Spilyay Tymoo, Warm Springs, Oregon March 13, 2019 Page 3 Developments with cannabis project at Council By resolution last week Tribal Council approved an intergovernmental tax agree- ment with the state of Or- egon. The state of Oregon im- poses a 17-percent tax on the retail sale of cannabis at off- reservation, licensed retail stores. This tax would not apply to cannabis provided to the retail store that is grown on tribal lands, including off-res- ervation trust land. This means the state will have to provide a rebate to the tribes, when such com- mence. This will require a calcu- lation of the amount of the cannabis sold to the retail outlet by the tribes. The rebate would then be a calculated by reference to the amount of overall can- nabis tax collected by the state, with an appropriate percentage rebate to the tribes. The Marijuana Tax Inter- governmental Agreement follows up the 2016 tribal- state Intergovernmental Marijuana Coordination Agreement. The tribes are planning a hemp grow operation at the Schoenhagen property. On Monday of next week, Tribal Council is sched- uled to meet with Ventures on proposed tribal hemp code revisions. Free workshop on job skills There will be a free workshop to learn about the importance of ‘Soft Skills’ when looking for a job. The workshop will be this Friday, March 15 at 1 p.m. in the computer lab, located on the top floor of the Education Building. Call 553-3324 for more details. Dave McMechan/Spilyay Existing structures at the tribes’ Schoenhagen property. For students heading to Madras High School Madras High School will host an orientation evening for students who will be starting high school in the fall. The Ninth-Grade Ori- entation Night—for stu- dents currently in eighth- grade—will be this Thursday, March 14 at the high school. The evening begins at 5:30 p.m. Dinner will be served, and transporta- tion from Warm Springs to the high school will be provided. The high school and district encourage all eighth-grade students to attend. An evening at the Academy The Warm Springs Acad- emy will have a College and Career Night plus STEM— Science, Technology, Engi- neering and Math—activi- Computer assistance available Computer lab assistance is available Thursday and Friday, March 14 and 15, at the Education building from 1-4 p.m. There is no ap- pointment needed. You can get practice us- ing a computer, Word or Excel projects, and online job searches. There are tu- torials available and staff will be there for assistance. ties for students and fami- lies this Thursday, March 14. Dinner starts at 5 p.m., activities are from 5:30-7. Comment on local transportation Cascades East Transit will hold a Warm Springs open house this Thursday, March 14 at the Warm Springs Academy community room. Cascade East is seeking input to help them prioritize future transit expansion projects. Stop by anytime between 5 and 7:30 p.m. Warm Springs Community Calendar Brought to you by KWSO 91.9 FM Thursday, March 14 The Senior Wellness Center is having Senior lunch at noon. On the menu: spaghetti, green salad, garlic bread and fresh fruit. Seniors 60 and older eat for free, 59 and under are $5 and youth under 13 are $3 at the Senior Wellness Center. There is Functional Fit- ness class today at noon in the Community Center Social Hall, and Insanity class at noon in the Aero- bics room. There is an Alcoholics Anonymous meeting today at noon at the Behavioral Health Center; and a Nar- cotics Anonymous meet- ing at 6 p.m. at the Shaker Church. There is Ichishkin class today from noon-1 p.m. at the museum. Bring your own lunch. There is Social Dance class today at 4 p.m. in the Community Center Aerobics room. munity Center, and Pi-Yo class in the clinic atrium. There is a Behavior Health Walk-In Clinic to- day. Appointments are available between 1 and 5 p.m. Friday, March 15 At 10:45 this morning, there is Senior Fitness class at the Senior Center. After class a meal will be provided to participants. Today’s menu is: chicken posole, brown rice, tortilla bread and fresh fruit. Today during the noon hour there is Functional Fitness class at the Com- Monday, March 18 It is a regular late start Monday for 509-J schools this morning. There is Senior Fitness class today at 10:45 a.m. at the Senior Center. Par- ticipants are invited to eat a meal after. Today they are having stuffed pork rolls