E Coosh EEWA: The way it is Page 4 Spilyay Tymoo March 28, 2018 Letters to the editor Tip Line Our community faces with many challenges when it comes to the battle of ille- gal drug possession, delivery and usage, property crimes and other criminal activity. Because of this, the Warm Springs Police De- partment is reaching out to the community members to assist with this fight. There is an anonymous tip line that was set up several years ago to help gather in- formation from individuals who wanted to remain anony- mous but assist in providing information regarding any criminal activity. The Tip Line is a phone line where there is no caller identification program at- tached. The caller can leave a message after the recorded message, and it is checked daily by a staff member. So we are asking the members of our community to assist in helping us fight and deter criminal activity. We are aware of the fact that witnesses are afraid to be witnesses or victims be- cause of they are afraid for their own safety as well as the safety of their families or property. If anyone has any infor- mation about any criminal activity, we are asking that you please call the Warm Springs Police Department Tip Line and leave your in- formation. It is your choice if you want to leave a con- tact number. Warm Springs Police De- partment Anonymous Tip Line: 541-553-2202. Lt. Starla Green, Warm Springs Police Department. Movin’ Mountains This year, Warm Springs participation in the Movin’ Mountains fitness challenge is up. This may be related to the weather conditions, but we also decided to do a dedi- cated day of measurements in Warm Springs, back in January, to make it easier for Warm Springs participants to join. We also did the mid-point measurements on last week. Ending measurements will be on Thursday May 10. The challenge has the strong support from not only the IHS Diabetes Program staff, but by the tribal com- munity health staff. Special thanks to Edmund Francis for his con- tinued purchase of Hydro Flasks for all participants that meet their 5 percent weight–loss goal. He has done this for the past five years, and is appreciated. Thank you to Kacey Conyers, Registered Dietician, for doing a nutrition talk for all participants; and to Montell Elliott for partnering with myself to provide a goal- setting class at the beginning of the challenge. She also secured us a dedicated place to do confidential measure- ments. The Movin’ Mountain pro- gram actually morphed from the ‘Biggest Loser in Warm Springs Challenge.’ I started that program in War m Springs in 2005, when I was the Community Wellness Co- ordinator for the tribe, hired through the community di- rected Diabetes Prevention grant. When I left that employ- ment and went to work for the county, I combined that program with Movin’ Moun- tain here in Madras, and the county-wide version was launched. Over the years the pro- gram has continued to change, to make it more fair for all participants to succeed. And yes, this year I suspect this is not going to be an exception to that. Historically, each year some Warm Springs residents always place in the challenge. I truly believe this program would not be as successful without their participation and the support I get from organizations in War m Springs. Along with that it is the intent of the program to give everyone an opportunity to make some healthy lifestyle changes and have a longer healthier life! Carolyn Harvey, Com- munity Health Educator, Jefferson County Public Health. Honoring vets The Vietnam and Ko- rean War Veterans Recog- nition Day is this Wednes- day, March 28 in War m Springs; and on Friday, March 30 in Madras. GED classes The 2018 Warm Springs GED program—Adult Basic classes—is beginning soon. The classes, sponsored by Central Oregon Community College, will begin on April 2, lasting through June 14. Orientation is mandatory, and will be during the week of April 2. Registration for Reading/Writing will be on Monday or Wednesday of that week, one day manda- tory to attend. For Math the registration Spilyay Tymoo (Coyote News, Est. 1976) Publisher Emeritus in Memorium: Sid Miller Editor: Dave McMechan Spilyay Tymoo is published bi-weekly by the Con- federated Tribes of Warm Springs. Our offices are located at 4174 Highway 3 in Warm Springs. Any written materials submitted to Spilyay Tymoo should be addressed to: Spilyay Tymoo, P.O. Box 489, Warm Springs, OR 97761. Phone: 541-553-2210 or 541-771-7521 E-Mail: david.mcmechan@wstribes.org. Annual Subscription rates: Within U.S.: $20.00 is Tuesday or Thursday of the week of April 2, one day mandatory to attend. Regis- tration will not be accepted after April 5. Orientation includes in- formation about COCC and Adult Basic Skills classes, skills assessment, and regis- tration. If you have ques- tions, call 541-504-2950. Spring Break Kids’ Dental Day The warm springs Health and Wellness Center Dental depart- ment is hosting a Spring Break Kids’ Day for stu- dents of all ages. We will be doing exams and fluo- ride varnish. The Spring Break Kids’ Day is this Thurs- day, March 29 from 8 to 11 a.m., and from 1 to 3 p.m. No appointment is needed. Please check in with