Spilyay tymoo. (Warm Springs, Or.) 1976-current, July 18, 2018, Page 2, Image 2

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Spilyay Tymoo, Warm Springs, Oregon
Archive project preserves historic photos
The history of the tribes
is captured visually on thou-
sands of photographs
housed at the Culture and
Heritage Department. Some
of these photos are 100 or
more years old, others from
more recent times.
There are landscape
shots, some at the traditional
tribal land at the Columbia
River, and images of com-
munity events and commu-
nity members.
The images exist as devel-
oped photographs, as nega-
tives and slides. Culture and
Heritage director Val
Switzler has seen the need to
preserve these historic im-
ages in a more permanent
form. A digital archive of
all of the photographs would
accomplish this.
Ms. Switzler worked with
the University of Oregon to
secure a grant that has
funded an initial phase of
the digitization project.
The grant paid for a spe-
cialized camera, a computer,
lighting and photograph
table. Creston Dana Smith
is working on digitizing the
images. He has also worked
on organizing the Culture
and Heritage Department ar-
chives room, filled with all
kinds of tribal history—
films, transcripts, oral histo-
ries, actual tribal items, etc.
Mr. Smith this summer
completed a program at San
Diego State University,
hosted by the Western Ar-
chives Institute. So far he
has digitized several hundred
Huckleberry Feast on Sunday
The tribes will celebrate the Huckleberry Feast this
Sunday, July 22 at the HeHe Longhouse.
Culture Camp Naimuma
moved to into August
Culture and Heritage
moved Camp Naimuma to
August, as there was a
scheduling conflict this
weekend with the Huckle-
berry Feast.
Naimuma will be August 5-
9, with the registration dead-
line now August 3. The camp
is open to the first 50 boys
and 50 girls who sign up.
The camp is for students
in grades 3-8 (during the
2017-18 school year).
For more information call
Greg Arquette or Merle
Kirk at Culture and Heri-
tage, 541-553-3290. Or you
can email:
Dave McMechan/Spilyay
At his office in the Education building, Dana Smith makes a digital photo image of
an historic photograph.
of the photographs.
The process requires pre-
cision, using the specialized
equipment from the Univer-
sity of Oregon. The project
is housed in the Education
As there are thousands
of images, the process will
take some time. The current
grant will allow for only an
initial phase of the project.
In time the archives team
would like to have as much
information as possible for
each of the photographs,
the reason for the tribal
photo night this Wednesday
evening, July 18, at the
Greeley Heights community
Community Photo Night
Culture and Heritage will host Community Photo
Night this Wednesday evening, July 18 from 6 to 8
p.m. at the Greeley Heights community building.
Photographs from the Culture and Heritage archive
will be on display. The hope is to gather information
about the photos: Where they were taken, and when,
who are the people in the pictures, and who might
have been behind the camera.
There will also be an information presentation on
digitizing and preserving historic photos. Culture and
Heritage will hear community comments on what
people think of the presentation, and whether they
would like to see more such events.
Dave McMechan
Courtesy Dana Smith/Culture and Heritage
Above and at right are examples of photographs from
the Culture and Heritage Archive.
Tamkaliks Celebration this weekend
The Twenty-Eighth An-
nual Tamkaliks Celebration
is this Saturday and Sunday,
July 20-22 in Wallowa, Or-
egon. Friday & Saturday
mornings will be open for
memorials and namings.
All drums are welcome
and paid. There is free camp-
ing. For information on spe-
cials, contests and vending
July 18, 2018
see the website:
Community notes
The Warm Springs Boys
& Girls Club is having a
penny drive through the end
of summer. The proceeds
will go towards incentives,
supplies, a playground and
other things for the club.
Stop by the Club at the Youth
Center, the former elemen-
tary school gym, to donate.
Or contact club director June
Native student pre-college academy
The University of Or-
egon will host the Native
American Pre-College Acad-
emy, July 30-August 5 at the
Eugene campus.
The academy aims to cre-
ate a cohort of college-
bound Native American stu-
dents. The academy will fo-
cus on preparing high school
juniors and seniors for the
college admissions process.
Over the course of the
seven-day program, the stu-
dents will get acquainted
with the University of Or-
egon campus, facilities, stu-
dents and staff.
Students will stay in the
new Kalapuya Ilihi residence
hall, and get first-hand expe-
rience living and learning on
a college campus.
The program is free. Eli-
gibility: Open to all Native
American high school stu-
dents who will be in grades
9-12 in the coming school
year. Priority is given to ris-
ing juniors and seniors. Ap-
ply online at:
For questions, call CC
Wright, 541-346-0681. Or