Page 2 Spilyay Tymoo, Warm Springs, Oregon February 27, 2019 Tribal voice for disability support network Sweetheart Baby Fair C learly, a strong tribal voice is essential to the mis- sion of the Central Oregon Disability Support Network. And Casandra Moses is the ideal person to provide this needed voice. The mission of the Cen- tral Oregon Disability Sup- port Network is to connect families with resources and with each other to recognize, promote and value diversity our communities. The network accom- plishes this by empowering and supporting families and individuals who have been touched by disability. They work to increase education, promote public understand- ing and acceptance, and en- courage full inclusion of in- dividuals with differences in our community. Ms. Moses joined the ex- ecutive board of the Cen- tral Oregon Disability Sup- port Network—helping bridge the gap in these vital services to tribal families, in- dividuals and the commu- W arm Courtesy CODSN Casandra Moses, executive board member, CODSN. nity. Casandra works as a Be- havioral Professional with the Opportunity Foundation of Central Oregon. She is a wife, and mother of four children, Savannah, 19, Izeyah, 13, Murray, 9, and Jolee, 3. One of her chil- dren is diagnosed with dys- lexia, another has character- istics of someone who has autism—furthering the pas- sion to make ser vices equally available to all. From War m Springs, Casandra lived and worked for a time in Portland, where she was project coordinator for the Northwest Portland Area Indian Health Board. Ms. Moses has a Bachelor’s degree in Human Development and Family Studies. Her passion and goal is to bring more disabil- ity ser vices to War m Springs—services that are culturally appropriate and inclusive. This passion and dedica- tion make her an invaluable addition to the executive board of the Central Or- egon Disability Support Net- work. You can reach Casandra by email at: You can reach the Cen- tral Oregon Disability Sup- port Network at 541-548- 8559. And you can learn more of the CODSN on their Facebook page. Springs Recre- ation will host the Sweet- heart Baby Fair, starting with a light dinner at 5 p.m. this Wednesday evening, February 27 at the Community Wellness Center Social Hall. Some of the feature attrac- tions: Family Photo Shoots with Allison Anderson, the new Maternal Child Heath provider with the Health and Wellness Cen- ter. Ms. Anderson is a Registered Nurse with a Bachelor of Science in Nursing. You can enter your little one in the Crawler Race, and then sport your child in his or her regalia across the Social Hall stage. There will be door prizes and loads of fun, for the little ones and ev- eryone. Tanya Beard, Regis- tered Nurse, will give pre- sentations on limiting screen time for your child. Plenty of informa- tion on your baby’s health. For more information please call C a r o l S a h m e at 541-553- 3243. Or visit Recreation, 2200 Hollywood Boule- vard. Little Miss Warm Springs meetings are happening at the Warm Springs Community Center. The evening meet- ings are hosted by Anita Davis. For more information call Carol Sahme at Recreation, 541-553-3243. The pageant is coming up this spring. Winter storm can bring out the best Courtesy Lynn Graybael The accident (above); and Zack helping put on the chains (below). The winter weather this week made for treacherous driving, and many acts of lending a helping hand. An example: Zack Fluhr, 19, came across this incident earlier this month. A Swift truck, driving without chains, slid on the icy road, causing a non-in- jury wreck with a sheriff ’s deputy vehicle. Zack helped the two truck drivers, total strangers, with putting on their chains. Zack is the son of Lynn Graybael, who has 23 years experience in fire fighting and emergency medical re- sponse. She raised Zack, and his two brothers, in fire and EMS. This was just one of the many examples of the best that people have shown to one another during these win- ter y days. Courtesy Whitney Kalama Snowy scenes around the reservation Jayson Smith/Spilyay Courtesy Terry Macy Community notes... New jobs service Tananwit artists’s kickoff Membership kickoff event: We would like to welcome you to the Museum at Warm Springs on Sunday, March 21, for the membership kick-off event. Dinner will be served at 5 p.m. There will be a silent auction, vendors, and artist recipients award ceremony. Tananwit. For information call 541-553-3148. New classes and job search assistance are now available at the tribal Edu- cation building. Drop-in services are of- fered most Mondays, up- stairs in the Workforce In- novation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) office. There is no appointment needed; so stop by and get one-on-one help with a variety of ser- vices including: iMatch Skills/WorkSouce registration. Signing up for unemploy- ment, and filing for Unem- ployment. Career guidance and as- sessments. Resumes and cover letters. Help with job applications. Enrollment in WIOA and services. Stop in between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. on Febr uary 15 or 25; March 1, 4, 11, 18 or 25. There are free workshops upstairs at the Education building in the computer lab, offered most Fridays on a rotating basis. The classes do require a current iMatchSkills account and pre-registration. So come in during drop-in service time to get assistance signing up. Classes include online job search basics (March 8) ; soft skills, job success (March 15 and 22), and staying positive while job searching (March 29). Hours are from 10 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Tax help The Warm Springs Com- munity Action Team’s AARP Tax Aide is doing free tax preparation and filing. This tax service will be done on Tuesdays and Thursdays through April 12 but you must make an ap- pointment. Call 541-553-3148 or stop by the CAT office on campus to reserve a time. Call to artists The month of April at Art Adventure Gallery will feature the many talented artists who live in and around Jefferson County. Artists may submit up to four pieces in any medium. Two dimensional work should be framed, wired and ready to hang. Application forms will be available at the gallery or may be down- loaded from the website: Work can be dropped off any time during business hours the last week of March. We look forward to the show each year, celebrat- ing the creativity in our com- munity, and to the festive gathering of friends at the opening reception. The reception will be at the gallery on Thursday, April 4 from 5:30-7 p.m. The Jefferson County Winter Shelter provides a safe cold weather shelter this winter in Madras. The shel- ter will be open at the Cor- nerstone Baptist Church, lo- cated on Tenth Street, in March from 6 p.m. to 7 a.m. on especially cold nights. Call 541-325-2478 to find out if the shelter will be open. . Veterans officer A Jefferson County Vet- erans Service Outreach of- ficer will be in Warm Springs at the Warm Springs Senior Center on the 3rd Tuesday of each month. Appoint- ments are available for the morning by calling 541-475- 5228. Otherwise, the Veteran’s Service Officer will be available to answer questions during and after the senior meal that day.