Spilyay tymoo. (Warm Springs, Or.) 1976-current, June 20, 2018, Page 5, Image 5

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    Spilyay Tymoo, Warm Springs, Oregon
June 20, 2018
Page 5
‘Choices’ author shares message of hope and inspiration
R on James traveled here from
Pennsylvania, sharing his message
with the Warm Springs community,
and Deer Ridge Institute inmates.
“We may wear different clothes,
go to different jobs, and live in dif-
ferent cities,” Mr. James said. “But
we all have one thing in common—
Ron spent more than 25 years
in and out of prison. He knows
the power of choices for to build
up, and to tear down. His journey
is compelling. He shares the les-
sons he has learned:
“Who’s choice is it? Realize the
true power of your next choice,”
Ron says.
His drug addiction brought him
to a place of homelessness, and
stealing from the only person that
supported him, his mother Miram
Jones. She would tell him:
“Good better best, May you
never rest until the good get bet-
ter, and the better best.”
Six years ago Ron was released
from incarceration. Since then he
has become a motivational speaker
and writer, and has had a motion
picture made about his life story.
Earlier this month, just after ar-
riving in Oregon, Ron was stand-
ing in front of eight tribal inmates:
He was giving them a message of
hope, through their own better
He later spoke to seven more
male inmates, and the next day met
with 13 female inmates. This was
his first time speaking on an In-
dian reservation.
Having personally known the
life of addiction and incarceration,
Mr. James knew what he was talk-
ing about.
Some of the comments from
those at the Warm Springs jail:
so glad I was able to attend. I love
his positive attitude and outlook on
life. It gives hope to all people fight-
ing the battle of alcohol mad drugs,
and sends the message that the
choices you make in life are all up
to you. It is good to have faith in
God to help you overcome the hard-
ships we face in life.
Tribal elder: I wish all my grand-
children heard his message.
In less than 36 hours Ron
touched the lives of 190 people.
How he found his way to Warm
Springs (as told by Sarah Frank):
Courtesy Sarah Frank
At the community center with Ron James are Levi and Annette Jim.
addiction. Show them that ever y
Give them courage, guidance,
strength, confidence… Even if it’s
just words.
... This guest speaker was a good
It was very good. I would like to
watch the movie at the next movie
We want more stuff like today.
Was a good class on choices.
More presentations like this one on
real life situations.
I loved it, and from now on I’m
going to make better choices, and
be there for my kids.
Bring more inspirational people...
Today’s class was pretty excit-
ing... More motivational speakers,
more classes. Don’t give up on any-
story, and given yet another glimpse
of hope for their futures.
On Monday evening Ron
spoke to eighty 80 Warm Springs
community members at the social
hall. Judge Lisa Lomas:
This was ver y uplifting. I am
I came across the ‘Choices’ movie
add on Facebook. I wanted to know
when the movie was going to be re-
leased, so I called the phone number
Ron retur ned m y call. After
hearing what we do at the tribal jail
and Deer Ridge Correctional Insti-
tute he wanted to travel to Warm
I attempted to seek donations to
get Ron to Warm Springs. After a
month I was giving up, as I had
little response.
But Ron was adamant that he
was coming to War m Springs…
Living Hope Christian Center and
War m Springs Power Enter prise
both made a financial donation.
Community member Danielle
Wood contributed from her own per-
sonal funds. The Meth and Opiate
Work Group provided the meal ant
the Community Event.
B r e n t a n d L i n d s e y Wr i g h t
opened up their home to give Ron a
place to stay during his visit to Warm
Springs. Many volunteered their
time to make this event possible. We
appreciate all the support!
A special thanks to the Warm
Springs Police Department and Deer
Ridge correctional facility for allowing
us into your facility.
The Warm Springs Housing Au-
thority Board donated funds to pay
for two of Ron’s meals. Thank you to
Tribal Councilman Charles Calica
for welcoming Ron to Warm Springs.
Make you next choice, your best
If you would like to learn more
Ja m e s
yourchoicefoundation.or g
We hope to bring him back to
speak to our youth.
Sarah J. Frank
At Deer Ridge
I didn’t just listen, I heard your
words. Thank you...
Made me think about changing
my life... I know that it’s going to
be hard, but I know that I will get
there one day. I’ve just got to take
the first step...
Another said: I wish we had
this all the time, for the youth and
Don’t give up on families with
On Sunday night Ron entered
the Deer Ridge Correctional Insti-
tute, where he spoke to over sev-
enty 70 inmates.
Chaplain Patterson shared the
following comment:
We want to thank you very much
for the amaz ing evening we had with
Ron James. Not only was it a good
turnout, but the talk from the men
has been ver y encouraging and in-
spirational. They were moved by his
Summaries of Tribal Council
June 11, 2018
1. Roll call: Chief Joseph
Moses, Chief Alfred Smith Jr.,
Chairman Eugene Greene Jr.,
Vice Chairman Charles Calica,
Raymond Tsumpti, Valerie
Switzler, Lee Tom, and Brigette
McConville. Minnie Yahtin, Re-
2. Enterprise updates:
· Ventures.
· Credit Enterprise.
· Timber Company LLC.
· The Museum at War m
· Warm Springs Composite
· High Lookee.
3. Eel (lamprey) harvesting:
· Motion by Brigette adopting
Resolution No. 12,496 approving
the 2018 eel fishery regulations,
with noted edit. Second by Charles.
Question: 6/0/1, Chairman not
voting. Motion carried.
4. Discussed the motion/ac-
tion taken on May 29.
5. With no further discussion
the meeting adjourned at 3:40 p.m.
June 12
1. Roll call: Chief Joseph
Moses, Chairman Eugene Greene
Jr., Lee Tom, and Brigette
McConville. Minnie Yahtin, Re-
2. Enterprise updates:
· Kah-Nee-Ta.
· Warm Springs Power & Wa-
· Warm Springs Telecom.
3. Due to lack of a quorum the
afternoon agenda items will be re-
4. With no further discussion the
meeting adjourned at 11:40 a.m.
15% OFF product
To redeem mention this ad,
or show your tribal ID.
341 SW Sixth St.
Tuesday - Saturday
10 a.m. - 6 p.m.
ph. 541-923-8071
The deadline for the Warm Springs
Tribal Scholarship is July 1. Require-
ments and application are available
online at warmsprings-nsn.gov
Click on ‘Services’—‘Education’ and
then ‘Higher Education.’ Or see: