Page 8 Spilyay Tymoo, Warm Springs, Oregon Summer league with Smith Logging August 1, 2018 Kah-Nee-Ta Youth worker profile Courtesy Saphronia Coochise Team roster: Marci Smith, Jessie Adams, Allee Jackson, Louella Heath-Jackson, Saphronia Coochise, Tamera Coffee, and Juliane Smith (back row from left); and Debra Medina-Smith, Nyallee Cochran, Celeste Morning Owl, Elyse Bagley, Shania Tom, Devynn Rodriguez-Medina, and Jiana Smith-Francis (front from left). T he Smith Logging softball team wrapped up the summer season over the weekend, with the Prineville Women’s Softball tournament finals. They went 2- 2 in the tournament. Marci Smith and her co-cap- tain Saphronia Coochise, lead pitcher, have been organizing the Smith Logging team for the past six years. Saphronia is the staff accountant at Power and Water. Marci is a receptionist at Mail and Reception, and at night works the front desk at Kah- Nee-Ta. During the summer, Smith Logging softball plays two to three times each week in Prineville, starting in late spring through July. The team roster changes from week to week, depending on everyone’s schedule, such as their kids’ Little League games, etc., Saphronia says. Still, twelve to 15 players make it to each game, so they always have the complete roster. And Smith Logging was one of five teams in the region to play in the weekend championship tourna- ment. Earlier in July the team played in the Prineville ‘For the Children’ fundraising tournament. This was not a league tournament game, so they played under the name the Residentialz. Some of their games have been during the recent heat wave, when it was still over 90 degrees at evening game. Yet they perse- vered through the season, for love of the game. The 2018 Smith Logging roster was Saphronia, Marci, Shania Tom, Elyse Bagley, Vivian Carter-Smith, Louella Heath-Jackson, Jiana Smith- Francis, Juliane Smith, Jessie Adams, Niyallee Cochran, Debra Smith-Medina, Allee Jackson, Celeste Morning Owl, Tamera Coffee, Samantha Gomez and Devynn Medina. Dave McMechan Photographer Jayson Smith captured this image one evening at the recent Jefferson County Fair. Text and photos by Gerald Tufti