E Coosh EEWA: The way it is Page 4 Spilyay Tymoo June 20, 2018 Letters to the editor For your many years of dedication Opportunity The War m Springs Communtiy Action Team seeks to hire an Americorps Vista community develop- ment specialist. This is a one-year position from August of this year through August 2019. Ben- efits include a living stipend (a choice of education award or cash stipend); childcare assistance; first- hand community service, and a healthcare allowance. If you are interested, call 541-553-3148. Or email: gabby@wscat.org Gabby Robinson, W.S. Community Action Team Tribal Scholarships The deadline to submit your application for Tribal Scholarship is fast approach- ing: The deadline date to sub- mit your Tribal Scholarship is July 1. For information contact Carroll Dick, Higher Education, 541-553- 3311. On the Fourth War m Springs Recre- ation is gearing up for Fourth of July festivities. There is theme this year of Honoring O u r Ve t e r a n s a n d Wa r - riors—Those Who Served in the U.S . Navy. The Fourth, on a Wednes- day this year, will see the Pa- rade, line up at 9 a.m. at the former Warm Springs el- ementary school. Judging the floats will be 10, and the pa- rade starts at 11 o’clock sharp. Recreation will host a bar- becue shortly after the pa- rade, with a horseshoe tour- nament at noon. All activi- ties are the Community Cen- ter: A watermelon eating con- test, family fun games, and fireworks at dusk. For more information contact Recre- ation at 541-553-3243. Tribal Council The following are some of the items on the Tribal Coun- cil agenda for the rest of June (subject to change at Council discretion): Monday, June 25 9 a.m.: Secretary-Trea- surer and Chief Operations Officer updates with Michele Stacona and Alyssa Macy. 10: July agenda/Review minutes with the S-T. 11: Draft resolutions. 1:30 p.m.: Legislative up- date calls. 2:30: Enrollments with Lucille Suppach-Samson, Vi- tal Stats. 3:30: May 2018 financial update with Alfred Estimo and Dennis Johnson. Tuesday, June 26 9 a.m.: Casino/Travel Plaza updates with Jeffrey Carstensen. 10: Hold for casino. 11: Travel Plaza/Land into trust with Howie Arnett and Mr. Carstensen Items for consideration: The 2019 budget. Ted Ferrioli tour of the fish tower/Mill Creek Fish Ac- cord project. Karmen Fore/ State of Oregon, cultural re- sources-railroad safety. Laura John/City of Portland liaison. Heritage at 541-553-3290. Or email: deanie.smith@wstribes.org Mac Dash The Eleventh Annual Mac Dash Sprint Triathlon will be on Saturday, August 11. Volunteers are needed to help with the event, which consists of swimming, bicy- cling and running. All volunteers receive a free t-shirt and lunch. The event needs help in the pool area, bike and run routes, and at the finish line. If you would like to help, send an email to Jim Gemelas. Let him know which area you want to vol- unteer, If you have no pref- erence, he will assign you. His email address is jgemelas@gmail. com Big reunion 2 Specials for descendants This Friday, June 22 at Pi- All direct descendants of Billy Chinook and Annie Holliquilla and their families are invited to attend an ex- tended family gathering in August. The gathering will be at the Community Center social hall, 10 to 5 p.m. each day on Saturday and Sunday, August 18-19. There will be a potluck each day but no other planned activities: Just socializing and getting ac- quainted with all your new found relatives. Consider bringing a regis- ter to record your relatives’ names and addresses, and don’t forget to bring all your old family photos and stories. (See the article on page 7.) Richard Macy Pi-Ume-Sha royalty candidate Sharmiah Brisbois is a candidate for 2018 Pi-Ume- Sha Royalty Court. She is selling raffle tickets and appreciates all support and encouraging words. Her parents are Jaycelene Frank and Vance Brisbois. You can contact them for tickets. Naimuma Warm Springs Culture and Heritage is planning for this summer’s Camp Naimuma, coming up in July at the HeHe camp grounds. The camp—July 20-24— is open to the first 50 boys and 50 girls to sign up. The deadline to register is July 18. You can contact Culture and Spilyay Tymoo (Coyote News, Est. 1976) Publisher Emeritus in Memorium: Sid Miller Editor: Dave McMechan Spilyay Tymoo is published bi-weekly by the Con- federated Tribes of Warm Springs. Our offices are located at 4174 Highway 3 in Warm Springs. Any written materials submitted to Spilyay Tymoo should be addressed to: Spilyay Tymoo, P.O. Box 489, Warm Springs, OR 97761. Phone: 541-553-2210 or 541-771-7521 E-Mail: david.mcmechan@wstribes.org. Annual Subscription rates: Within U.S.: $20.00 Ume-Sha our families will be holding two specials for Owen and Arlena Danzuka's kids, who will be joining the powwow circle. We'll be holding a 11 years and under boys special to honor Damon Ray Danzuka, “Keiken” (all categories). We'll have an embroidered Pendleton coat and cash for first place, with two consola- tion prizes, a Columbia coat and cash. We'll also be holding a 6 years and under girls special to honor Anilese Roselyn Danzuka. Winner takes the Pendleton coat and cash. Contestants in regalia please. We'll also have other prizes as they're donated. We’re looking forward to having your kids join us to help celebrate this happy occasion. Sandra Danzuka Food service The summer food ser- vice meal program provides nutritious summer meals to all children 