Wednesday, October 17: Simnasho District meeting at the Simnasho Longhouse, regarding 2019 proposed budget. Dinner at 6 p.m. and meeting at 7. Monday, October 22 9 a.m.: Secretary-Treasurer and Chief Operations Office updates with Michele Stacona and Alyssa Macy. 10: November agenda/review minutes with the S-T. 11: Draft resolutions. 1 p.m.: Legislative update calls, federal and state. 2:30: Enrollments with L u c i l l e Sampson of Vital Stats. 3:30: September financials with Alfred Estimo and Dennis Johnson. Sunday-Friday, October 21- 26: Seventy-Fifth Annual National Congress of the American Indian convention and marketplace. Sunday-Monday, October 21 and 22: Deschutes water summit at Redmond. Tuesday, October 23 9 a.m.: Fishing Code Chapter 340 update with Fish and Wildlife Committee. Wednesday-Friday, October 24-26: Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission meeting regard- Council agenda Monday, October 15 9 a.m.: Visit with Jill Smail, U.S. chief negotiator for the U.S.- Canada Columbia River Treaty: tour and lunch. Another treaty commemoration As The Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs are getting ready for the Treaty of 1855 Conference, the Sioux—the Dakota, Lakota and Nakota— and Arapaho are marking the 150th Anniversary of the Treaty of Fort Laramie. Their treaty of 1868 created the Great Sioux Reservation, lands set aside west of the Mis- souri River set aside for exclu- sive use of the Sioux Nation. The Smithsonian National Museum of the American In- dian will have the original Fort Laramie Treaty on display through March 2019. Spilyay Tymoo ing lamprey task. Thursday-Saturday, October 25-27: Museum at Warm Springs Twenty-Fifth Anniversary and Treaty of 1855 Conference at the museum. Monday evening, October 29: Agency District meeting on proposal 2019 budget. Agency Longhouse. Tuesday evening, October 30: Seekseequa District meeting on pro- posed 2019 budget. Seekseequa Fire Hall. Additional items for consid- eration: Tribal round table; North- west Portland Area Indian Health Board quarterly board meeting. Annual Health Report. Fish Hatchery meeting. Pension plan updates. Oregon wolves. 1. Roll call: Chief Delvis Heath, Chief Joseph Moses, Chief Alfred Smith Jr., Chairman Eugene Greene Jr., Vice Chairman Charles ‘Jody’ Calica, Raymond Tsumpti, Carina Miller and Lee Tom. Minnie Yahtin, Recorder. 2. Kah-Nee-Ta Board of Di- Treaty of 1855 exhibit at Madras gallery O n exhibit at the Art Adven- ture Gallery in Madras is the show Treaty of 1855: Our Connection to the River. The show features works by Warm Springs artist Aurolyn Stwyer, including her masterpiece The Proposal. Rich in symbolism, tradition and history, The Proposal is a creation on elk-hide canvas. You can see the piece at the Art Adventure Gallery, at 185 SW Fifth Street. Parade for our Veterans Hey, Kids! Let’s march for all Veterans! Join us at the Warm Springs Veterans Day Parade on Sunday, November 10, line-up at 10 a.m. The parade starts at 11. Summary of Tribal Council September 25 Courtesy photo. Detail from The Proposal, telling a traditional Wasco tale. Page 5 rectors: · Motion by Carina accepting the resignation of the Board of Directors, and that Tribal Council is now the Acting Board of Direc- tors for future investors and as- signing the Executive Officers (Secretary-Treasurer) as signing authority. Second by Joseph. Ques- tion: 5/2/0, Chairman not voting. Motion carried. 3. Portland Harbor update · Motion by Joseph adopting Resolution No. 12,517 approving the following: 1: Phase 3 DAP (ex- hibit A to the resolution). 2: Agrees to participate as a natural resource trustee in the Trustee Council for the duration of Phase III. 3: Au- thorizes the Branch of Natural Re- sources to participate on the Tribe’s behalf. 4. Authorizes the Tribal Coun- cil Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary- Treasurer, or BNR Manager to ex- ecute, perform, or undertake fur- ther actions or execute further documents reasonably necessary to carry out the intentions of the fore- Let’s march for the veterans who cannot, and who served to keep us free. Thank you to all Veterans. For the parade, be sure to wear a red, white and blue shirt. going resolution as deemed in the best interest of the Tribe. Second by Carina. Question: 4/0/3, Chair- man not voting. Motion carried. 4. 509-J superintendent update. 5. Statewide Transportation Im- provement Funds update. 6. Draft resolutions · Motion by Jody adopting Reso- lution No. 12,518 continuing to en- list services of Douglas Goe and his law firm of Orrick, Herrington and Sutcliffe LLP as Special Coun- sel for Economic Development, ef- fective immediately and continuing for a two-year period with the po- tential of extension as may be nec- essary and prudent for business pur- poses; and The Chairman, or des- ignee and the Secretary-Treasurer/ CEO are delegated and authorized to take the necessary and appropri- ate administrative actions to advance the intent and purposes of this reso- lution. Second by Carina. Question: 5/0/2, Chairman not voting. Mo- tion carried. · Motion by Jody adopting the amendment to Resolution No. 12,120A that the Tribal Council re- quests the Bureau of Indian Affairs to demolish the buildings and facili- ties identified in this Resolution and Exhibit A identified as 12B and 9, and reject certain buildings as origi- nally identified in Section A. Sec- ond by Carina. Question: 5/0/2, Chairman not voting. Motion car- ried. 7. October business agenda/re- view minutes. · Motion by Jody approving the October business agenda subject to change. Second by Carina. Ques- tion: 5/0/2, Chairman not voting. Motion carried. · Motion by Jody tabling the June, July and August 2018 Min- utes for further review. Second by Carina. 5/0/2, Chairman not vot- ing. Motion carried. 8. Secretary-Treasurer update. 9. Chief of Operations update. 10. With no further discussion the meeting adjourned at 4:50 p.m. Regarding Veterans Day: At present there is no plan for a Warm Springs Veterans Day Powwow, as the pow- wow organizers from previous years have moved away.