Page 8 Spilyay Tymoo, Warm Springs, Oregon November 21, 2018 Veterans Day Parade, Warm Springs, November 11, 2018 Jsyson Smith photos Resolution of Tribal Council Commissary project Whereas the Tribal Council is the governing body of the Con- federated Tribes of the Warm Springs Reservation of Oregon; and, Whereas the Tribal Council rec- ognizes the need for Historic Pres- ervation of buildings and sites of historic significance on the CTWS Reservation of Oregon; and, Whereas the Tribal Council manages the economic affairs of the CTWS and recognizes the need to strengthen the small business economy of the Reservation; and, Whereas the Twenty-Seventh Tribal Council was informed that the previously approved Resolu- tion No. 4650 approved by the Fourteenth Tribal Council, passed on May 27, 1976, recommended that the Old Commissary Build- ing, a two-story, 4,927 square foot, wood frame building located downtown dating from the late nineteenth century, along with nine additional sites on the Reservation, be recommended for Historic Preservation; and, Whereas The Warm Springs Downtown Development Plan of 2005, commissioned by the Twenty-Sec- ond Tribal Council and prepared Veteran George Aguilar Sr. (left), and Miss Warm Springs Thyreicia Simtustus (above). by the Mitchell Nelson Group LLC, calls for the CTWS to take steps to clear a new site for Com- missary Building, move the build- ing, develop structural and archi- tectural plans for a new founda- tion and renovate interior, seek and obtain funding to move and renovate the building, and estab- lish a committee that will provide ongoing oversight and program- ming of activities and mainte- nance; and, Whereas the Twenty-Seventh Tribal Council passed on the De- cember 5, 2017, Resolution 12,404 assigning the War m Springs Community Action Team (WSCAT) a 10-year renewable lease of the Commissary Build- ing, from January 1, 2018 – De- cember 31, 2027 to move, reno- vate, and preserve the historic in- tegrity of the Old Commissary building, and to manage the build- ing as a small business incubator; and, Whereas the Twenty-Seventh Tribal Council directed that the Warm Springs Community Action Team, in partnership with the Sec- retar y-Treasurer/CEO of the Tribal Council and her designee, take further steps necessary to de- velop the Commissary Building, in- cluding fundraising to pay for mov- ing and renovating the building, overseeing design and construction processes necessary to complete the project, and ensuring that ap- propriate, fair processes exist to de- termine who will utilize the space; and, Whereas the Tribal Council is directing the Secretary-Treasurer/ CEO and her designee to apply for the 2018-2019 funding from the Spirit Mountain Community Fund’s Oregon Tribal Grants Pro- gram on behalf of WSCAT; now, therefore, Be it resolved by the Twenty- Seventh Tribal Council of the Con- federated Tribes of the Warm Springs Reservation of Oregon, pursuant to Article V, Section 1 (f),(l),(n), and(s) of the Tribal Con- stitution and By-Laws, that the Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs, with the Secretary-Trea- surer/CEO of the Tribal Council and his or her designee, apply for $100,000 in funding from the Spirit Mountain Community Fund’s 2018 Oregon Tribal Grants Program to move, renovate, and oversee de- sign and construction processes necessary to complete the project, and to work with the Warm Springs Community Action Team to ensure all grant funds are used for capital improvements on the Old Com- missary Building. Resolution 12,525