Spilyay Tymoo, Warm Springs, Oregon Plan for second annual fire fighter memorial The Confederated Tribes Fire Fighter Memorial has been set for October. This year’s event will be at the Agency Longhouse, as long as the facility is available. The me- morial will be on October 5. This year the group will be rec- ognizing the original Inter-Agency Hotshot Crew, or the War m Springs Forest Crew, which they were known as in the early 1980s. All families are welcome to par- ticipate in honor of a loved one on this day. Whether your loved one was on the crew in the past or not, this is a recognition day for all past fire fighters from here or other agencies. Last year we had approxi- mately 250 community and fam- ily members from Warm Springs and other agencies. We will be having fundraisers up until October 5; so come out and support the cause. Donations are also accepted. Our goal is to raise $8,000 this year. We will keep the community informed as the date approaches. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me at 541-553- 3136. Thank you, Luther Clements. Community notes... The Lil’ Miss Warm Springs Pageant is tentatively scheduled for Wednesday evening, May 1. The Thirtieth Annual Honor Senior Day is coming up on Fri- day, May 10 at the Agency Longhouse. Everyone is welcome to attend. If you want to be on theme, wear your boots, chaps and cowboy hats. For infor mation, or if you would like to help out, contact the Senior Program, 541-553-3313. Tribal stewards program hiring The Northwest Youth Corps is seeking tribal stewards and crew members to work this summer. The locations will be in Warm Springs, Burns-Paiute, and Eugene. Members will receive $2,480 pro- rated through the term of service. The dates are June 20 to August 23. You can find the registration material at nwyouthcrops.org/ joinNYC If you have questions please contact Jess Pinnell, program co- ordinator, at jessp@nwyouthcorps.org Or Angela Noah, tribal stewards inclusion coordinator: angelan@nwyouthcorps.org. Or Rebecca Cashero, young adult recruitment coordinator: rebeccac@nwyouthcorps.org Education camp The Native Youth Exploring Higher Education summer camp at Washington State University is taking applications now through June 15. The free camp is July 15-19, and is open to students who will enter grades 9-10 in the fall. It’s for students to learn about college opportunities and educa- tion. Information and registra- tion is available online at: native@wsu.edu/nyehe. It’s under the ‘prospective students’ tab. Established in 1984 the North- west Youth Corps is a non-profit organization providing unique work training experiences that empower youth and young adults to become successful, resilient members of the community. To achieve this goal Northwest Youth Corps provides a variety of outdoors, conservation-specific program throughout the North- west. The emphasis is on leader- ship, grown and personal success. Northwest Youth Corps part- ners with agencies such as the For- est Service, National Parks and Bureau of Land Management. The tribal stewards program was created to offer professional development and training to young adults ages 19 to 24, who are not currently in school or working. April 24, 2019 Page 5