Spilyay tymoo. (Warm Springs, Or.) 1976-current, February 14, 2018, Page 7, Image 7

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    Spilyay Tymoo, Warm Springs, Oregon
(Continued from page 1)
The problem is especially dan-
gerous to developing children, and
those with weakened immune sys-
Clean-up cost of the Agency
Longhouse will be several thousand
dollars, and will take several weeks.
The cloth on the benches in both
rooms will have to be removed, and
walls and floors will be sanitized.
Meanwhile, the Community
Center and HeHe Longhouse will
be made available, whenever pos-
sible, for family and community
events that would usually happen
at the longhouse.
It is possible that those respon-
sible for the contamination are
homeless, such as people who have
been evicted by Housing for meth
use in a Housing unit, Ms. Wood
The locks at the Longhouse
have since been changed and the
windows are secured. Tribal Coun-
cil members were understandably
disturbed by the news that the
longhouse, a religious center for
many members, had been used for
drug use.
Ms. Macy said the situation is
leading to a wider community dis-
cussion on an ongoing meth epi-
demic on the reservation. Use of
the drug appeared to have slowed
down a few years ago, but now is
back, apparently as bad as before.
Councilman Jody Calica sug-
gested that management come up
A community meeting
will be held this coming
Thursday, Februar y
15, at the Community
Center Social Hall
with a strategy to address the prob-
Ms. Macy said she has already
started on this, talking with com-
munity members at large, and Cul-
ture and Heritage. Other partners
in the strategy will be IHS, Social
Services, Public Safety, Behavioral
Health, plus recovering addicts,
and others.
The situation with the longhouse
is terrible, she said, but it could be
a chance to begin more open dis-
cussion of the problem. “At some
point we need to hit bottom,” she
said. “I hope this is that point.”
Danielle said there is a meth pre-
vention work group that meets
twice month, and they are looking
for more input, especially from re-
covering addicts. “They are the
ones who know what it took for
them to stop,” she said.
Councilman Raymond Tsumpti
said the longhouse leaders need to
be involved in process, as there will
be changes to policies of use of
the longhouse. The court system,
and Parole and Probation should
also be brought into the discussion.
A community meeting will be
February 14, 2018
held this coming Thursday, Febru-
ary 15, at the Community Center
Social Hall to discuss the results of
the testing in the building, and to
provide an opportunity for com-
munity members to learn more
about current efforts to combat the
drug. Community participation is
Warm Springs is not the only
reservation dealing with this prob-
lem, Ms. Macy said. The Yakama
Nation Tribal Council issued an ex-
traordinary order this month, an-
nouncing increased public safety
measures on their reservation. This
Resolution No. 12,426 approving
a home site lease for Andrea Smith
Sapuay. Second by Raymond.
Question; 6/0/3, Chairman not
voting. Motion carried.
6. Federal and state legislative
update calls.
7. Enrollments/relinquish-
· Motion by Carina adopting
Resolution No. 12,427 enrolling 10
individuals. Second by Brigette.
Question; 8/0/1, Chairman not
voting. Motion carried.
· Motion by Brigette adopting
Resolution No. 12,428 approving
a request for relinquishment. Sec-
ond by Valerie. Question; 9/0/0,
Chairman not voting. Motion car-
· Motion by Lee to table the
enrollment for Trevor Hurtado for
more information from Umatilla.
Second by Brigette. Question; 9/
0/0, Chairman not voting. Motion
8. Gun safety presentation.
9. With no further discussion
the meeting adjourned at 5:05 p.m.
January 30
1. Roll call: Chief Delvis Heath,
Chief Joseph Moses, Chief Alfred
Smith Jr., Chair man Eugene
Greene Jr., Vice Chairman Charles
Calica, Raymond Tsumpti, Ronald
Suppah, and Valerie Switzler.
Minnie Yahtin, Recorder.
2. December 2017 financial
3. Indian Health Service up-
4. Democratic Candidate Or-
egon Second Congressional intro-
5. Timber discussion.
6. Committee/board appoint-
· Motion by Charles adopting
Resolution No. 12,429 appointing
Evaline Patt to the Credit Enter-
prise Board of Directors, term
ending January 1, 2021. Second by
Valerie. Question; 8/0/0, Chair-
man not voting. Motion carried.
Class II will be re-advertised on
8/0/0 vote.
