Spilyay Tymoo, Warm Springs, Oregon July 18, 2018 Action Team update well received at Council Thirty-five people have cars on the reservation who would not have the vehicles without the help of the Warm springs Community Action Team Individual De- velopment Account pro- gram. Eighteen individuals and families have made home purchases through the IDA program, the majority in re- cent years. The IDA program was one of the highlights of the Community Action Team annual update this week at Tribal Council. One-hundred and eigh- teen people have graduated from the IDA program, said Chris Watson, Action Team director. The IDA program is a fi- nancial incentive program, whereby a person can save a certain amount of money, which in time is matched many times over. The money can be used for the purchase of a ve- hicle or home, a home reno- vation or improvement, edu- cation, among other uses. “There are 35 cars driv- ing around the reservation that would not be here with- out the IDA program,” Mr. Watson said. “I think it gives our staff a good feeling see- ing these cars driving around.” He reviewed some other programs of the Commu- nity Action Team—Finan- Second suspicious blaze in recent weeks A fire broke out late Monday afternoon, July 16, off Highway 26 at Cemetery Road. The Ben Lane fire, driven by the wind, moved in the direction of the intersection of highways 26 and 3. Fire fighters success- fully worked to protect two residences and the Catholic Church. Previously dug dozer lines had been set in place by Fire Management earlier this year. These helped keep the wildlife from the Miller Heights subdivision. The Ben Lane fire ap- pears to have been human- caused, and investigators consider the situation suspi- cious. This blaze burned about 300 acres. The Mecca fire of two weeks ago, starting on July 3, also appears to have been human-caused, and is suspi- cious. This was the blaze that burned in high winds across Highway 26 and toward the Greeley Heights neighborhood. Investigators located a can of flammable sub- stance used to heat food. Especially during high fire season, residents are asked to report any sus- picious activity. You can report anonymously at 541-553-2202. cial skills programs, the Out- door Market, Small Business Incubator and Tananáwit, for instance. His report was well received. “You’re to be commended. You have a track record of success,” said Councilman Jody Calica. To find out more about the IDA, or any other pro- gram of the Community Ac- tion Team, stop by their of- fice at 1136 Paiute Avenue on campus; or call 541-553- 3148. Fuels project The Sunf lower Flat Hazardous Fuels Reduc- tion Project is seeking input on potential hazardous fuel reduction in 11,000-acre part of the Coyote Creek watershed. There are two public meetings this Thurs- day, July 19. The first is at noon in the Greeley Heights community building; and then at 6 p.m. at the Simnasho Longhouse. The Project involves lands at the north reserva- tion border east of Highway 26. Page 3 Head Start, Early Head Start fall hours Warm Springs Head announced new start days and hours for this coming fall. The program hours will be Tuesday through Fri- day, 7:45 a.m. to 3 p.m. Head Start is closed on Mondays. Earliest drop-off time for Tuesday-Friday is 7:45 a.m. No admittance af- ter 10 a.m. without prior arrangement with Family Services staff by 9 a.m. Get your applications in now: Enrollment selec- tions will be in August. Outdoor Market this Friday The Warm Springs Out- door Market is open Friday from 9 a.m. until 1 p.m. in front of Re-Use It Thrift Store. Featured are fresh pro- duce, value-added foods, Native art and more. Then on Saturday the mar- ket is set up on campus by Kalama’s Fry Bread Earn food handler’s certificate There will be a Food Handlers class on July 24 from 2 to 4 p.m. at the In- dian Health Services clinic atrium. For infor mation call Russell Graham at 541-553- 1196. Youth ag summit in August The Northwest Native Youth Food Sovereignty Summit is coming up in Au- gust, at Toppenish. Subjects are crops and health foods, conservation, livestock, en- trepreneurship, agriculture law and policy. You can apply online at: Indianaglink.com/youth Warm Springs Community Calendar Brought to you by KWSO 91.9 FM Thursday, July 19 There is an Alcoholics Anonymous meeting to- day at noon at the Behav- ioral Health Center, and Narcotics Anonymous meeting at 6 p.m. at the Shaker Church. Fitness activities scheduled for today at the Community Wellness Cen- ter: There’s Boot Camp class at 