18 and under at no cost. In War m Springs, breakfast is from 8:45-9:15 and lunch 12- 12:30 at the Youth Center. Breakfast is served at the Bridges Program at Westside School in Madras at 7:45-8:45; and lunch at noon. Jeri has been at the Warm Springs Health and Wellness Center for over 15 years, and has been in the Diabetes Pro- gram for most of that time. She has been our dedi- cated Nurse Certified Diabetes Educator, and the program will miss her commitment to our pa- tients. Jeri has repeatedly gone above and beyond to assist people with their healthcare needs, often thinking ahead to provide for the need before it ever arises. She has also taken on many of the duties within the facility, such as be- coming the employee health coordinator for the clinic and TB committee chairperson. Jeri has also worked with other departments to provide education in School BBQ The Back to School Bar- becue has been set for Au- gust 30 at the Warm Springs Academy. Health and Hu- man Services has budgeted for food costs. The menu will be ham- burgers and hot dog, fruit and raw veggies. Volunteers are always welcome. Sue Matters Market kick off The Warm Springs Out- door Market kicks off this Friday, June 22. There will be a free bar- becue, local produce and plants, value-added foods, handmade arts and crafts. The market will set up in front of the Re-Use It store from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Grill- ing starts around 10:30 a.m. Burgers will be served on a first-come first-serve basis, while supplies last. The Warm Springs Com- munity Action Team has hosted the Outdoor Market how to prevent and manage diabetes. She has taught water aerobics classes at Ka-Nee- Ta pool, coordinated talks at the Senior Center, partici- pated in many community health fairs and taught Dia- betes Prevention classes. Personally, I have worked with Jeri for years as a co- worker and for the past two years as her supervisor, and I will miss all her support in the diabetes program with her organization skills, as well as her reliability and since 2013. This year the team has the help of Tananawit, the newly form- ing Warm Springs artisans or- ganization. Tananawit is working to- wards facilitating economic opportunity for War m Springs Indian Reservation artists, providing educational opportunities for aspiring Native artists, and increasing public knowledge and under- standing of the tribal arts and crafts of the Columbia River Plateau. The Warm Springs Out- door Market will happen ev- ery other week from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. The market on Friday will be in front of Re-Use It, and on Saturdays, beginning this Saturday, June 23, the mar- ket will be at the corner of Highway 26, by Kalama’s frybread. If you or someone you know is looking for a consis- tent location, or means to sell value added foods, locally grown produce/agriculture, or handmade arts and crafts, contact the Community dedication. Her support and hard work have been invalu- able in assisting in any way needed for both em- ployees and patients. Jeri has remained positive and focused on patient needs throughout difficult times of short staffing, program changes and challenges. She consistently goes above and beyond to work toward program and IHS goals. Jeri has done a great job at managing the edu- cation programs, provid- ing nursing care to pa- tients and program sup- port. It will not be the same when she retires. Thank you, Jeri, for all that you have done! You will be missed and your service has been much appreciated. Montell Elliott, Dia- betes coordinator. Action Team at 541-553- 3148 for more information or to sign up today. Strive in June Central Oregon Commu- nity College will host Strive at their Bend Campus June 28-July 2. Strive is a resi- dential summer program for Native American high school students in Central Oregon. For more information contact Kathy Freeman at 541-330-4369. Or Michelle Car y, at 541-318-3782. Emails: kfreeman@cocc.edu mcary@cocc.edu The Crown The Miss War m Springs committee is seeking proposals for the 2019-2020 Miss Warm Springs Crown. The deadline to sub- mit a proposal for this project is Friday, July 13. Contact Alyssa Macy. To Graduates Medicare cards The new Medicare cards are being mailed out. Oregon is the first state in the nation to start receiving the modi- fied cards. The old Medicare cards had the card holder’s name, date of birth and the Social Security numbers. This al- lowed for cases of fraud. The new Medicare cards have the client’s name, an as- signed Medicare number, and the date the client be- came entitled for services. This was a long time com- ing, and will run through April 2019, for the current changes of the Medicare cards. If you have any ques- tions, please call Rosermary ‘Mushy’ Alarcon at the Fam- ily Resource Center, 541- 553-4955. Or contact Warm Springs Managed Care at 541-553-4948. Jayson Smith/Spilyay At the Madras High School 2018 graduation ceremony. The Warm Springs Graduation Banquet is this Thursday evening, June 21, at the Warm Springs Academy. The banquet is for high school and higher education graduates, starting at 6 p.m. The evening is hosted by the Native Aspiration Coa- lition, TRACEs (Trauma, Resilience and Adverse Childhood Experiences) of Central Oregon, the Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs Educa- tion Committee, and the Johnson O’Malley Committee.