Page 2 Spilyay Tymoo, Warm Springs, Oregon Films: Featuring Native themes Hands Across the Bridge Jayson Smith/Spilyay Warm Springs Behavioral Health and HAPPI (Health and Promotion Prevention Initiative) Births Samantha Kaye Wolfe Samuel Wolfe and Rebecca Lockwood of Ma- dras are pleased to announce the birth of their daughter Samantha Kaye Wolfe, born on October 4, 2018. Samantha joins brothers Devon, 21; and sisters Kalan 20, Ashlyn, 10, Rikyna, 8, Rosie 4, and Amber, 2. Grandparents on the father’s side are the late James L. Wolfe Sr., and Flossie M. Wolfe. Grandparents on the mother’s side are Ronald Lockwood, Jolene Lockwood and Melanie Lockwood. Waluxpykee Walter Barkley Victor Barkley and Ca- rina Miller of War m Springs are pleased to an- nounce the birth of their son Waluxpykee Walter Barkley, born on October 4, 2018. Grandparents on the father’s side are Kathy and Lloyd Barkley of Pendleton. Grandparents on the brought members together at the Deschutes River, celebrating Recovery Month. mother’s side are Ken and Sue Miller of Warm Springs. Damaron Montiel Lomas Evelio Zamora Lomas and Alexis Mariah Lomas of Madras are pleased to an- nounce the birth of their son Damaron Montiel Lomas, born on October 3, 2018. Damaron joins brother Johnathan. Grandparents on the father’s side are Juan Perez and Lisa Lomas. Grandparents on the mother’s side are Daniel Bryan and Lori Eldridge. The Native American Switzler Family Reunion will be on Saturday, October 20 at the HeHe Longhouse. There will be a potluck gathering, set-up starting at 9 a.m. Starting at 10: introductions, history, stories, fam- ily photos. Noon: Meal and door prizes. For informa- tion contact Beulah N. (Switzler) and Raymond Tsumpti Sr., PO Box 173, Warm Springs, 97761. Summaries of district meeitngs - 1980 baseline referendum (The tribal membership in February 2019 will be asked by referendum whether to ap- prove a proposed change to the baseline for the pur pose of automatic enrollment. The three districts earlier this month held information meetings on the referendum.) Agency District meet- ing summar y— 1 9 8 0 baseline proposal. October 1, 2018 1. Present: Chief Alfred Smith, Jr., Chairman Eu- gene Greene, Jr., and Valerie Switzler. Minnie Yahtin, Recorder. 2. A video explaining the 1980 Census Baseline was shown. 3. Concerns, comments and questions: · How many on the list are from the Agency district? · Does this raise blood quantum of enrolled mem- bers? · Vote whether you agree/disagree. · Resolution No. 12,157 was challenged so that tribal members can voice input. · Are any North Ameri- can tribes excluded? · Will this increase blood quantum of a person who is already enrolled? · What are financial im- pacts to the tribe? · Does population affect grants or other funds to the tribes? · 50 percent of voters are required to validate a referendum, 21 years of age and older. · What are the pros and cons? · One year residency needs to be revisited. · A call for a referendum cannot remain valid once a Tribal Council ter m has ended. · Vital Statistics is impor- tant and should be tracked. · Some ratios are differ- ent between a person and close relatives, why? · It’s the responsibility of parents, grandparents, or relatives to find your blood, your ancestry. · Home meetings were held by the Enrollment Of- ficer for input towards the last adoptions/referendum. · Some are 3/64 from being automatically enrolled and is emotional for the par- ents, children, and families. With no further discus- sion the meeting adjourned at 9:15 p.m. Seekseequa District meeting summar y— 1980 baseline. October 2 1. Present: Lee Tom and Brigette McConville. Minnie Yahtin, Recorder. 2. A video explaining the 1980 Census Baseline was shown. 3. Concerns, comments and questions: · Vote whether you agree/disagree. · Resolution No. 12,157 was challenged so that tribal members can voice input. · Some ratios are differ- ent between a person and close relatives, why? · It’s the responsibility of parents, grandparents, or relatives to find your blood, your ancestry, it af- fects your children, grand- children and great grand- children. · 50 percent of voters are required to validate a referendum, 21 years of age and older. · How many on the list are from the Agency dis- trict? · How many on the adoption list would be eli- gible for automatic enroll- ment? · Enrollment decisions should be made by the people. · How many adoptees are there? Where are they? 4. With no further dis- cussion the meeting ad- journed at 8:47 p.m. October 10, 2018 Simnasho District meeting summar y— 1980 baseline pro- posal. October 3 1. Present: Chief Delvis Heath, Vice Chair man Charles Calica, Raymond Tsumpti. Minnie Yahtin and Norma Heath, Recorders. 2. A video explaining the 1980 Census Baseline was shown. 3. Concerns, comments and questions: · Resolution No. 12,157 was challenged so that tribal members can voice input. · Vote whether you agree/disagree. · Request to have Ordi- nance 44 read to those in attendance. · How many votes are required to validate the ref- erendum? · How many on the adoption list would be eli- gible for automatic enroll- ment? · We have claimed non- tribal members as family and/or they were not en- rolled. They took part in traditional activities, learned to speak the language and learned how to prepare the foods. · Will ballot boxes be placed in each district? · Absentee ballots will be available for tribal members who will not be here during the voting, contact the Vi- tal Statistics Department for more information. · Request to have the video shown more so tribal members can watch it and better understand the infor- mation given. · What is the cost to have a referendum? · Where will funds be paid from? · Will this only include blood quantum from Treaty tribes? · We appreciate the Tribal Council members who challenged this so we can speak on this very im- portant matter facing the Tribes. · Will the three districts come together in a General Council meeting on this sub- ject? (Yes, a General Coun- cil meeting will take place.) · It’s the responsibility of parents, grandparents, or relatives to find your blood, your ancestry; it affects your children, grandchildren and great grandchildren. · Tribal I.D.’s show differ- ent ratios. · Some are not eligible for automatic enrollment and it’s emotional for the parents, children, and families (indi- viduals on the adoption list). 4. With no further discus- sion the meeting adjourned at 9:50 p.m. (Continued from page 1) Dawnland . Oregon pre- miere. The story: A story of stolen children and cultural survival: Inside the first truth and reconciliation commis- sion for Native Americans. Dirt McComber: Last of the Mohicans . The story: In Kahnawake Mohawk Territory, rough- and-tumble Dirt McComber struggles to support his large modern family as the last member of his community to maintain a traditional Mohawk livelihood. Smoke Signals . The story: Though Victor and Thomas have lived their entire young lives in the same tiny town, they couldn’t have less in common. But when Victor is urgently called away, it’s Thomas who comes up with the money to pay for his trip. Starring Adam Beach (Suicide Squad, Wind Talk- ers), Evan Adams, and Irene Bedard. Join Us . Four families leave an abusive church in South Carolina and realize they have been in a cult. The film documents them as they enter the only accredited, live-in cult treatment facility in the world, where they learn the true extent of the brainwashing they have all experienced. The Last Hot Lick . Jack is a washed-up mu- sician on a never-ending tour, desperate to recapture Courtesy Actor Adam Beach (left) will be at the BendFilm Festival at the Madras Performing Arts Center, and at the Warm Springs Academy this Wednesday evening, October 10. the fleeting fame he experi- enced in the 1970s. When he meets a mysterious woman, he believes her beautiful voice is the key to his suc- cess; but she has a secret that could threaten Jack’s plan. White Tide: The Leg- end of Culebra . Rodney is an American dreamer, but when the great recession wipes out his con- struction business, his family faces a nightmare of debt. One evening around a camp- fire, he hears a story from an old, bare-footed hippy that just might solve his family’s problems. There’s an island. There’s a map. And there’s buried treasure… (See page 5 for schedule.)