and carrots ‘n cashews. There is a Head Start Saturday, March 16 There is an Alcoholics Anonymous meeting this morning at 10 at the Be- havioral Health Center. Sunday, March 17 Warm Springs Chris- tian Fellowship meets this morning at 9:30 at the Senior Center. The Warm Springs Bap- tist Church has Sunday School at 10, and Wor- ship Service at 11 this morning. The Warm Springs Food Bank is located at the Presbyterian Church. They are open from 11:30- 1:30 today. All food banks and pantries do take dona- tions of non-perishable food or cash Policy Council meeting today at noon at Early Childhood Education. Today’s fitness classes are Functional Fitness at the Community Center, and Pi-Yo in the clinic atrium. Both start at 12:10. There is Women’s Prayer Group at the Presbyterian Church from 12:15-12:45 today. All women are welcome. Warm Springs Voca- tional Rehabilitation will have an orientation session today at 3 in the Culture and Heritage building conference room on the second floor. Those who cannot make it to one of the scheduled weekly sessions, call 541-553-4952 to request a one-on-one orientation. Aglow Bible Study is this evening at High Lookee Lodge from 6:15- 7:30. Everyone is wel- come. Tuesday, March 19 A Jefferson County Vet- erans Service Outreach officer will be in Warm Springs at the Senior Center. The officer is here the third Tuesday of each month. Appointments are available for the morning by calling 541-475-5228. Otherwise, the veterans service officer will be avail- able to answer questions during and after the senior meal today day. Today at noon at the Senior Center: There’s Functional Fitness class in the social hall and Insan- ity in the aerobics room. Today’s Senior lunch at noon is brisket and cab- bage, rosemary roasted potatoes and fresh fruit. The Jefferson County Food Bank is located at 556 SE Seventh Street in Madras. They are open for distribution this afternoon. Voc Rehab in Warm Springs will hold an orien- tation session today at 3 in the Behavioral Health Center conference room. Those who cannot make it to one of the scheduled weekly sessions can call 541-553-4952 to request a one-on-one orientation. There is a Pathways Home Native Home Own- ership class this evening from 5:30-7:30 at the Credit building. They will cover Module 8: ‘Protect- ing Your Investment.’ There is a Wellbriety Warriors Accepting Re- covery meeting this evening from 6:30-8:30 at the Community Center Social Hall. It is open to anyone seeking sobriety and wellness. Wednesday, March 20 A Jefferson County Vic- tims Assistance advocate comes to Warm Springs on the third Wednesday of ev- ery month at the Victims of Crime Services office lo- cated at 1108 Wasco Street. Folks can get help with things like case assis- tance, paperwork, and other resources. Appoint- ments can also be made for other times. For informa- tion call Ken Clark 541-475- 4452 or VOCS 553-2293. Senior Fitness class is this morning at 10:45 at the Senior Center. Following class, participants can en- joy a meal. On the menu today: smoked salmon po- tato soup. These are today’s fit- ness classes in Warm Springs: Functional Fitness is at 12:10 at the Commu- nity Center, and Pi-Yo at the clinic atrium also at 12:10. Warm Springs Christian Fellowship has Bible study at 6 p.m. at the Senior Cen- ter. The Warm Springs Bap- tist Church has Bible study and Prayer this evening at 6:00. Thursday, March 21 The Senior Wellness Center is having Senior lunch at noon. On the menu: chicken and rice with piaxi, spring salad and canned fruit. Seniors 60 and older eat for free, 59 and under are $5 and youth un- der 13 are $3 at the Senior Wellness Center. There is Functional Fit- ness class today at noon in the Community Center So- cial Hall, and Insanity class at noon in the Aerobics room. There is an Alcoholics Anonymous meeting today at noon at the Behavioral Health Center, and Narcot- ics Anonymous meeting at 6 p.m. at the Shaker Church. There is Ichishkin class today from noon-1:00 at the Museum. Bring your own lunch. There is Social Dance class today at 4 in the Com- munity Center aerobics room. Friday, March 22 There is a free workshop to learn about the common issues new employees have and what employers value most. It is today at 10 a.m. in the computer lab lo- cated on the top floor of the Education building. Call 553- 3324 for more details.