· Motion by Joseph adopting
Resolution No. 12,430 appointing
Pamela Douglas, Tribal member
and Ted Kulongoski, non-member,
is the Yakama declaration:
Yakama measure
Persons engaged in unlawful ac-
tivities on Yakama lands are on of-
ficial notice through a Yakama
Nation Tribal Council Resolution
that could result in immediate ex-
clusion, jail time, fines, suspension
of all Treaty-reserved hunting,
fishing and gathering rights, and
banishment from the Yakama
Nation with forfeiture of per
capita payments.
The Yakama Nation Tribal
Council, in asserting its sovereign
authority over Yakama lands and
people, will impose harsher pun-
ishments and faster consequences
against the recurrence of illegal ac-
tivities and crimes occurring on the
Yakama lands.
Washington State Patrol’s re-
fusal to actively patrol the Yakama
Reservation since the Tribe’s suc-
cessful retrocession through PL-
280 last year, mixed with rampant
crime in the small town of White
Swan, prompted the Tribe to take
immediate action to halt illegal ac-
tivities and crime here.
On Hollywood Boulevard
Dave McMechan/Spilyay
This Warm Springs Construction crew is working on Hollywood Boulevard, in the area between the
Kot-Num Road intersection and Kuckup Street. Construction is building the curbs and sidewalks,
and will begin road paving in a few months, when the paving plants are open, said Leslie Cochran-
Davis, of Ventures-Construction. The road work is funded through BIA 638 Roads.
Summaries of Tribal Council
January 29
1. Roll call: Chief Delvis Heath,
Chief Joseph Moses, Chief Alfred
Smith Jr., Chair man Eugene
Greene Jr., Vice Chairman Charles
Calica, Raymond Tsumpti, Ronald
Suppah, Valerie Switzler, Carina
Miller, Lee Tom, and Brigette
McConville. Minnie Yahtin, Re-
2. Secretary-Treasurer update.
3. Chief Operations Officer
· Motion made by Valerie ap-
proving the letter to Jefferson
County school district for
workforce housing initiative. Sec-
ond by Carina. Question; 7/0/2,
Chairman not voting. Motion car-
· Motion by Carina approving
the Double Dam Adventure Ride
fundraiser event for the Boys &
Girls Club of Warm Springs and
Kids Club of Jefferson County,
and the Joint Committee prioritize
this when they meet. Second by
Joseph. Question; 8/0/1, Chair-
man not voting. Motion carried.
· Motion by Carina approving
continued effort to move forward
with preparation of paperwork for
the nomination of the Robert Wil-
son home for the National Regis-
ter of Historic Places. Second by
Valerie. Question; 7/1/1, Chair-
man not voting. Motion carried.
· Motion by Carina approving
additional funds for the CPS reno-
vation and purchases. Second by
Brigette. Question; 9/0/0, Chair-
man not voting. Motion carried.
4. February agenda/minutes
· Motion by Carina approving
the February business agenda sub-
ject to change. Second by Brigette.
Question; 7/0/2, Chairman not
voting. Motion carried.
· Motion by Brigette approving
February travel delegations; Second
by Raymond. Question; 7/0/2,
Chairman not voting. Motion car-
5. Draft resolutions:
· Motion by Ron adopting Reso-
lution No. 12,425 approving an
Inheritance Act purchase related
to Ellen Marie Onepennee. Second
by Valerie. Question; 7/0/2, Chair-
man not voting. Motion carried.
· Motion by Alfred adopting
Page 7
to the WSCRE Board of Direc-
tors, terms ending on December
31, 2021. Second by Charles.
Question; 8/0/0, Chairman not
voting. Motion carried.
· Consensus to re-advertise for
the Kah-Nee-Ta High Desert
Board of Directors vacant posi-
· Consensus to re-advertise for
the Tribal Employment Rights
Office Commission.
· Motion by Joseph adopting
Resolution No. 12,431 appointing
Tainontorake Oakes, term ending
October 30, 2018 and Delford
Johnson, term ending October 30,
2020 to the Water Control Board.
Second by Charles. Question; 8/
0/0, Chairman not voting. Motion
· Motion by Charles adopting
Resolution No. 12,432 appointing
Joseph Moses, to the War m
Springs Composite Board of Di-
rectors, term ending December 31,
2018. Second by Brigette. Ques-
tion; 7/0/1, Chairman not voting.
Motion carried. Vote carrying on
to Non-Tribal member position to
be re-advertised.
