Spilyay Tymoo, Warm Springs, Oregon January 3, 2018 Page 5 Ambassador Leader plans for Summit at Harvard J alaney Lily Ann Suppah will be an Ambassador Leader at the Harvard University 2018 Ambas- sadors Leadership Summit. This rare feat is in recognition of Jalaney’s outstanding academic achievements, leadership potential and exemplary citizenship. At the 2018 Ambassadors Lead- ership Summit—this June at Harvard University in Cambridge, Massachusetts—Jalaney will rep- resent the Confederated Tribes of War m Springs, Madras High School and the State of Oregon. Jalaney is a student athlete in her junior year at Madras High School. She plays three sports a year, while maintaining a high GPA. She also fundraises for the athletic programs she participates in. Jalaney was nominated as an Julie Suppah; granddaughter of Susan Lewis, atwai Vernon M. Suppah, atwai Lily Ann Moses, and atwai Everett Elliott. Her great grandparents are Velma M. Gething, Margaret Suppah, atwai Frankling (Chin) Suppah, atwai Kathleen Moses, atwai Oscar Moses, atwai Nathan Noble Lewis, and Norma Lewis. Jalaney gives her thoughts as a 2018 Ambassador Leader: I feel honored. I would like to thank my school counselor, Stacey Bruce, for my nomination to the H a r va r d U n i v e r s i t y 2 0 1 8 Ambassador’s Leadership Summit. Thank you to my teachers, coaches, family, 509-J school board, Madras and Warm Springs com- munities, and my parents for their Jalaney Suppah Ambassador Leader by Stacey Bruce, Madras High School coun- selor. She is the daughter of Jake and At Tribal Council in January The following is a draft Januar y agenda at Tribal Council: Monday, January 8 9 a.m.: Bureau of Indian Affairs update with Floy Anderson, super- intendent. 9:30: Office of Special Trustee update with Charles Jackson, Fidu- ciary Trust Officer, BIA. 10: Realty items with Urbana Ross, BIA. 11: Cannabis update with Rodney Ariwite and Laurie Danzuka, Warm Springs Ventures. 1:30 p.m.: Legislative update conference calls, federal and state. 2:30: Tribal attorney update. Monday, January 15 9 a.m.: Review minutes and resolutions with Secretary-Trea- surer Michele Stacona. Enterprise updates: 10: Warm Springs Housing Au- thority update. 11: Warm Springs Timber LLC. 1:30 p.m.: Indian Head Casino. 2:30: Power and Water Enter- prises. 3:30: Composite Products. Tuesday, January 16 Enterprise updates continue: 9 a.m.: Warm Springs Telecom. 10: Credit Enterprise. 11: Ventures. 2:30 p.m.: Kah-Nee-Ta/AV NorthWest. 3:30: Museum at Warm Springs. Wednesday, Januar y 17: Meeting with the Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission. Wednesday, January 24: Stur- geon task force meeting with CRITFC. Thursday, January 25: Trust acquisition regulations consultation. Thursday-Friday, January 25-26: CRITFC commission meet- ing. Monday, January 29 9 a.m.: Secretary-Treasurer and Chief Operations Officer updates with Michele Stacona and Alyssa Macy. 10: February agenda and reso- Summary of Tribal Council December 18, 2017 1. Roll call: Chief Delvis Heath, Chief Joseph Moses, Chief Alfred Smith Jr., Chair man Eugene Greene Jr., Vice Chairman Charles Calica, Raymond Tsumpti, Ronald Suppah, Valerie Switzler, Carina Miller, Lee Tom, and Brigette McConville. Minnie Yahtin, Re- corder. 2. Secretary-Treasurer and Chief Operations Officer updates. 3. January agenda and minutes. · Motion by Charles approving the business agenda, subject to change. Second by Brigette. Ques- tion 8/0/2, Chairman not voting. Motion carried. 4. Enrollments: · Motion by Carina adopting Resolution No. 12,406, enrolling 17 individuals. Second by Charles. Question; 9/0/1, Chairman not voting. Motion carried. 5. Special Per Capita: · Motion by Ronald adopting Resolution No. 12,407 approving distribution from Ramah funds on December 20, 2017. Second by Valerie. Question; 5/3/2, Chair- man not voting. Motion carried. 6. Federal and state legislative update calls. 