Spilyay tymoo. (Warm Springs, Or.) 1976-current, May 08, 2019, Page 2, Image 2

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Spilyay Tymoo, Warm Springs, Oregon
School district board vote on May 21
The Jefferson County
School District 509-J has
two positions open on its
board of directors.
The open seats are 509-J
position nos. 4 and 5. The
election will be on May 21,
in a vote-by-mail special
Kevin Richards is the co-
owner of the Fox Hollow
Sue Matters photo/KWSO
The school district board candidates address the
county Chamber of Commerce forum: Taylor Lark,
Kevin Richards, Carina Miller, Casandra Moses, and
Courtney Snead (from left).
served on the school district
board since 2015, and is run-
ning for re-election.
Courtney has a management
consulting firm, Boring But
Position 5
Carina Miller of Warm
Springs, Taylor Lark of
Richards of Madras are the
candidates for position 5.
Carina is a Madras High
School graduate, and has a
Bachehor of Science degree
in ethnic studies from the
University of Oregon. She is
the co-chair of the Energy
Committee for the Affiliated
Tribes of Northwest Indians;
and Columbia River Gorge
Taylor Lark is the founder
and president of The Stover
Group, a software company
helping nursing facilities to
analyze data and improve ser-
Summaries of Tribal Council
The following are summa-
ries from the Twenty-Seventh
Tribal Council
April 22
Roll call: Chief Delvis
Heath, Chief Joseph
Moses, Chairman Eugene
Greene Jr., Raymond
Tsumpti, Valerie Switzler,
Carina Miller, Lee Tom and
Minnie Yahtin, Recorder.
Tribal Attorney update
with John Ogan.
· Motion by Raymond
adopting Resolution No.
12,585: The Confederated
Tribes of Warm Springs
elects to join the commit-
tee, and approves the
“Agreement to Establish the
State-Tribes Committee au-
thorized by the Endangered
Salmon Predation Preven-
tion Act,” and authorizes the
Chairman to execute said
agreement; and for the
Chairman of Tribal Coun-
cil to serve as the official
representative of the Com-
mittee. Chairman may del-
egate the day-to-day respon-
sibilities of participation on
the Committee to the
Branch of Natural Re-
sources, which shall keep
the Chair man and full
Tribal Council apprised of
any significant issues
brought to the Committee
and/or actions undertaken
by the Committee. Second
by Brigette. Question: 7/0/
0, Chairman not voting.
Motion carried.
County Line 2 Fire up-
date with Josh Newton,
tribal attorney.
· Executive session,
· Motion by Brigette
adopting Resolution No.
12,586, approving the form
of Settlement Agreement
and Release, attached as
exhibit ‘A’ and that the
Chair, Vice Chair of Tribal
Council and Secretary-Trea-
surer of the Tribe are del-
egated the authority to fi-
nalize the settlement, and
execute the final Settlement
with the form attached to
this Resolution. Second by
Lee. Question: 6/0/1,
Chairman not voting. Mo-
tion carried.
· Motion by Brigette
adopting Resolution No.
12,587 that Tribal Council
in its capacity as the Kah-
Nee-Ta Board of Directors
Honoring 2019 graduates
The Third Annual
Ich’inun Summer Jam Pow-
wow Slam is coming up on
Thursday, May 30 at the
Warm Springs Academy.
The social powwow will
be from 6-9 p.m. honor-
ing all 2019 graduates.
All drums and dancers,
and the public are wel-
County jail levy
Position 4
Casandra Moses of
War m
Courtney Snead of Madras
are the candidates for posi-
tion 4.
Casandra, 36, is a 2014
graduate of Central Oregon
Community College. She
then earned a Bachelor of
Science degree in Human
Development and Family
Studies from the University
of Wisconsin-Stout. She is
currently enrolled at the
university, working in the
master’s program of train-
ing and human resource de-
Courtney Snead has
May 8, 2019
approves the for m of
Settlement Agreement and
Release, attached as exhibit
‘A’, and that the Chair, Vice
Chair of Tribal Council are
delegated the authority to
finalize the settlement and
execute final Settlement
Agreement substantially con-
forms with the form at-
tached to this Resolution.
Second by Val. Question: 6/
0/1, Chairman not voting.
Motion carried.
· Motion by Brigette des-
ignating the Secretary-Trea-
Stacona as the Tribes wit-
ness for purposes of the
rule 30B-6 deposition notice
issued by Vanport Interna-
tional and the lawsuit pend-
ing between the Tribe and
Vanport in federal court.
Second by Delvis. Question:
6/0/1, Chairman not vot-
ing. Motion carried.
Federal and state legisla-
tive update calls.
· Motion by Raymond
adopting Resolution No.
12,588 enrolling four
ndividuals. Second by Val.
Question: 6/0/1, Chairman
not voting. Motion carried.
· Motion by Brigette
adopting Resolution No.
12,580A for the State
Transportation Improve-
ment Fund Advisory Com-
mittee, who shall advise and
assist the Confederated
Tribes of Warm Springs in
carrying out the purpose of
the STIF and prioritizing
projects to be funded by
STIF moneys.
The members of the
STIF Advisory Committee
shall be: Andrea Breault,
ter m ending January 1,
2021; Melinda Poitra, term
ending January 1, 2021;
Rose Mary Alarcon, term
ending January 1, 2020;
Janell Smith, term ending
January 1, 2020; Tom
Estimo Jr., term ending
January 1, 2020; Lyle
Katchia, term ending Janu-
ary 1, 2021; Lorien Stacona,
ter m ending January 1,
2021; Frances Martinez, al-
ternate, term ending Janu-
ary 1, 2020; Michele
Stacona, alternate, term end-
ing January 1, 2020. Second
by Lee. Question: 6/0/1,
Chairman not voting. Mo-
tion carried.