· Motion by Joseph adopting
Resolution No. 12,433 appointing
Ronald Suppah and Kevin Nordt
to the Warm Springs Power &
Water Enterprise Board, terms
ending January 1, 2021. Second by
Charles. Question; 7/0/1, Chair-
man not voting. Motion carried.
· Motion by Raymond adopt-
ing Resolution No. 12,434 appoint-
ing Lori Switzler, pending accep-
tance and background check, to
the Ventures Board. And, that the
vacant non-member position be
re-advertised. Second by Joseph.
Question; 8/0/0, Chairman not
voting. Motion Carried.
7. Other business:
· Motion by Charles approving
the request for use of the tribal
logo to be used by University of
Oregon, Eastern Oregon Univer-
sity, and Oregon State University
Cascades on a coalition to support
2018 Capital Investments. Second
by Brigette. Question; 7/0/1,
Chairman not voting. Motion car-
8. With no further discussion
the meeting adjourned at 4:35 p.m.
February 5, 2018
1. Roll call: Chief Delvis
Heath, Chief Alfred Smith Jr.,
Chairman Eugene Greene Jr.,
Vice Chairman Charles Calica,
Raymond Tsumpti, Ronald
Suppah, Valerie Switzler, Lee
Tom, and Brigette McConville.
Minnie Yahtin, Recorder.
2. Land Buy Back appraisals
· Motion by Charles amending
the afternoon agenda include BIA
Realty to present Janice Suppah
Clements land sale from March
2016. Second by Brigette. Ques-
tion; 7/0/0, Chairman not voting.
Motion carried.
3. Other business:
· Consensus to amend the
agenda to include Linda Meanus’
· Motion by Raymond approv-
ing funds from the Tribal Council
budget to assist Linda in present-
ing at the National Indian Child
Welfare Assocation annual confer-
ence. Second by Brigette. Ques-
tion; 7/0/0, Chairman not voting.
Motion carried.
4. Federal legislative call update.
5. BIA Realty:
· Motion by Raymond adopt-
ing Resolution No. 12,436 approv-
ing the land sale of 11 percent in-
terest for Janice S. Clements. Sec-
ond by Brigette. Question; 6/0/2,
Chairman not voting. Motion car-
· BIA Realty will present 12
more land sales on February 20.
6. State legislature call update.
7. Tribal attorney update from
8. 2:40-3:40 p.m.: Executive ses-
9. Tribal Attorney update from
John Ogan.
· Motion by Raymond approv-
ing Howard Arnett and John Ogan
work together to develop an am-
icus brief supporting Washington
tribes favorable rights be affirmed;
and the Confederated Tribes of
Warm Springs be heard, and work
with other tribes. Second by
Brigette. Question; 7/0/1, Chair-
man not voting. Motion carried.
· 4-4:45 p.m.: Off the record.
· Motion by Ronald appointing
an 1865 nullification point team to
include the Chairman, Vice Chair-
man, and legal counsel with writer
for call back to include all infor-
mation that can be valuable, as
noted from Raymond, Valerie and
Brigette. Second by Brigette. Ques-
tion; 5/0/3, Chairman not voting.
Motion carried.
10. With no further discussion
the meeting adjourned at 5:10
Tribal committee meetings
This is the schedule for
tribal committee meetings over
the next several weeks:
Water Control Board: 1 to
3 p.m., Thursday, February 15
at the Branch of Natural Re-
sources Cougar Den.
Education Committee: 10
a.m. to noon, Friday, February
16 at Administration confer-
ence room 3.
Land Use Planning Com-
mittee: 9 a.m. to noon,
Wednesday, February 21 at Ad-
ministration room 3.
Water Control Board: 1 to
3 p.m., Thursday, March 1 at
the Branch of Natural Re-
sources Cougar Den.
Fish and Wildlife Com-
mittee: 3 to 5 p.m., Thursday,
March 1 at the Administration
conference room 3.
Education Committee:
4:30 to 6:30 p.m., Monday,
March 5 at the Seekseequa
Fire Hall.
Land Use Planning
Committee: 9 a.m. to noon,
Wednesday, March 7 at the
Administration conference
room 3.
Water Control Board: 1 to
3 p.m., Thursday, March 15 at
the Branch of Natural Re-
sources Cougar Den.
Land Use Planning
Committee: 9 a.m. to noon,
Wednesday, March 21 at the
Administration conference
room 3.
Education Committee: 1
to 4 p.m., Saturday, March 31
at the Greeley Heights com-
munity building.
For information contact the
Tribal Council office, 541-