Spilyay tymoo. (Warm Springs, Or.) 1976-current, March 13, 2019, Page 2, Image 2

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Spilyay Tymoo, Warm Springs, Oregon
plan at
W.S. Area Chamber
of Commerce first
annual gathering
N ew business opportuni-
ties at Warm Springs Com-
posite Products require an
expansion of their manufac-
turing plant.
“We’re seeing growth in
business domestically and in-
ternationally,” said Jake
Coochise, Composite gen-
eral manager.
Some of the new op-
portunities are for the fire-
resistant doors that are as-
sembled, Mr. Coochise
This would be in addition
to the work on the manu-
facture and shipping of door
components not yet as-
sembled, he said.
Now is the time to con-
tract for these new oppor-
tunities, while the customers
are shopping around for the
service, Mr. Coochise said.
The expansion is part of
long-term planning at Com-
posite Products.
A few years ago, during
the auction of Forest Prod-
ucts assets, Composite pur-
chased the building to the
north of the existing Com-
posite Products plant.
This building has a new
fire suppression system, but
work will be needed for the
electrical, water and air sys-
tems. Composite will needs
some new equipment, such
as sanding equipment.
As time is of the essence
for the expansion, Tribal
Council, on recommenda-
Dave McMechan/Spilyay photos
A crew works Composite’s current sander (above); and below, the new
sander that arrived just this week. The new sander will be moved to the north
building that is part of the Composite expansion. The plan is for the
expansion to happen soon, within the next few months.
tion of the Business Invest-
ment Revolving Fund Com-
mittee, approved a BIRF loan
for Composite to get started
as soon as possible.
Warm Springs Composite
Community notes...
The Warm Springs Pre-
vention program will host
a Penny Carnival on the
evening of Thursday,
March 28 at the War m
Springs Youth Center Gym.
There will be food, games,
crafts and music.
Anyone interested in set-
ting up a booth should call
Prevention at 541-615-
The University of Or-
egon is offering the Indig-
enous Pre-College Acad-
emy this summer.
The classes and work-
shops will cover college prep,
the admissions process, finan-
cial aid, the unique challenges
of being a Native scholar
and various academic areas.
The academy will be held
July 21-28 at the University
Summary of Tribal Council
The following is a sum-
mary of the Tribal Council
March 1, 2019
Roll call: Chief Delvis
Heath, Chairman Eugene
Greene Jr., Raymond
Tsumpti, Ronald Suppah,
Carina Miller, and Lee Tom.
Minnie Yahtin, Recorder.
· Motion by Raymond
adopting Resolution No.
12,560 enrolling six individu-
als. Second by Lee. Ques-
tion: 3/0/2, Chairman not
voting. Motion carried.
March agenda/min-
· Motion by Raymond
approving the March busi-
ness agenda, subject to
change. Second by Carina.
Question: 5/0/0, Chairman
not voting. Motion carried.
· Motion by Raymond
approving the November
and December 2018 Min-
utes. Second by Carina.
Question: 5/0/0, Chairman
not voting. Motion carried.
Payor of Last Resort sta-
tus of Medicare Eligible
March 13, 2019
Warm Springs tribal member
patients letter.
· Motion by Ronald ap-
proving the letter with edits,
corrections and additions for
Payor of Last Resort. Sec-
ond by Raymond. Question:
4/0/1, Chairman not voting.
Motion carried.
· Warm Springs Telecom-
munications Company Loan
Extension Resolution:
Motion by Raymond
adopting Resolution No.
12,561 approving the Secre-
tary-Treasurer/CEO to pro-
vide a 10-year loan extension
to the War m Springs
Telecom in accordance with
terms and conditions agreed
to by the BIRF committee
and directs that as provided
in the funding terms and
conditions any interest and
earnings on such funding
shall be reinvested in the
BIRF fund. Second by Ca-
rina. Question: 4/0/1, Chair-
man not voting. Motion car-
With no further discus-
sion the meeting adjourned
at 11:05 a.m.
Products is the tribally-owned
manufacturer and interna-
tional supplier of Tectonite-
based fire-rated architectural
door components and doors,
wood doorframes and spe-
cialized wood products.
Composite employs about
50 people, working in two
shifts as the demand right
now is high.
of Oregon in Eugene, and
is open to students who will
be in grades 9-12 in the
coming school year.
It is free, with rooms and
meals provided. Applica-
tions are due April 15.
Get all of the details and
uses pictures to tell a story
and communicate the im-
pact of nicotine use in their
community. For more in-
formation call or text Katie
at 541-233-9177.
The Central Oregon
Photo Voice Project is
looking for Warm Springs
youth to participate.
The Photo Voice Project
A re you interested in
growing your own business
and in strengthening the
small business community
of Warm Springs?
Get involved! Join the
Warm Springs Area Cham-
ber of Commerce in explor-
ing how we make our com-
munity a better place.
The Warm Springs Area
Chamber of Commerce is
holding its first annual
gathering event to inform
the community of the plans
the current board of direc-
tors has to serve the Warm
Springs community, and to
open enrollment for all
businesses that want to be
‘associates’ of the chamber.
The Warm Springs Area
Chamber of Commerce’s
mission is to promote the
progress, growth, well-being
and improvement of the
business, professional, and
civic community in the
Warm Springs area.
The Chamber will accom-
plish this by marketing and
advertising for its associates,
promoting healthy business
regulations, offering services
for businesses and people
wanting to go into business,
conducting networking
events, and speaking with
federal, state, local, and tribal
leaders to ensure associates
of the Chamber are operat-
ing under the conditions they
need to be successful.
We will have light snacks
The first annual
gathering of the
Warm Springs Area
Chamber of Com-
merce will be from
6 to 9 p.m. on
Tu e s d a y, M a r c h
2 6 a t t h e Wa r m
Springs Community
and refreshments at the gath-
The board of directors
will introduce themselves,
explain their roles, and dis-
cuss how they intend to carry
out the mission of the or-
ganization to help Warm
Springs businesses start and
Applications will be avail-
able for those interested in
becoming members
To become an associate
or to learn more about the
chamber, please contact me
by phone at 541-553-3148
We look forward to
meeting you and working to-
gether to develop and
strengthen the War m
Springs business commu-
Dustin Seyler, Com-
munity Action Team small
business coach, and chair-
man, Warm Springs Area
Chamber of Commerce.
Dave McMechan
The Madras VFW Post
12141 and its Auxiliary in-
vites all people, veterans
and non-veterans, to a free
Welcome Home Veter-
ans spaghetti dinner and
events on Saturday, March
30 from 4-8 p.m. at the
Erickson Aircraft Collec-
tion in Madras.
Two positions open on
the school district board
The Jefferson County
School District 509-J has
two positions opening on
its board of directors.
Anyone interested in
running for 509-J posi-
tion No. 4 or No. 5 must
file a declaration of can-
didacy or petition for
nomination for office
with the Elections Depart-
ment of Jefferson
This must be done no
later than 5 p.m. on
Thursday, March 21.
The election will be on
May 21, in a vote-by-mail
special election.
The declaration of
candidacy for ms are
available at the Jefferson
County Clerk’s office in
Madras; and online on
the Jefferson County
website. Or the Oregon
Secretary of State