7. Draft resolutions: · Motion by Carina adopting Resolution No. 12,408 appointing Barbara Haslinger for 2018 Judge Pro Tempore. Second by Brigette. Question; 9/0/2, Chairman not voting. Motion carried. · Motion by Carina adopting Resolution No. 12,409 appointing Ronald Roome as 2018 Judge Pro Tempore. Second by Brigette. Question; 8/0/2, Chairman not voting. Motion carried. · Motion by Carina adopting Resolution No. 12,410 appointing Thomas Howes as 2018 Judge Pro Tempore. Second by Brigette. Question; 7/0/3, Chairman not voting. Motion carried. · Motion by Carina adopting Resolution No. 12,411 approving the 2018 jury list. Second by Brigette. Question; 7/1/2, Chair- man not voting. Motion carried. · Motion by Carina adopting Resolution No. 12,412 appointing Valerie to the Chemawa School Board; Second by Brigette; Ques- tion; 7/0/3, Chairman not voting; Motion carried. · Motion by Carina adopting Resolution No. 12,413 appointing Reuben Henry to the Celilo Wyam support and encouragement to be a student athlete. Academic and ath- letic success takes a team to suc- ceed. My learning experiences will un- doubtedly change my life perspectives and enhance my educational knowl- edge. I will get the opportunity to experience life at a top university and gain a competitive edge for col- lege and career endeavors. I will get the chance to meet change-makers and industr y experts while creating long-term friendships. I am grateful for this inspiring op- portunity to be around many moti- vated global leaders of many ages, who truly make a positive difference in our world today. Sincerely, Jalaney Lily Ann Suppah , Madras High School, Class of 2019. lutions with the S-T. 1:30 p.m.: Legislative update calls. 2:30: Enrollments with Lucille Suppach-Samson, Vital Stats. 3: Gun safety with Reina Estimo, Health and Human Ser- vices. Tuesday, January 30 9 a.m.: December 2017 finan- cial update with Alfred Estimo and Dennis Johnson. 10: : Fish Accords with Bobby Brunoe, Natural Resources. 11: IHS update with Carol Prevost. 1:30 p.m.: Timber discussion with tribal loggers. 2:30: Committee and board ap- pointments with Lynn Davis.. Board, and Delvis as the alternate. Second by Brigette. Question; 8/ 0/3, Chairman not voting. Motion carried. · Motion by Carina adopting Resolution No. 12,414, appoint- ing Brigette to the Tribal FishCo board of advisors. Second by Lee. Question; 7/0/3, Chairman not voting. Motion carried. · Motion by Brigette appoint- ing Eugene, Joseph, Secretary/ Treasurer, Alyssa Macy and Lynn Davis to the TGRA Commis- sioner Selection Committee. Sec- ond by Carina. Question; 8/0/2, Chairman not voting. Motion car- ried. · Motion by Carina adopting Resolution No. 12,415, transition 2321 Ollallie Lane (PO Box 6) Warm Springs, OR Call 541- 553-1182 15% OFF product purchases To redeem mention this ad, or show your tribal ID. 341 SW Sixth St. Redmond Tuesday - Saturday 10 a.m. - 6 p.m. ph. 541-923-8071 Winter term at COCC Winter term at Central Or- egon Community College be- gins next week. Meanwhile COCC is offering two ‘Get- ting Started’ presentations: Wednesday, January 10 at 4:30 p.m. at the Redmond campus Technology Educa- tion Center, room 218. Friday, January 12 at 11 a.m. at the Bend campus’s Boyle Education Center, room 156. This is an opportunity for prospective students to meet with admissions representative for guidance through enroll- ment, federal funding, choos- ing appropriate courses, and the use of academic support services. For information call 541-383-7500. Some items for future consid- eration: · The Affiliated Tribes of Northwest Indians winter conven- tion, January 22-25 in Portland. · Todd Forbes/BLM. · April Campbell collaboration grant at the Jefferson County School District. · Economic Development/In- frastructure matrix. · Columbia River Treaty be- tween the U.S. and Canada. · Climate Change consultation. Carbon ‘Cap and Invest’ bill/Clean Energy bill. · Meet and greet with Tim White, Democratic candidate Or- egon Second Congressional Dis- trict. Please send draft resolutions as soon as possible to: michele.stacona@wstribes.org of employees from Kah-Nee-Ta to AV NW, and participation in the benefits plan. Question; 6/0/4, Chairman not voting. Motion car- ried. 8. Nursery Program Line Exten- sion: · Motion by Carina adopting Resolution No. 12,416 approving the easement to OTEC for limited purpose of constructing, operating, and maintaining the electrical trans- mission line across tribal land for the nursery. Second by Brigette. Question; 8/0/2, Chairman not voting. Motion carried. 9. With no further discussion the meeting adjourned at 3:25 p.m.