Spilyay Tymoo, Warm Springs, Oregon February 27, 2019 On Seniors Night Wool blanket design contest Jayson Smith/Spilyay Madras High School celebrated Seniors Night for the boys and girls varsity basketball teams. A Warm Springs drum joined the evening’s ceremony for the girls’ Seniors Night, when the score was Madras 71, Molalla 59. The win brought the girls’ 2018-19 record to 6-3 in the Tri- Valley League, and 14-8 overall. Summary of Tribal Council (The following are summaries of Tribal Council, provided Council support staff.) February 11, 2019 Roll call: Chief Delvis Heath, Chairman Eugene Greene Jr., Raymond Tsumpti, Valerie Switzler, Carina Miller, Lee Tom, and Brigette McConville. Minnie Yahtin, Recorder. Committee updates: · Timber Committee · Water Control Board Third party billing (fund 122) proposed changes: · Motion by Carina approv- ing the revised spending plan for third party billing fund (122) for 2019 as per handout. Expendi- ture level remaining the same as previously approved via Resolu- tion No. 12,551. Second by Val. Question: 4/0/1, Chairman not voting. Motion carried. Fish and Wildlife Commit- tee member: · After discussion, Kirby Heath submitted his verbal res- ignation from the committee. · Motion by Raymond accept- ing Kirby’s resignation. Second by Carina. Question: 4/1/0, Chair- man not voting. Motion carried. Draft Resolutions: · Motion by Brigette adopting Resolution No. 12,557, approves and adopts the carrying over the remaining 2018 (approximately 3 million board feet) Annual Allow- able Cut into the remainder of the current planning period (2019- 2021), and that future annual har- vest volumes shall not deviate from the designated volume in any one-year by more than 10 percent or more than 2.5 percent for each five-year period. Second by Raymond. Question: 3/2/1, Chair- man not voting. Motion carried. · Motion by Raymond adopt- ing Resolution No. 12,558 ap- proving the Secretary-Treasurer to provide funding to Warm Springs Composite Products from the BIRF fund in the total amount of $1,250,000 in accordance with terms and conditions agreed to by the BIRF Committee, and directs that as provided in the funding terms and conditions any interest and earnings on such funding shall be reinvested in the BIRF Fund. Page 5 Second by Brigette. Question: 5/ 0/1, Chairman not voting. Motion carried. · Motion by Raymond adopt- ing Resolution 12,559 approving and authorizing the “driveway ease- ment” to Warm Springs Market crossing tribally owned fee land, as illustrated in the “access easement” agreement. Second by Brigette. Question: 5/0/1, Chairman not voting. Motion carried. Statewide Transportation Im- provement Fund Advisor y Committee Bylaws and Intergov- ernmental Agreement regarding State Transportation Improvement Funds: · Motion by Carina approving the Advisory Committee Bylaws. Second by Brigette. Question: 5/ 0/1, Chairman not voting. Motion carried. · Motion by Carina approving the Intergovernmental Agreement. Second by Brigette. Question: 5/ 0/1, Chairman not voting. Motion carried. Committee updates: · Land Use Planning Commit- tee. · Range and Ag Committee. With no further discussion the meeting adjourned at 4:50 p.m. E ighth Generation—the first Native owned company to offer wool blankets—is look- ing for the next indigenous art- ist to design a wool blanket. In past years, Eighth Gen- eration was receiving dozens of design proposals by Native artists from across Indian Country. So in 2017 the company initiated its first wool blanket design competition. The 2019 competition is now underway, and Eighth Generation is ac- cepting proposals. The contest symbolizes re- spect that Eighth Generation, based in Seattle, has for the Native artists; and ensures the company we will help one new aspiring artist become a new wool blanket designer. The winning designer will add his or her work to a growing col- lection of over fifty blankets, each designed by a Native art- ist. Courtesy Eighth Generation Tribute blanket designed by Jared Yazzie. Contest details can be found at: eighthgeneration.com/ blogs/blog/2019-blanket-de- sign-contest Contest questions can be di- rected to: info@eighthgeneration.com