I pray to our Creator that yo u h a ve a g r e a t d a y. Love, mom V. Switzler. And Happy Mothers’ Day sis Ida. Happy Mothers’ Day to mothers-in-law Edna, Nancy and Ellie. Love, Ver nice. To all the females in the War m Springs jail, Happy Mothers’ Day! Have and pleasant and blessed day. Wishing a Happy Moth- ers’ Day to my best auntee Mona, and to momma Annette. And to my wonder- ful and beautiful family, Granny Goose. And Happy Mothers’ Day to my beloved sister for always holding it down. To the women with daughters, Happy Mothers’ Day. Happy Mothers’ Day to auntee Kit. And to Denise, Tamera P. and Rail, All my love. And to auntee Martha, Know how much you mean to me. Happy Mothers’ Day Day to sis, and auntee Vernice, auntee Dorie, sis Nancy, sorry for your loss this year. My love, Mag gie. Dear Momma Mich ‘Martha Heath,’ I’d like to wish you a very Happy Mothers’ Day. Love, your baby girl Chubba! Dear Auntie Ana, Happy Mothers’ Day! I wish you the best, love Lenora. Happy Mothers’ Day June! I love you my sis- ter. Little sister Myntorci.