E Coosh EEWA: The way it is Page 4 Spilyay Tymoo February 28, 2018 Letters to the editor From B&G Club Greetings! The Boys & Girls Club of Warm Springs will host our annual Great Futures golf scramble, dinner and auction fundraiser on Saturday, April 28 at Kah-Nee-Ta Resort. We are now seeking items for our auctions, and are hoping you would be able to help. Please consider what you might be able to donate to help us raise money for the club. This will be our Ninth Annual fundraiser. Some things to know about the Boys & Girls Club of Warm Springs, and our impact for tribal youth: Our membership was 483 young people in 2017. Daily attendance has in- creased over 90 percent since 2014. On average we’re serving 100 tribal youth each day. Sixty-two percent of or members are from single- parent households. One-hundred percent of our members are from low income households. Club spending in 2017 was $110,180. Of that total: Memberships accounted for $3,960. Individual and in-kind contributions added $520. Fundraising benefits: $18,500. Corporate and busi- ness contributions: $9,500. Government support ac- counted for $52,700. The Boys & Girls Club of Warm Springs is a unit of the Boys & Girls Club of Snohomish County. For more information contact club me at 541-553- 2323. Or email: jsmith@bgcsc.org. Thank you for your con- sideration. June Smith, club direc- tor. Luau Party The War m Springs Honor Seniors Day has grown to be a long-standing tradition in the Pacific Northwest. The team at the Senior Program is already gearing up for the 2018 Se- niors Day—working with the theme this year of ‘Luau Party. This will be the Twenty- Eighth Annual Warm Springs Honor Seniors Day, coming up the second Friday in May. The idea for the very first Honor Seniors originated with a small group of tribal elders who wanted an event especially for the elders. Through the years this event has grown to a major community event: The av- erage attendance has been from 700 to 1,200 elders and local at the daylong event. The day showcases the res- ervation community, from Kah-Nee-Ta to the Museum at Warm Springs and Indian Head Casino. And of course we get to brag about Warm Springs Composite Products and Power and Water—not to for- get the businesses in Madras, Redmond and Bend that have supported our event throughout the years. The Honor Seniors Day Committee is requesting door prizes and gift donations, or anything you would be will- ing to donate would be greatly appreciated. And for the Luau Party on May 11, re- member: ‘Come dressed in your island attire and show us your moves!’ For additional information contact the Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs Se- nior Wellness Program, 541- 553-3313, or 553-3520. Sin- cerely, Honor Senior Day Committee. W.S. Area Chamber of Commerce To the community mem- bers of the Warm Springs Indian Reservation, tribal member business owners, tribal members living off the reservation, and all others who are, or want to be en- gaged with business on the Warm Springs Reservation: The Warm Springs Area Chamber of Commerce, and the Warm Springs Area Chamber of Commerce has been re-activated, and the new board of directors are: Dustin Seyler, president. Shawnetta Yahtin, vice- president. Yvette Leecy, treasurer. Amanda Smith, secretary. And trustees: Brutus Baez, Scott Kalama and Anthony Ander- son. The board will abide by the adopted charter as ap- proved by the former Warm Springs Area chamber of Commerce board, dated 2003. You can reach the chamber at 541-553-3148. The office is located at 1136 Paiute Avenue, War m Springs. Very respectfully, Gerald Danzuka. Tribal Ski Day Sign up at KWSO for the Mt. Hood Meadows Ski Day, Monday, March 5. Space is limited. Information and forms are available online at the KWSO site: kwso.org Meadows will provide the transportation, rentals, les- sons, lift tickets and lunch. The bus on Monday leaves the Warm Springs Commu- nity Center at 7:30 a.m., and will return around 4. Bring waterproof coat and pants (not denim); gloves, hat and scarf. Goggles or sunglasses. Syn- thetic fiber long underwear (no cotton). Synthetic socks (one layer only, thin is best). Personal water bottle and ex- tra snacks. For additional in- formation call Sue at KWSO, 541-460-2255. Enterprises There are several tribal board positions open, with the application deadline com- ing up on March 6. There is one position, non-member, on the Warm Springs Ventures board; and one position, non-mem- ber, on the Warm Springs Composite Products board. There are two position open on the Warm Springs Tribal Employment Rights Office (TERO) Commis- sion; and one position on the Kah-Nee-Ta Resort board. Credit has one position open. For all of these positions: Letters of interest and re- sumes of applicants should be submitted by March 6 to the following address: Michele Stacona, Secre- tary-Treasurer/CEO, P.O. Box 455, Warm Springs, OR 97761. Authorization letter will be mailed to all applicants for a criminal and credit background check to be completed returned to Sec- To hunters The tribal Natural Re- sources Wildlife Depart- ment is now gathering hunter harvest data and all tribal members who have is- sued tags for the 2017 tribal member subsistence hunts need to report as soon as possible. Harvest and hunting in- Spilyay photo