Spilyay tymoo. (Warm Springs, Or.) 1976-current, April 10, 2019, Page 2, Image 2

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Spilyay Tymoo, Warm Springs, Oregon
Yakima Valley student government president
Jaren Wallulatum is in his
junior year at Yakima Valley
Community College. Work-
ing on a double major in Pub-
lic Policy and Economics,
Jaren is serving as president
of the Student Government
for the college Yakima Cam-
He grew up in Warm
Springs, and graduated with
the Madras High School
Class of 2014. After high
school Jaren first went to
technical school, studying
the mechanics of Diesel
Working in tribal govern-
ment, and advancing tribal
higher education are among
his long-term goals. The
retention rate among Native
students, and transition to
higher education—making
the transition easier for the
student—are key points of
At Yakima Valley last
Courtesy photo
Jaren Wallulatum at Yakama Valley.
year Jaren got involved with
the student diversity center,
and served as a student am-
bassador. He then ran a suc-
cessful campaign for presi-
dent of the Yakima Campus
student government.
His experience since high
school has given him a great
insight into how to succeed
at higher education. A first
rule to keep in mind, he says,
“Is find something you’re pas-
sionate about.”
Follow your passion and
things can fall into place. “It’s
kind of like learning to
swim,” Jaren says. “You have
to go at your own pace. And
don’t be afraid to ask ques-
tions along the way, and find
the help you need.”
Getting started, he said,
working with Carroll Dick at
tribal Higher Education was
a great help. “She was always
proactive in helping with
things like funding and schol-
Jaren is one of six kids. His
mother is Josie Wallulatum.
“I’m thankful to my broth-
ers and my mother, and ev-
eryone else who has helped
lead me in the right direc-
Dave McMechan
The Warm Springs
Community Action
Team’s AARP Tax
Aide is doing free
tax preparation and
filing. Last day for
this service is this
Thursday, April 11.
Call for appointment
541-553-3148 or
stop by the CAT of-
fice on campus to
reserve a time.
Remembering when...
April 10, 2019
For graduate caps and gowns
The Johnson O’Malley Committee will cover costs
for caps, gowns and tassels for graduates.
Pick up a Johnson O’Malley request form from
Carroll Dick at Education. The Johnson O’Malley
Committee is also able to help with an allowance for
spring sports, elementary through high school.
The deadline to submit a request is this Thursday,
April 11.
Renowned birder to visit
Noah Strycker, author of
Birding Without Borders, will
visit Warm Springs in May.
Mr. Strycker will be at the
Museum at Warm Springs
on Friday, May 17.
This is part of the
Jefferson County Commu-
nity Read, sponsored by the
Jefferson County Library
District and the War m
Springs Library. In Birding
W i t h o u t B o r d e r s Noah
Strycker recounts his jour-
ney to 41 countries, with only
a backpack and a pair of
Strycker became the first
person to see more than half
of the world’s 10,000 spe-
cies of birds in one year.
Across seven continents in
365 days he saw a total of
6,042 species—by far the
big gest birding year on
You can purchase a copy
of Birding Without Borders
at the Warm Springs Library,
or the Jefferson County Li-
Easter Egg hunt is coming up
The Health and Human
Services Branch will host the
Easter Egg Hunt on Satur-
day, April 20. For the older
kids—grades kindergarten
and up—the hunt will be on
the lawn in front of the Be-
havioral Health Center. The
younger kids will gather on
the lawn by the Family Re-
source Center.
The start time is 10 a.m.—
Be on time because the eggs
go fast. This is a healthy and
fun family activity. Drug- and
alcohol free: Our commu-
nity, feeling good and being
Summaries of Tribal Council
Pam Bolton came across this image while going through some of her father’s Boy
Scouts photo album. Her dad was the district Scout executive from 1957-1959 for
the Modoc Area Council of the Boy Scouts. This photograph is of the Warm Springs
Troop 59. Pam thinks it is probably from around 1958.
Tribal Council
The following are some of
the items on the Tribal Coun-
cil agenda for the rest of April
(subject to change at Council
Monday, April 22
9 a.m.: Attorney update.
10: May agenda/review
minutes with Secretary-Trea-
surer Michele Stacona.
11: Draft resolutions.
1:30 p.m.: Legislative up-
date calls, federal and state.
2:30: Enrollments with
Lucille Suppach-Samson of
Vital Stats.
3:30: Statewide Transpor-
tation Improvement Fund
projects approval with the
Central Oregon Inter-Gov-
ernmental Council.
Tuesday-Friday, April
23-26: Tribal round table
Blumenauer. Visit to tribal
schools. Cultural Resources
task force meeting. Colum-
bia River Inter-Tribal Fish
Commission meeting.
Monday, April 29
9 a.m.: Indian Head Ca-
sino with Jeffrey Carstensen.
10: Secretary-Treasurer
and Chief Operations up-
dates with Michele Stacona
and Alyssa Macy.
Items for future con-
sideration: Museum at
War m Springs Twanat
Award Honor Dinner. Gov-
ernment to government
meeting with the U.S. Army
Corps of Engineers. Or-
egon Indian Education As-
Health and Human Services
tribal consultation meeting.
Fishing code update.
Southern Oregon University
meeting with university
president Linda Scott.
April 1, 2019
Roll call: Chief Delvis
Heath, Chairman Eugene
Greene Jr., Raymond
Tsumpti, Valerie Switzler,
Carina Miller, Lee Tom and
Brigette McConville. Minnie
Yahtin, Recorder.
Bureau of Indian Affairs
Office of Special Trustee
Realty update.
Water and wastewater up-
· Motion by Carina sup-
porting the criteria of the
new water treatment, calling
for current construction site
and withdrawal from the
Deschutes water system; and
five-step criteria as listed.
Second by Val. Question: 6/
0/0, Chairman not voting.
Motion carried.
Federal legislative update
With no further discus-
sion the meeting adjourned
at 12:10 p.m.
April 5
Roll call: Chief Delvis
Heath, Chief Joseph Moses,
Chairman Eugene Greene
Jr., Raymond Tsumpti,
Ronald Suppah, Valerie
Switzler, Carina Miller and
Brigette McConville. Minnie
Yahtin, Recorder.
Tribal Council Elec-
tion results:
· Motion by Carina
adopting Resolution No.
12,584 to confirm, accept
and validate the results of
the 2019 Tribal Council elec-
tion. Simnasho District:
Raymond Tsumpti Sr.,
Raymond Moody and Lin-
coln Jay Suppah. Agency Dis-
trict: Lola Sohappy, Anita
Jackson and Glendon Smith.
Seekseequa District: Brigette
McConville and Wilson
Wewa Jr. Certified by the
Election Board. Second by
Val. Question: 7/0/0, Chair-
man not voting. Motion car-
1980 Census
Motion by Carina tabling
Resolution No. 12,158 for
the Twenty-Eighth Tribal
Council. Second by Brigette.
Question: 6/0/1, Chairman
not voting. Motion carried.
With no further discus-
sion the meeting adjourned
at 10:36 a.m.