Spilyay Tymoo, Warm Springs, Oregon May 9, 2018 Tribes look to resume aggregate mining There are three sites on the reservation that appear to be excellent for the aggre- gate crushed rock market. The sites have been mined in the past, but the program has not been in operation for some years now. Then two years ago, tribal management pursued and won a grant to re-evaluate the sites. The evaluation work is go- ing on now: Duane Matt, with the BIA Minerals and Energy Development Division, was in Warm Springs this week. Overseeing the tribal Education training on bed bugs The tribes will host a training summit on bed bug eradication and prevention this month. The training will May 15 at Kah-Nee-Ta, with participation from tribal de- partments, IHS, and other tribal groups as well. Tribal departments plan- ning to participate are Utili- ties, Housing, Early Child- hood Education Center, Children’s Protective Ser- vices, Corrections—really any department responsible for a public building or build- ings, said Russell Graham, Tribal Sanitarian. “Our goal is to remove the fear, and come up with ac- tionable items to address any problems,” Mr. Graham said. Presently, there appears to be no established or uniform protocol for Indian Country in dealing with bed bugs, he said. For information call Sanitation at 541-553-4943. grant, Mr. Matt traveled here from the Minerals and En- ergy Development Division office in Colorado. He was taking core samples—down to 50 feet in depth—at the mining sites. There appear to be good quantities of excellent qual- ity aggregate, said Bruce Irwin, tribal community de- velopment director. The Oregon Department of Transportation would be a prospective customer of the rock, as the mine sites on the reservation are well located to ser ve ODOT projects in the region. A tribal mining program could be under War m Springs Ventures-Construc- tion. There would be a poten- tial for four to six new jobs with the mining and rock cr ushing operation, Mr. Irwin said. The mining sites are the B-2-20 pit; Indian Creek, which is the northern most of the three; and the David pit near Simnasho. Guest speaker at WOW The Community Health Education Team invites you to join your friends at this week’s Wellness of War m Springs. The meeting is this Thursday, May 10 from 12 noon to 1 p.m. at the Family Resource Center conference room. The guest speaker is Stephanie Wachter. Her topic is ‘Criminality and Substance Abuse.’ Page 3 Summer program at B&G Club Summer registration at the War m Springs Boys & Girls Club is now open for youth 5 years of age and older. The summer program at the club begins on Monday, June 11. Sum- mer club hours will be 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday. The cost is $25 per member. The club will be closed on Friday, June 8. If you have any ques- tions please call the club at 553-2323 or stop by anytime between 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m., Monday through Friday. Band Hemlock concert in W.S. The band Hemlock—with other guest bands—will play in Warm Springs on Thurs- day, May 24 at the Commu- nity Center. This is part of Hemlock’s Twenty-Five Year Anniversary Tour. The band has toured with such bands as Slayer, Slip- knot, Korn and others. Tick- ets for the Warm Springs show are $10. This is for all ages. There is an N’Chi Wana Pum Canoe meeting on Wednesday, May 16 from 5:30-7:30 at the Greeley Heights Community Building. Warm Springs Community Calendar Brought to you by KWSO 91.9 FM Thursday, May 10 Wellness of Warm Springs will meet from noon to 1 at the Family Resource Center confer- ence room. They will cel- ebrate Mothers Day, and focus on Women’s Wellness. Everyone is welcome and lunch is served to all participants. Fitness activities scheduled for today at the Community Wellness Center: There’s Boot Camp class at 12:10 in the Aerobics room, and Functional Fitness in the Social Hall. An Alcoholics Anonymous meeting takes place every Thurs- day at noon at the Behav- ioral Health Center. There is also a ‘Teens Not On Tobacco’ class at 4:15. And there is at Narcotics Anonymous meets at 6 p.m. at the Shaker Church. Social dance class is today from 4-5:30 at the Community Center Aero- bics room. The Madras High School Spring Choir Concert is at 7 p.m. at the Performing Arts Cen- ter. Friday, May 11 There is a Behavior Health Walk-In Clinic to- day. Appointments are available between 1 and 5 p.m. The medical social workers at the clinic can help with screenings, as- sessments, crisis inter- vention and many other things for children, ado- lescents and adults. The Root Feast Cel- ebration at Nixyaawii Longhouse in Pendleton has been rescheduled for May 11-12. Grand Entry is at 7 