12:10 in the Aero- bics room, and Functional Fitness in the Social Hall. Friday, July 20 Jefferson County Cof- fee Cuppers will be hosted by AmeriTitle, lo- cated at 748 SW Fifth Street in Madras at 8 a.m. Here are some fitness activities happening to- day: Senior Fitness class is at 10 at the Senior Cen- ter, PiYo Class at 12:10 in Pod A at the Clinic and Functional Fitness Class at 12:10 in the Aerobics Room. After senior fitness class today, participants can eat brunch. Today they are having barbecue pork sandwiches, cole- slaw, eggplant fries and fruit. Saturday, July 21 There is an Alcoholics Anonymous meeting this morning at 10 at the Be- havioral Health Center. Sunday, July 22 Warm Springs Chris- tian Fellowship meets this morning at 9:30 at the Greeley Heights Commu- nity Center. The Warm Springs Bap- tist Church has Sunday School at 10, and Wor- ship Service at 11 this morning. The Warm Springs Food Bank is located at the Presbyterian Church. They are open from 11:30- 1:30 today. All food banks and pantries do take do- nations of non-perishable food or cash Monday, July 23 There is a Fusion Fit- ness class every Monday and Wednesday morning at 6 at the community cen- ter Aerobics room. The class is suitable for all fit- ness levels. Tribal Council agenda: Secretary-Treasurer and COO updates. August agenda/review minutes. Draft Resolutions. After- noon: Legislative update calls; enrollments; and June 2018 Finance up- date. Here are today’s fitness activities: Senior Fitness class is at 10 at the Se- nior Center. At 12:10 there is Functional Fitness in the Aerobics room , and Pi-Yo class at the IHS atrium. Senior fitness class par- ticipants are invited to eat brunch: Today they are having black bean spinach casserole, mixed salad and fresh fruit. There is Women’s prayer group at the Pres- byterian Church from 12:15-12:45 today. All women are welcome. Warm Springs Voca- tional Rehabilitation has orientation today at 3 p.m. at their office in the indus- trial park. Learn more by calling 553-4952. Victims of Crime Ser- vices has a Women’s support group today at the VOCS office, 1108 Wasco Street, behind the Old Boys’ Dorm. It’s from 3-5 p.m.. The Fish and Wildlife Committee will meet from 3-5 p.m. at the tribal ad- ministration building in conference room 3. Aglow Bible study is this evening at High Lookee Lodge from 6:15- 7:30. Everyone is wel- come. Tuesday, July 24 On the Trbal Council agenda: an IHS update, and CPS update. The Range & Ag Com- mittee will meet from 9- noon at the tribal adminis- tration building, confer- ence room 3. Today’s Senior Lunch at noon is salmon loaf, wild rice, asparagus and Jell-O with fruit. Seniors 60 and older eat for free; 59 and under are $5 and youth under 13 are $3 at the Se- nior Wellness Center. Fitness activities hap- pening during the noon hour at the Community Wellness Center today are Functional Fitness class in the social hall, and Boot Camp class in the Aerobics room. There is a Fusion Fit- ness Class tomorrow morning at 6, suitable for all fitness levels, in the aerobics room. The Jefferson County Food Bank is located at 556 SE Seventh Street in Madras. They are open for distribution this afternoon. Warm Springs Voca- tional Rehabilitation has orientation today at 3 p.m. at the Behavioral Health Center. If you or someone you know has or may have a disability that is a barrier to employment or employ- ment advancement, learn about their options at an orientation or by calling 541-553-4952. Soaring Butterflies Warrior Spirit class is afterschool today at the Warm Springs Academy from 3:30-5. There is a Wellbriety Warriors Accepting Re- covery meeting this evening from 6:30-8:30 at the Community Center So- cial Hall. It is open to any- one seeking sobriety and wellness. Wednesday, July 25 Today’s fitness sched- ule: Water Aerobics is at 9:15 at the Kah-Nee-Ta Vil- lage pool. Senior Fitness Class is at 10 at the Se- nior Center. Following class, participants can en- joy brunch at 11. On the menu today: cantaloupe chicken and salad. At noon- time it’s Pi-Yo class at the clinic atrium, and at the Community Center is Func- tional Fitness class in the Aerobics room. Turbo Kick class is at 4. Early Head Start Group Socialization is today from 2-4 p.m. at the Warm Springs Library. Warm Springs Christian Fellowship has Bible study at 6 p.m. at the Warm Springs Presbyterian Church. The Warm Springs Bap- tist Church has Bible study and prayer this evening at 6. Thursday, July 26 The Senior Wellness Cen- ter is having Senior lunch at noon.