· Motion by Raymond ta-
bling the Resolution for off-
reservation fishing regula-
tions until Fish & Wildlife
Committee and Branch of
Natural Resources come to-
gether to make sound deci-
sions with maximums on the
Deschutes River. Second by
Brigette. Question: 6/0/1,
Chairman not voting. Mo-
tion carried.
American Legion re-
· Motion by Raymond ap-
proving $1,200 contribution
for the Bringing Home the
Vietnam Veterans Parade on
April 27, 2019, a reimburse-
ment to the Tribes pending
offset by Health & Human
Services and Credit Enter-
prise contributions. Question;
5/0/2, Chairman not voting.
Motion carried.
STIF Projects:
· Motion by Raymond ap-
proving the listed STIF
projects FY2019-202. Sec-
ond by Lee. Question: 5/0/
2, Chairman not voting. Mo-
tion carried.
With no further discus-
sion the meeting adjourned
at 4:30 p.m.
April 29
Roll call: Chief Delvis
On the May 21 ballot,
Jefferson County is propos-
ing a 3-year jail operating
levy. An earlier 5-year levy
proposal failed at the polls.
The county reduced the
proposal to three years, and
is re-submitting the question
on May 21. The ballot ques-
tion reads:
Shall a tax of $1.39 per
$1,000 assessed value be lev-
ied for jail operations com-
mencing FY 2019-2020 for
three years?
Passage of this measure
would cause property taxes
to increase more than 3 per-
cent. Reservation and trust
property of the Confeder-
ated Tribes is not subject to
county tax; so this aspect of
the measure would not ap-
ply to the tribes.
Heath, Chief Joseph
Moses, Chairman Eugene
Greene Jr., Raymond
Tsumpti, Ronald Suppah
(by phone), Carina Miller
and Lee Tom. Minnie
Yahtin, Recorder.
Intergove r nmental
Agreement with Jefferson
County Building Inspec-
· Motion by Carina
adopting Resolution No.
12,589 approving the Inter-
governmental Agreement
between Jefferson County
and the Confederated
Tribes of Warm Springs re-
garding building inspections
on the Warm Springs Res-
ervation. Question: 4/0/1,
Chairman not voting. Mo-
tion carried.
Capital Infrastructure:
· Motion by Carina
adopting Resolution No.
12,590 approving the ex-
ecution of the Memoran-
dum of Understanding with
the Indigenous Capital
Funds with Sections 1-6;
(Noted that Ronald is in
support of this Resolution);
Second by Joe. Question;
4/0/1, Chairman not vot-
ing. Motion carried.
Tribal Council Elec-
tion Objections:
· The Bureau of Indian
Affairs Superintendent will
send letters today.
Indian Arts Festival, powwow
Eastern Oregon Univer-
sity in La Grand will host the
Indian Arts Festival and
Spring Powwow next Friday
and Saturday, May 17-18.
Master of ceremony will be
Mackie Begay, and host drum
is Bad Soul. The Friendship
Feast will be Saturday
evening, May 18.
CRITFC seafood training
The Columbia River In-
ter-Tribal Fish Commission
will host a safe seafood han-
dling workshop in late May.
The deadline to register is
May 21. Contact Buck
Jones, CRITFC salmon
marketing specialist at
buck@critfc.org Or text to
The CRITFC Seafood
Ceded Lands Fishery:
· Motion by Raymond
adopting Resolution No.
12,591 approving Ceded
Land fishing, noting addi-
tions of words regarding
Shearers Falls on the
Deschutes for release of
wilds. Second by Lee. Ques-
tion: 3/0/2, Chairman not
voting. Motion carried.
Chief Operations Of-
ficer update; and
Secretary-Treasurer update.
WSCAT grant resolu-
· Motion by Carina
adopting Resolution No.
12,592 approving WSCAT
to apply, with the support of
the Twenty-Seventh Tribal
Council for up to $250,000
in funding from Grid Alter-
natives’ Tribal Solar Accel-
erator Fund, through which
the funds have been re-
granted by the Wells Fargo
Foundation, to develop the
Old Commissary small busi-
ness incubator, utilizing pho-
tovoltaic power and other
energy generation/saving
technologies, to create a net
zero energy building. Second
by Lee. Question: 4/0/2,
Chairman not voting. Mo-
tion carried.
Kah-Nee-Ta discus-
Hazard Analysis Critical Con-
trol Point (HACCP) and
FDA Food Safety Modern-
ization Act training will be
May 29-31 at the CRITFC
office in Portland.
Days 1 and 2: Seafood
HACCP training; and day 3:
Previous HACCP certified
cardholders are encouraged to
attend for FSMA certification.
· Budget concerns.
· Staffing.
· Village Preparation.
· Online Presence.
· Hotel/RV/Tepee book-
· Motion by Carina to end
the Kah-Nee-Ta discussion.
Second by Raymond. Ques-
tion: 4/0/2, Chairman not
voting. Motion carried.
· Motion by Raymond
adopting Resolution No.
12,580B correcting the
“term ending” dates for the
STIF Advisory Committee:
Andrea Breault, Melinda
Poitra, Lorien Stacona, and
Frances Martinez (alternate)
terms ending December 31,
2020; Rose Mary Alarcon,
Janell Smith, Tom Estimo,
Jr., and Michele Stacona (al-
ternate) terms ending De-
cember 31, 2019. Second by
Carina. Question: 4/0/2,
Chairman not voting. Mo-
tion carried.
Honor Seniors Day fi-
nancial request:
· Motion by Carina ap-
proving a $500 donation for
May 10. Second by Lee.
Question: 4/0/2, Chairman
not voting. Motion carried.
Motion by Carina to ad-
journ at 4:40 p.m.. Second
by Raymond.