Page 10 Spilyay Tymoo, Warm Springs, Oregon October 25, 2017 The Peaks of Central Oregon This is the conclusion of the Indian legend, The Peaks of Central Oregon , as re- counted in Indian Legends of the Pacific Northwest, by Ella E. Clark. Black Butte and her hus- band were still resting when the bridge fell, and they stayed there at the head of the Metolius River. Green Ridge, the husband, still lies there pouting. There are plenty of deer on Green Ridge. The plants and seeds Black Butte carried took root. We still go there to dig bitterroot, kouse, In- dian potato and looksch. We go there to gather huckleber- ries, service berries, little blue- berries, and pine nuts. Almost all the plant foods Indians like grow on Black Butte. Three Sisters South of Black Butte and Green Ridge is the mountain group called the Three Sis- ters, Klah Klahnee. The Three Sisters were once the biggest and highest mountain of all. The Let’s Talk Diversity Coalition is one of six re- gional Health Equity Coa- litions in Oregon. The coa- lition offers a four-part cul- tural awareness training. The next training, Experi- encing P o verty and Its Ef- fect on Health, will be on Thursday, November 2 from 9 a.m.- 3:30 p.m. To learn more about register- ing, visit: It could be seen for many miles. One time the earth shook for days, and the mountain boiled inside. It boiled over, and hot rocks came out of the top of it. Flames and smoke rose high in the air. Red-hot stones were thrown out in every direction. Many villages and many Indians were buried by the rocks. When the mountain became quiet again, most of it was gone. Only three points were left, that is why it is called Klah Klahnee, for that means “three points.” You can still see the black rocks all around the base of the three mountains. Mount Jefferson South of the Three Sis- ters is Broken Top. Our grandfathers called it Tluskh- na-me Pahto. That means “dirt mountain.” South of Broken Top is Bachelor Butte. Our old people called it Tkh-tkh-ee, which means “grasshopper mountain.” Three-fingered Jack, north of Black Butte, they called Little Khla-tee-wap-thee. Mount Jefferson they called Big Khla-tee-wap-thee. That means “slide down and get stuck in the mud.” That’s what happened when people rode up the moun- tain in the spring—the horses slid down and got stuck in the mud. 2015 Kia Optima - 37,624 miles- 2012 Chevrolet Camaro - 71,388 miles - $21,995 $15,995 #82845A #16337b 2014 Chevy Spark - 18,865 miles- 2012 Chevy Cruz - 110,491 miles - $9,995 $10,995 #41633c #526462a 2013 Kia Optima - 40,577 2012 Chrysler 300 - 29,814 miles - $13,187 $20,995 #57918b 2015 Chevy Cruz - 49,021 miles - #17736b 2008 Kia Sedona - 118,405 miles - $12,995 $7,995 #35708x #78664B 2013 Chevy Impala- 89,116 miles - $11,995 #01755c 2013 Chevy Malibu - 75,580 miles - 2015 Volkswagon Jetta - 24,209 miles - $13,995 $14,995 #75334a #81737a 2017 Subaru Crosstrek 8,784 miles- 2011 Volkswagon Jetta - 79,595 miles- $25,995 $9,995 #54919B #63304c 2011 Huyndai Santa Fe - 131,963 miles $12,995 #79318B