Page 6 Spilyay Tymoo, Warm Springs, Oregon December 20, 2017 54th W.S. tourney in Dec. Tournament basketball ac- tion returns to Warm Springs next Wednesday through Sat- urday, December 27-30. This will be the Fifty- Fourth Annual Warm Springs All-Indian Holiday Men’s Bas- ketball Tournament. Awards for this tourney in- clude first-place Pendleton jack- ets; second-place solid wool jackets; third-place jackets; fourth-place hoodies; and fifth- place crew neck sweaters. Plus the MVP, Mr. Hustle and All tourney awards. Jayson Smith/Spilyay The White Buffalos girls varsity team has been at the top of the 4A Tri-Valley standings. They play at Sweet Home this Thursday, December 21, and then at the Summit Tournament, December 27- 29. Their next home game is January 5 a t7 p.m. against Mountain View. The team is Alesha Freeman, Chloe Smith, Jiana Smith Francis, Jackie Zamora Heath, Lynden Harry, Ellise David, Annie Whipple, Jalaney Suppah, Kaliyah Iverson, Jayden Davis, Monika Stacona, and Vanessa Culps (from left). Zone 6 fisheries continue in December For Zone 6 fishing: Commer- cial platform and hook and line sales continue until 6 p.m., Sun- day, December 31. The open area is all of Zone 6. Salmon, steelhead, shad, wall- eye, catfish, bass, carp and yellow perch may be sold or kept for sub- sistence use. Legal-size sturgeon are between 43 and 54 inches fork length in The Dalles and John Day pools, and between 38 and 54 inches fork length in the Bonneville Pool. These may be kept for subsistence only. Allowed gear is hoop nets, dip nets, and hook and line. Dam closed areas applicable to platform gear and hook and line are in ef- fect. Fish may be sold after the period ends if caught during the open period. In addition a commercial stur- geon fishery continues until 6 p.m. on Saturday, December 30. The open area is only the John Day Pool. Sturgeon caught with platform and hook and line gear may be sold or kept for subsistence use. Allowed sales are sturgeon be- tween 43 and 54 inches fork length. Sturgeon may be sold after the period ends if caught during the open period. Zone 6 sturgeon fishery: ishing period has been set, until 6 p.m. on December 30: The open area is only the John Day Pool. Allowed gear is setlines with no more than 100 hooks per line and 9/0 hook size or larger. No treble hooks are al- lowed and lines must have buoys attached with the fishers identi- fiers included. Allowed sales are sturgeon be- tween 43 and 54 inches fork length. These fish may be sold or kept for subsistence use Standard river mouth and dam closed areas applicable to setlines are in effect. Fish may be sold after the period ends if caught during the open period. Jayson Smith/Spilyay Member health survey continues this winter The tribal member health sur- vey team has interviewed about 170 members so far in the health information collection project. The goal is to have about 500 responses by February. The survey results will help guide tribal health care priorities in the coming years. The survey takes about an hour to 70 minutes, and survey responders and their answers re- main strictly confidential. In ap- preciation, participants receive a $30 gift card. The information is vital for tribal grant writing efforts, in order for the tribes to secure funding for cur- rent and future tribal programs. The tribes are partnering with the Northwest Portland Area In- dian Health Board on this project. The tribal Health and Welfare Committee approved the ques- tions, and the project has been reviewed by the Portland Area Office Indian Health Service In- stitutional Review Board. Warm Springs Community Health, and the Prevention pro- gram are coordinating the health interviews. For more informa- tion please call 541-615-0036. Mariah Stacona is in her junior year at Northwest University, where she plays guard on the women’s basketball team. She is a Business Administration major. The Northwest University Eagles are about halfway through the 2017-18 season. They play in Salem against Corban University on December 29, and then in Eugene against Northwest Christian on December 30. Mariah, a Madras High School graduate and former Tri Valley League MVP, earned All-Cascade Collegiate Conference honorable mention honors during her sophomore season at Northwest University. Youth basketball starting soon The MAC Recreation District, Kiwanis and Lions 2018 Youth Bas- ketball Program will run from Janu- ary 20 through March 3. Games are played on Saturdays. The entry deadline is coming up December 29. The fee will go up after that date with a final deadline of January 5. The leagues are for girls and boys in grades 3 and 4, and 5 and 6. They also need volunteer coaches. Details, scholarship info and reg- istration are available online at The Madras Aquatic Center Recreation District will have 30 and over, and 18-29 adult basketball leagues from January 14-March 11. The registra- tion deadline is January 5. See