Spilyay Tymoo, Warm Springs, Oregon November 7, 2018 New tribal program targets opioid abuse A new program at Health and Human Services will address opioid abuse and addiction on the reservation. Two grants—the State Opioid Response (SOR), and the Tribal Opioid Re- sponse (TOR)—will fund this program for two years. Health and Human Services general manager Caroline Cruz oversaw the successful applications for these grants. Ms. Cr uz hired Misty Kopplin as the program manager to oversee the implementation, hiring and strategies of the opioid re- sponse. TJ Foltz is a college intern for the program. He attends Central Oregon Community College. And Janell Yahtin, a VISTA worker, was hired through a state grant. The grants will also fund the hiring of positions such as a recovery mentor, and family preservation staff. An important first task of the opioid response team will be the compilation of data focusing specifically on the incidence of abuse and ad- diction among tribal mem- bers. This involves working with IHS, Community Health, law enforcement, the courts and other service providers. The information from the various entities will be brought to- gether in a single report that will give a picture of the problem as it exists on the Award recognition for Prevention work Michael ‘My-kee’ Martinez has helped train dozens of people in the field of drug and alcohol preven- tion. At conferences and seminars, and with Summer Youth, Mr. Martinez shares his expertise in the field. My-kee is the War m Springs Alcohol and Drug Prevention and Education Coordinator, based in the Youth Center building. He’s been in this position since 2011. Before that he was the Warm Springs Suicide Prevention coordinator. His dedication to the job comes from his commit- ment to the Warm Springs community, and to helping others become trained in the field. A recent Oregon Place Matters conference was an opportunity for people who care about health to gain Courtesy W.S. Family Preservation Michael Martinez with the Joe Weller Guardian Award, with Sareli Beltran of the Let’s Talk Diversity Coalition, who nominated My-kee for the honor. new insights, skills and con- nections, to help address the leading preventable causes of death in Oregon: tobacco, poor nutrition, physical inac- tivity, and excessive alcohol use. During this conference Mr. Martinez was recognized with the Joe Geller Guardian Award, honoring “an indi- vidual who has demonstrated a commitment to mentorship of new advocates for preven- tion, early detection and self- management of chronic dis- ease, particularly around risk factors related to excessive al- cohol use, tobacco, nutrition and physical activity.” reservation. Abuse of opioids is an epi- demic in the United States, and statistics exist that detail the problem nationally: For instance, an estimated 200 people die every day in the U.S. as a result of opioid overdose. That was about 72,000 people in 2017. The problem on the res- ervation may be different, prompting the creation of the War m Springs opioid re- sponse team. Page 3 Tribal artists can submit artwork for member show Attention all Warm Springs tribal artists: The Museum at War m Springs 2018 Tribal Member Art Ex- hibit will be here soon. The deadline to sub- mit art is now set at 5 p.m. on Friday, Novem- ber 16. The exhibit will then be on display from December 6 through early February. For Veterans Author visiting Warm Springs The Simnasho com- munity will host a Vet- erans Appreciation Din- ner on Monday, No- vember 12. One 7 of Washut will be at 5 p.m., and the potluck dinner at 6. Simnasho would like to welcome everyone to join them and share a meal with veterans in appreciation for their time and service. Veterans and family are invited you to bring a picture or memora- bilia to display for the evening. For more in- formation talk with Captain. The Chemawa In- dian School in Salem will host a Veterans Powwow on Saturday, November 10. Vendors: Call 503- 399-5721. Author Paul C. Rosier will visit Warm Springs at noon this Saturday, Novem- ber 10 at the Agency Longhouse. Dr. Rosier will read ex- cerpts from his book, Serv- ing Their Country: American Indians Politics and Patrio- tism in the Twentieth Cen- tur y. A review of the book summarizes: “Over the twentieth century, American Indians fought for their right to be both American and Indian. In an illuminating book, Paul C. Rosier traces how Indians defined democ- racy, citizenship, and patrio- tism in both domestic and international contexts.” Rosier is the Chair in American History at Villanova University. Attendees are welcome to ask questions and to get their Warm Springs Community Calendar Brought to you by KWSO 91.9 FM Thursday, Novembre 8 The Warm Springs Acad- emy Book Fair is today and tomorrow in the community room during school hours. There is an Alcoholics Anonymous meeting today at noon at the Behavioral Health Center, and Narcot- ics Anonymous meeting at 6 p.m. at the Shaker Church. There is Ichishkin class today from noon-1 at the museum. Bring your own lunch. Today there is Functional Fitness class at 10:45 in the Community Center social hall. Volleyball is at noon in the gym; and Insanity class is at 12:10 in the Aerobics room. Open gym for men from 6:30-8:50 p.m. The Senior Wellness Center is having Senior lunch at noon. On the menu: beef enchiladas casserole, green salad and fruit par- faits. Seniors 60 and older eat for free, 59 and under are $5 and youth under 13 are $3 at the Senior