patient registration, then check in at the Den- tal window. If you have any question please feel free to contact Dental at 541-553-2462. We hope to see you soon! W.S. Health and Wellness Dental. No pet clinic It looks like the free Warm Springs spay, neuter and vaccination clinic will not happen this spring in Warm Springs. The problem is the lack of a facility in which to pro- vide the service. Bend Spay+Neuter for several months in late 2016 into 2017 used the Greeley Heights community building. During that time, they per- formed 276 dog spay/neu- ter surgeries, and over 350 vaccinations. With this building no longer available for the ser- vice, Bend Spay+Neuter have not been able to locate a new facility in War m Springs. An idea is to use some endowment funding to pur- chase and equip a mobile clinic that could serve the reser vation. If this ap- proach is successful, the service could resume in the fall. If you have any other Have a great April Fools’ Day, from Warm Springs artist Travis Bobb. ideas, as to a Warm Springs facility, please call 541-617- 1010. Thank you! Bend Spay+Neuter. festivities is Luau Party! For additional information stop by the Senior Wellness Pro- gram or call 541-553-3313. Spirits & Lands For 9th graders The Second Annual Warm Springs Healing our Spirits & Lands Round Dance is this Wednesday and Thursday, March 30-31 at the Commu- nity Center. There will be Sweats, feast and pipe cer- emonies. Oldies, goodies The Native Aspiration Coalition will host the Old- ies But Goodies Dance at the Community Center So- cial Hall next Thursday, April 5. This will be a fam- ily fun event, with the danc- ing and other contests. And there will be food! On April 5, Oldies But Goodies Dance will be from 5 to 8 p.m. Honor Seniors The Twenty-Eighth An- nual Honor Senior Day in Warm Springs is on May 11 at the Agency Longhouse. The committee is seeking donations of door prizes and gifts for seniors. All do- nations are greatly appreci- ated. The theme for this year’s Madras High School will have its Ninth Grade Orien- tation Dinner Night on Wednesday, April 4. This is for all incoming ninth graders to be intro- duced to high school curricu- lum, activities, sports and academic expectations. The evening begins at 5:30 p.m. Students will have an op- portunity to meet coaches and advisors, and tour the high school. Transportation from Warm Springs will de- part from the front of the Academy at 5:15. Tax help The Warm Springs Com- munity Action Team AARP Tax Aide Site is offering free tax preparation and filing on Tuesdays and Thursdays. To make an appointment call 541-553-3148. Visit to Japan Four MHS students are raising money for their trip to visit Madras’ Sister City, Tomi City, Japan, this June. They are selling tickets for their Sister City Mega Prize Raffle. Tickets can be pur- chased from the students: Daisy Tewee, Tyreke Ramsey, Osmar Rodriguez or Jessica Geigner, at the Jefferson County Chamber office, or by calling Jason at 541-777-1252. The drawing will be done on Wednesday, April 4 at 4 live on the Ma- dras Sister City – Tomi City Japan Facebook page. Day at a time Hi again to all. Well, I’m living in another nursing home. This one is in Duck City, Eugene. I’m now in the third one I’ve been in since 1987, and I hope it’s the last one I have to live in. I learned my lesson about drinking some alcohol and riding a vehicle with others who are drinking alcohol. I will not drink any more alcohol. I know my life is very important here on earth. I just have to take it one day at a time. Evette Patt, RHCC, 1075 Irvington Dr., Eugene, OR 97404 An event to memorialize and honor Warm Springs wildland fire fighters past and present is being planned for later this year by Luther Clements. You can learn more by checking out his Facebook Page. Outreach specialist joins land buy-back program Tiffiney Yallup has joined the Warm Springs Land Buy-Back program. She is the outreach spe- cialist with the Buy-Back. Her job is to help land- owners who have re- ceived Buy-Back bids, giving advice on the op- tions that are available. The current Buy-Back deadline for those who have received bids is coming up on April 24. For information you can reach Tiffiney at 541- 615-0997. Or ask for Randy Scott, War m Springs Buy-Back coor- dinator. Both Randy and Tiffiney have their of- fices at the War m Springs Media Center. As background on the nearly $2 billion dollar pro- gram, happening on many reservations across the na- tion: The program works to unify fractionated tribal land bases that resulted from the failed historical policy of al- lotment. To landowners: You will receive fair market value for any land interests you decide to sell, based on your share in the whole tract, plus $75 per offer packet. Funds will be deposited into your Individual Indian Money (IIM) account. You do not have to sell— Participation is purely vol- untary. By choosing to sell your land, you may create opportunities to make Indian lands more productive for the Confederated Tribes and the community of the reserva- tion. Tiffiney Yallup is the outreach specialist with the Warm Springs Land- Buy Back program. The number is 541-615-0997.