Little Miss Warm Springs Kiahna Allen checks out the wall of hand drums at the Twenty-Fifth Youth Art Show at the Museum at Warm Springs: You can still check out the exhibit through this Saturday, March 3. formation is important for the department in determin- ing wildlife population sizes, herd compositions and hunting pressure. In addi- tion, this information helps determine where there are and are not animals, which helps focus habitat restora- tion efforts on the reserva- tion. For additional informa- tion or questions, contact: Wildlife Department biolo- gists: 541-553-2037/2046. Wildlife Parks and Enforce- ment Manager: 541-553- 2043. Conservation Enforce- ment Ranger Manager: (541) 553-2033 Mail: CTWS Branch Natural Resources, Wildlife Department, P.O. BOX C, Warm Spring, OR 97761 A thank you To the Community of Warm Springs, The children of the late Suzanne C. Moody would like to thank everyone who came out to support us when In March the museum will host a celebration of Twenty-Fifth Anniversary of the museum opening: The new exhibit opening March 17 will be Twanat: Celebrating Our Legacy. our mother became ill, and later during the services held after her passing. This was a very hard time for us. We did not have time to prepare, and as some of you know, thought processes become clouded during hard times such as this. We would like to thank each and every one of you who came forth to guide us, and to be of ser vice, whether it was by drumming, officiating, donating items and food, cooking, cleaning, just being there, or anything else that helped us. God’s love, help, strength, and support were shown through all of you. Sincerely, Michael Leecy, Lionel Smith, Victoria Smith, K apri Moody, Shelby Moody, Martha Stewart, Carl Bork, Twillia Moody-Lundin, Tara Moody & William Moody. For veterans Warm Springs will host a Vietnam and Korean War Veterans Recognition Day in March. The Recognition Day will be on Wednesday March 28. Contact the Warm Springs VFW or American Legion to learn more. In other veterans news: The Veteran’s Honor Flight of Central Oregon is seeking veterans to partici- pate in a trip back to Wash- ington, D.C. to see the war memorials. To learn more about this opportunity visit the website: honorflightofcentraloregon. org You can also talk with Mike Williams at 541-912- 1962. The Veterans and Family Healing Circle announced the annual gathering, coming up in April. The gathering, April 25-29, will be at the HeHe Longhouse. Contacts are: Mike Williams, 541- 912-1962. Heidi Katchia, 503-804-4177. Washington state: Elke Bach-Zeerosah, 253-967- 7905. Cody Black, 360-458- 6840. Tax help The Warm Springs Com- munity Action Team AARP Tax Aide Site is offering free tax preparation and filing on Tuesdays and Thursdays. To make an appointment call 541-553-3148. Spilyay Tymoo (Coyote News, Est. 1976) Publisher Emeritus in Memorium: Sid Miller Editor: Dave McMechan Spilyay Tymoo is published bi-weekly by the Con- federated Tribes of Warm Springs. Our offices are located at 4174 Highway 3 in Warm Springs. Any written materials submitted to Spilyay Tymoo should be addressed to: Spilyay Tymoo, P.O. Box 489, Warm Springs, OR 97761. Students post great grades in second semester The Warm Springs Acad- emy announced the Honor Roll for the second semes- ter of this school year. Sixth grade Honors (3.0- 3.5) Gunner Bailey Jr., Kyote Boyd, Caramon Brunoe, Kahmussa Green, Chiara Jensen, Kiutus Sapuay, Mia Crowe, Carmen J i m e n e z Orozco, AnnaMarie Johnson, Angel Martinez, Camryn Shawaway, Aiden Tortalita, Doralyn Charley and Rocky Gonzalez Jr. Phone: 541-553-2210 or 541-771-7521 Sixth grade High Honors (3.5-3.9) E-Mail: david.mcmechan@wstribes.org. Annual Subscription rates: Within U.S.: $20.00 Izeyah Frutos Lopez, Farani Fuiava, Ivan Good Lance, Sally Medina, Joseph Miller, Tommy Ball Jr., Terianna Heath, Keith Char- ley III, Noelani Kalama, Jess Stevens IV, Chavondria Th- ompson, Alosha Wainanwit Sohappy, Ivory Ascencio, Dasan Begay, Lucius Medina Smith, Phillip Arthur, Seneca Ball, Carlicia Dixon, Leona Eaglespeaker, Sasha Esquiro, Ryanna Tho- mas, Talise Wapsheli and Charlene White. Graybael and Sirita Wallulatum VanPelt. Sixth grade Highest Hon- ors (4.0) Seventh grade High Hon- ors Angeles Antunez, Yesenia Collins, Rylan Davis, Jocelyn Greene, Mariah Johnson, Aurelius Jones, Kalyn Leonard, RicoDave Perez Greene, Skytus Smith, Keira Tortalita, Latrell VanPelt Alexa Martinez, Arellya Scott, Lorraine Tulee, Pre- cious Butler, Aradonna Cochran, Yvonne Greene, Jaliyah George, Ronald Kalama and Isaiah Wapsheli. Seventh grade Honors Taylor Arthur, Sammy Billy Chinook, Krystah Jack Melvin, Jasper Switzler Jr., Avan Garcia, Sophia Henry, Elisella Tor res, Hayden Heath, Waurica Miller, Gun- ner Herkshan Jr., Mikayla Jimboy, Kevin Johnson and Esmerelda Orozco. Seventh grade Highest Honors Inez Bradley, Cassandra Brown Heath and Caroline Hintsatake. Eighth grade Honors Amissa Anderson, Clarissa Iyakitan, Samuel LeClaire, Toya Smith, Louie Smith, Jose Torres, Moses Gilbert, Wilfire Marcum, Feather Miller, Dea’JZhane Soto, Hekili Harry, Kalise Holliday and Nathaniel Jensen. Eighth grade High Hon- ors Hailey Cochran, Marilyn Tom, Lilian Libokmeto, Jayson Main, Mason Strong, Levina Perez Greene, Jes- sica Bruised Head, Shantelle Henry and Pierre McCloud.