p.m. today. Memo- rials will be done on Sat- urday before the 7 p.m grand entry. The Jefferson County Film Center will show the movie Three Bill- boards Outside Ebbing Missouri, rated R, at 7:30. Films are free and shown in the Rodriguez Annex, behind the library in Ma- dras. Saturday, May 12 There is an Alcoholics Anonymous meeting this morning at 10 at the Behavioral Health Center. The Root Feast Cel- ebration at the Nixyaawii Longhouse in Pendleton continues today. Memori- als will be done today be- fore the 7 p.m. grand en- try. Sunday, May 13 Warm Springs Chris- tian Fellowship is this morning at 9:30 at High Lookee Lodge. The Warm Springs Baptist Church has Sun- day School at 10, and Worship Service at 11 this morning. The Warm Springs Food Bank is located at the Presbyterian Church. They are open from 11:30- 1:30 today. All food banks and pantries do take donations of non-per- ishable food or cash There is a Fusion Fit- ness class every Monday and Wednesday morning at 6 at the Community Center Aerobics room. The class is suitable for all fitness levels. Monday, May 14 It’s late start Monday at schools in the Jefferson County 509-J school dis- trict. At the Warm Springs Academy that means school starts at 9:45 today and kids should be at school by 9:30. Here are today’s fit- ness activities: Senior Fitness Class is at 10:45 at the Senior Center. At 12:10 there is Functional Fitness in the Aerobics room, and Pi-Yo class at the IHS atrium. This after- noon at 4 is Turbo Kick class in the Aerobics room. Senior fitness class participants are invited to eat lunch. Today they are having luckamean, roasted roots, biscuits and fruit. There is Women’s Prayer Group at the Presbyterian Church from 12:15-12:45 today. All women are welcome. Warm Springs Voca- tional Rehabilitation has orientation today at 3 p.m. at their office in the industrial park. Learn more by calling 553-4952. Victims of Crime Ser- vices has a Women’s Support Group today at the VOCS office, 1108 Wasco Street, behind the Old Boys’ Dorm. It’s from 3-5 p.m. There is an Adoles- cent Substance Abuse Education class at 4:30 and Aftercare at 5:30 at the Behavioral Health Cen- ter. Aglow Bible Study is this evening at High Lookee Lodge from 6:15- 7:30. Everyone is wel- come. Tuesday, May 15 Fitness activities hap- pening during the noon hour at the Community Wellness Center today are Functional Fitness class in the social hall, and Boot Camp class in the Aerobics room. There is a Fusion Fitness Class tomorrow morning at 6, suitable for all fitness lev- els, in the Aerobics room. Today’s Senior Lunch at noon is pork chops, mashed potatoes, mixed vegetables, whole wheat bread and fruit. Seniors 60 and older eat for free, 59 and under are $5 and youth under 13 are $3 at the Senior Wellness Cen- ter. The Behavioral Health Center has an Alcoholics Anonymous meeting to- day at noon. Men’s Group meets at 1:00, Relapse Prevention at 3:30 and Alcohol & Drug Education class is also at 3:30. The Jefferson County Food Bank is located at 556 SE Seventh Street in Madras. They are open for distribution this after- noon. Warm Springs Voca- tional Rehabilitation has orientation today at 3 p.m. at the Behavioral Health Center. Soaring Butterflies Warrior Spirit class is afterschool today at the Warm Springs Academy from 3:30-5. Financial Skills for Families class meets to- day from 5:30-7:30 at the Community Action Team office. The topic is ‘Build- ing a Healthy Economy.’ There is a Wellbriety Warriors Accepting Re- covery meeting this evening from 6:30-8:30 at the Community Center Social Hall. It is open to anyone seeking sobriety and wellness. Wednesday, May 16 The Timber Commit- tee meets today from 9- noon at the Forestry Building Today’s fitness schedule: Water Aero- bics is at 10:15 at Kah- Nee-Ta Village pool. Se- nior Fitness class is at 10:45 at the Senior Cen- ter. Following class, par- ticipants can enjoy lunch. On the menu today: smoked salmon salad, upside down cake and a fruit smoothie. At noon- time it’s Pi-Yo class at the clinic atrium, and at the Community Center is Functional Fitness in the Aerobics room. Turbo Kick class at 4, and La- dies Night Basketball in the gym at 6. Today at the Behav- ioral Health Center: Wellbriety Court Class is this morning at 11. Women’s Group is at 1. Anger Management is from 3:30-4:30. And there is an Alcoholics Anonymous meeting at 7 this evening. The Culture & Heritage Committee meets today from 4-6 at the administra- tion building, conference room 3. Conscious Discipline Skill Building class is this afternoon from 1:30 to 3 at the Early Child Education Center room 2E. Its open to the community. There is Warm Springs Christian Fellowship this evening at 6 at High Lookee Lodge.