Spilyay Tymoo, Warm Springs, Oregon December 8, 2017 Page 5 On the Tribal Council agenda (The following are some of the items coming up on the Tribal Council for the rest of Decem- ber.) Monday, December 11 9 a.m.: Review minutes and resolutions with S-T Michele Stacona. 10:30: Fund 122 - Budget 2018 with Caroline Cruz. 11: Forest Development 10 percent - Budget 2018 with Bobby Br unoe and Or vie Danzuka. 1:30 p.m.: Deschutes River Alliance update with tribal at- torney. 2:30: WSFPI receivership/ CTWS and Vanport update with tribal attorneys. 4: Law and Order Commit- tee discussion. Warm Springs hosted a mini powwow over the Thanksgiving holiday. A guest this year was Richard Arterbury, of Choctaw heritage, who took these photographs, and shares them with the tribes. “We had an amazing time,” Mr. Arterbury said. He lives in Sisters and is executive director of the Ocean Blue Project. Ocean Blue is a non- profit organization with the mission of protecting the world’s ocean, beaches and rivers through education and awareness. They provide service learning projects, enhancing wildlife habitat, cleaning beaches and rivers, and reducing pollution. For more on the project see oceanblueproject.org Summaries of Tribal Council (The following are recent summa- ries of Tribal Council meetings:) November 6 1. Roll call: Chief Delvis Heath, Chief Alfred Smith Jr., Chairman Eugene Greene Jr., Raymond Tsumpti, Ronald Suppah, Valerie Switzler, and Brigette McConville. Minnie Yahtin, Recorder. 2. Bureau of Indian Affairs up- date. 3. Office of Special Trustee update. 4. Bureau of Indian Affairs Re- alty update. 5. Concern regarding enterprises: · Motion approving a letter to each Enterprise to uphold their re- sponsibility for dividends payable to the tribes. Secretary-Treasurer is to write the letter today. 6. Federal and state legislative call updates. 7. Tribal attorney update · Executive session 2:28-3:45 p.m. · Motion approving the Chair- man, vice Chair, and Secretary- Treasurer to work on the Tribes position regarding SB1070, if needed, in regards to climate change and clean energy. 8. Enterprises: · Motion approving the Chair- man to sign the letter to all board of directors of each enterprise, with edits read into record. 9. With no further discussion the meeting adjourned at 4 p.m. November 7 1. Roll call: Chief Delvis Heath, Chief Alfred Smith Jr., Chairman Eugene Greene Jr., Vice Chairman Charles Calica, Ronald Suppah, Valerie Switzler, and Brigette McConville. Minnie Yahtin, Recorder. 2. Solar Development project. · Motion by Ronald authoriz- ing Cypress Creek Renewable to conduct studies in sites to develop on the reservation. Second by Charles. Question; 5/0/1, Chair- man not voting. Motion carried. 3. Area director meeting re: Water facilities projects. 4. State Fuels Tax Rebate amendment Tuesday-Wednesday, December 12-13: Inter-Tribal Timber Council board meet- ing. Wednesday-Thursday, December 13-14: First na- tions Climate Summit. Thursday-Friday, De- cember 14-15: Columbia · Motion by Charles adopting Resolution No. 12,388 for the state tax fuel rebate from the Pla- teau Plaza to the tribes. Second by Brigette. Question; 5/0/1, Chair- man not voting. Motion carried. 5. Tribal Council summaries. · Consensus for summaries to include: Who made the motion, second and the vote. November 13 1. Roll call: Chief Delvis Heath, Chief Joseph Moses, Chairman Eugene Greene Jr., Vice Chairman Charles Calica, Raymond Tsumpti, Valerie Switzler, Carina Miller, Lee Tom, Brigette McConville. Minnie Yahtin, Recorder. 2. Review minutes/resolutions. · Motion by Charles approving February 2017 Minutes. Second by Valerie. Question; 6/0/0, Chair- man not voting. Motion carried. · Received March and April 2017 minutes for review. 3. Chairman Greene and Coun- cilwoman Switzler gave travel re- ports. 4. Fish & Wildlife Committee update. 5. Timber Committee update. 6. Water Control Board will be scheduled in December. 7. U.S. v. Oregon agreement · Motion by Charles adopting 15% OFF product purchases This Friday, December 8 To redeem mention this ad, or show your tribal ID. Resolution No. 12,389 approving the 2018-2027 agreement for U.S. v. Oregon, and that John Ogan continue his work. Second by Ronald. Question; 6/0/3, Chair- man not voting. Motion carried. · Lower River Treaty Accord Tribes update. 8. Health & Welfare Commit- tee update. 9. Tribal member concern ex- pressed regarding Children’s Pro- tective Services and Juvenile Pros- ecutor. 10. With no further discussion the meeting adjourned at 5:30 p.m. November 14 1. Roll call: Chief Joseph Moses, Chairman Eugene Greene Jr., Valerie Switzler, Carina Miller, Lee Tom, and Brigette McConville. Minnie Yahtin, Recorder. 2. Education Committee up- date. 3. Land Use Planning Commit- tee update. 4. Irrigation, Range and Ag Committee update. 5. Proposed Amendments to tax reform legislation letter. · Motion by Joseph approving the Chairman sign the letter to Honorable Orrin G. Hatch and Honorable Ron Wyden. Second by Carina. Question; 5/0/1; Chair- man not voting. Motion carried. 341 SW Sixth St. Redmond Tuesday - Saturday 10 a.m. - 6 p.m. ph. 541-923-8071 River Inter-Tribal Fish Commis- sion meeting. Monday, December 18 9 a.m.: Secretary-Treasurer and Chief Operations Officer updates with Michele Stacona and Alyssa Macy. 10: January agenda, review minutes. 11: Draft resolutions. 1:30 p.m.: Legislative update calls. 2:30: Enrollments with Lucille Suppach-Samson, Vital Stats. 3:30: Nursery program line extension-BPA with Brian Cochran and Ellen Grover. Further items for consider- ation: Affiliated Tribes of Northwest Indians Winter Con- vention, January 22-25. Transportation Safety Plan ad-hoc committee. Note: All draft resolutions and ordinances, including any attachments or exhibits, are due by the first Friday of each month by 5 p.m. by email for review (Word form). michele.stacona@wstribes.org lynn.davis@wstribes.org 6. Culture and Heritage Com- mittee update. 7. Kah-Nee-Ta leases · Motion by Carina adopting Resolution No. 12,390 approving the master lease. Question; 4/0/ 1, Chairman not voting. Motion carried. · Motion by Carina adopting Resolution No. 12,391 approving the Non-Disturbance and Attorn- ment Agreement. Second by Brigette. Question; 4/0/1, Chair- man not voting. Motion carried. 8. Capital Project: Children’s Protective Services Center. · Motion by Carina approving the transfer of $232,000 from the tribal building projects (309) to the repair reserve (313) for improve- ments/remodel at the CPS Cen- ter. Second by Valerie. Question; 4/0/1, Chairman not voting. Mo- tion carried. 9. Rights-of-Way work group · Motion by Lee adopting Reso- lution No. 12,392 approving the Land Use Planning Committee to form a work group to initiate and carry out the implementation of ROW Federal Regulations into Tribal activities and develop ROW ordinance. Second by Brigette. Question; 4/0/1, Chairman not voting. Motion carried. 10. With no further discussion the meeting adjourned at 4:50 p.m.