Wellness Center. There is Social Dance class at 4 in the Community Center Aerobics room. Art Adventure Gallery will have an opening reception for its newest exhibit Ob- served, Imagined & Re- membered by Erik Sandgren. The reception will be from 5:30-7 p.m. at the gallery located at 185 SE 5 th Street in Madras. Friday, November 9 The Warm Springs Acad- emy Book Fair contines to- day in the community room during school hours. At 10:45 this morning, there is Senior Fitness class at the Senior Center. After class a meal will be provided to participants. Today’s menu is: beef bar- ley soup and fresh fruit. There is noon hoops at the gym; and Functional Fitness class at 12:10 in the Aerobics room. And PIYO class is at 12:10 in the clinic atrium. The Jefferson County Li- brary Film Center will show the movie Bombshell: the Hedy Lamarr Story Friday night at 7:30. Films are free and shown at the Rodriguez Annex, behind the library in Madras. Saturday, November 10 The Highland Baptist Church in Redmond is invit- ing folks to its Fourth Annual Christmas and Crafts Ba- zaar today from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. The bazaar is a fundraiser for Highland Bap- tist Church 2019 mission trips. The church is located at 3100 SW Highland Avenue in Redmond. There is an Alcoholics Anonymous meeting this morning at 10 at the Behav- ioral Health Center. Sunday, November 11 Warm Springs Christian Fellowship meets this morn- ing at 9:30 at the Senior Cen- ter. The Warm Springs Bap- tist Church has Sunday School at 10 and Worship Service at 11 this morning. The Warm Springs Food Bank is located at the Pres- byterian Church. They are open from 11:30-1:30 today. All food banks and pantries do take donations of non- perishable food or cash There is a Fusion Fitness class every Monday and Wednesday morning at 6 at the Community Center Aero- bics room. The class is suit- able for all fitness levels. Monday, November 12 There is no school, and the tribal organization is closed for Veterans Day. Senior Fitness is at 10:45 at the Senior building, and noon hoops at the gym. Func- tional Fitness class at 12:10 in the Aerobics room, and PIYO is at 12:10 at the clinic atrium. Women’s open gym is 6-7:50 p.m. There is Women’s Prayer group at the Presby- terian Church from 12:15- 12:45 today. All women are welcome. Warm Springs Vocational Rehabilitation has orienta- tion today at 3 p.m. at their office in the industrial park. Learn more by calling 553- 4952. Victims of Crime Services has a Women’s Support Group today at the VOCS of- fice, 1108 Wasco Street, be- hind the Old Boys’ Dorm. It’s from 3-5 p.m. Aglow Bible Study is this evening at High Lookee Lodge from 6:15-7:30. Every- one is welcome. Tuesday, November 13 It’s Wapasa (Braid Your Hair Day) at ECE. There is Functional Fit- ness at 10:45 in the Commu- nity Center social hall. Volley- ball is at noon in the gym; and Insanity class at 12:10 in the Aerobics room. Men’s open gym tonight is from 6:30- 8:50. Today’s Senior Lunch at noon is baked salmon, acorn squash, steamed veg- etables and fresh fruit. Se- niors 60 and older eat for free, 59 and under are $5 and youth under 13 are $3 at the Senior Wellness Center. The Jefferson County Food Bank is located at 556 SE Seventh Street in Madras. They are open for distribution this afternoon. Warm Springs Vocational Rehabilitation has orienta- tion today at 3 p.m. at the Behavioral Health Center. Soaring Butterflies War- rior Spirit class is afterschool today at the Warm Springs Academy from 3:30- 5. Warm Springs JCP and Prevention are putting on Kids’ Bingo this evening at 5 p.m. at the Community Cen- ter Social Hall. It’s for fami- lies and kids to play together. The Pathways Home: Na- tive Homeownership Course is Tuesday from 5:30-7:30 p.m. at Credit. It will cover module 7, ‘Meeting Your Fi- nancial Obligations.’ There is Ichishkin class today from 5:30-7 p.m. at the Culture & Heritage Building. There is a Wellbriety War- riors Accepting Recovery meeting this evening from 6:30-8:30 at the Community Center Social Hall. It is open to anyone seeking sobriety and wellness. The museum will host an opening recep- tion from 5:30-7:30 p.m. on Thursday, December 6. Applications to enter your artwork in the ex- hibit are available at the museum. Questions or addi- tional information can be directed to Natalie Kirk, Curator, at 541- 553-3331 ext. 412. Wednesday, November 14 It’s Ribbon Shirt & Wing Dress Day today at ECE. There is Senior Fitness class this morning at 10:45 at the Senior Building. Bas- ketball is at noon in the gym; and Functional Fitness at 12:10 in the Aerobics room. PIYO class is at 12:10 in the clinic atrium; and women’s open gym 6-7:50 p.m. There is a Walk for Dia- betes on November 14 at noon at the clinic. Early Head Start group socialization is today from 2-4 p.m. in room C3 at ECE. Warm Springs Christian Fellowship has bible study at 6 p.m. at the Senior Cen- ter. The Warm Springs Bap- tist Church has Bible Study and Prayer this evening at 6:00. Thursday, November 15 It’s Speak Your Lan- guage Day today at ECE. There is an Alcoholics Anonymous meeting today at noon at the Behavioral Health Center, and a Narcot- ics Anonymous meeting at 6 p.m. at the Shaker Church. book signed. Tribal artists: Feel free to set up your merchandise stand for free. Kids Art Corner: Children can create their parade signs and posters. For more information contact the Eugene Greene Sr. American Legion Auxil- iary at 541-460-8212.