Page 2 Spilyay Tymoo, Warm Springs, Oregon Housing contends with unit meth contamination More housing on the res- ervation has been a long- time need of the Confeder- ated Tribes. In addressing the need the Housing Au- thority contends with various challenges, including one that is particularly costly, as well as in the end avoidable. Many Housing Authority units have been contami- nated by methamphetamine. The presence of meth resi- due in a residence is a seri- ous health hazard, especially to children. Very young children are at high risk because they spend more of their time indoors. Infants and young children have greater expo- sure because they are rapidly growing, and have a higher rate of oxygen consumption. There are currently 30 Warm Springs Housing units that are contaminated with methamphetamine. These are 30 units that are off-line during a time when tribal housing is in short supply. The cost of cleaning a contaminated unit depends on the extent of contamina- tion. But the cost can be in the tens of thousands of dol- lars per clean-up. The test it- self is hundreds of dollars. Contaminated items re- moved from a unit—carpet CRITFC fair celebrates Heritage Month November will be Native American Heritage Month, and the Columbia River In- ter-Tribal Fish Commission will celebrate with a Native American Arts and Crafts Fair. This year’s fair will take place on Friday, November 3, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. The fair will be in the Celilo conference room on the fifth floor of the CRITFC offices, 700 NE Multnomah Street. The fair will feature an im- pressive selection of items from Native American artists. and upholstery, for in- stance—have to be safely disposed of, either at Prineville, or in more seri- ous cases at Arlington. Housing relies on limited resources. HUD funding is the main source, with Hous- ing using no tribal money. The expense to decon- taminate a Housing unit is unfair to the overall mem- bership: One person can contaminate a unit, creating a large clean-up cost to Housing and the overall con- stituency. Through HUD, Warm Springs Housing has cleaned several units, mak- ing them habitable again. Some of the staff at Hous- ing are certified decontami- nation specialists. Housing staff test units as they become vacant. A sample is taken from each room, and sent to a labora- tory for analysis. A positive results requires closure of the unit until it is cleaned. Meanwhile, Housing has been switching units from carpeting to nonporous tile, which can be easier to de- contaminate. Housing is also looking at holding the responsible per- son accountable. A possibil- ity is making a person who has contaminated a unit dis- qualified for future use of a Housing unit. Lunch party for languages Everyone is welcome to a Halloween party fundraiser this Friday, October 13 from 11 a.m. until 2 p.m. at the Edu- cation building, 2110 Wasco Street. You can support the Culture and Heritage Language Program: They are selling chili and fry bread. Stop by, visit and learn about the three lan- guages during lunch. Spooky Nite Out, powwow The Spooky Indian Nite Out and Drummerz Jam Session is coming up on Wednesday, October 25 at the Warm Springs Commu- nity Center. Presented by the Com- munity Wellness Center and Recreation Department, the potluck dinner will be at 6 p.m. and the powwow at 7. There will be a Clown Dance contest—Bring your clown outfits. Help in locating two gourneys For sale by Housing Warm Springs Hous- ing Authority has a list of mobile homes for sale to community members. Some appliances and furniture may be in- October 11, 2017 cluded in some units. Viewing is by appoint- ment only. Contact Danielle or Pam at Hous- ing to schedule 541-553- 3250. Two gourneys went missing from the Agency Longhouse following re- cent services. If anyone has infor- mation as to the location of these gourneys, please contact Larry Dick at 541-977-3344. The gourneys were taken from the funeral home to the longhouse. Then following the fu- neral, upon returning to the longhouse, they were gone. Any assistance in locating these would be greatly appreciated. Warm Springs Community Calendar Brought to you by KWSO 91.9 FM Thursday, October 12 Warm Springs jurors will need to check-in at 9:30 this morning at Warm Springs Tribal Court. There is an Alcoholics Anonymous meeting to- day at noon at the Behav- ioral Health Center; and a Narcotics Anonymous meeting at 6 p.m. at the Shaker Church. Fitness activities to- day at the Community Wellness Center: There’s Boot Camp class at 12:10 in the Aerobics room; and Functional Fitness in the Social Hall. Guiding Butterflies & Mighty Warriors classes meet today from 1 to 3 in the Prevention room at Community Counseling. The class is for adults to participate in cultural- based teachings, crafts and activities. There is Social Dance Class today from 4:30-6 p.m. at the Community Center Aerobics room. Friday, October 13 This is an in-service day: No school. Head Start and Early Head Start are closed to- day Here are some fitness activities happening to- day: Senior Fitness class is at 10:45 at the Senior Center. PiYo Class is at 12:10 in Pod A at the Clinic, and Functional Fit- ness class is at 12:10 in the Aerobics room. The Community Health Program at the Health and Wellness Center has a Behavior Health Clinic today. Walk-in appoint- ments are available be- tween 1 and 5 p.m. Ser- vices include screening, assessment, crisis inter- vention, referrals to men- tal health, medical, sub- stance treatment, or other community resources. Children, adolescents and adults are welcome. Saturday, October 14 There is an Alcoholics Anonymous meeting this morning at 10 at Commu- nity Counseling. Sunday, October 15 Warm Springs Chris- tian Fellowship is this morning at 9:30 at High Lookee Lodge. The Warm Springs Food Bank is located at the Presbyterian Church. They are open today from 11:30-1:30 today. All food banks and pantries do take donations of non-perish- able food or cash There is a Fusion Fit- ness class every Monday and Wednesday morning at 6 at the community cen- ter aerobics room. The class is suitable for all fit- ness levels. Monday, October 16 It’s late start Monday at schools in the Jefferson County 509-J school dis- trict. At the Warm Springs Academy that means school starts at 9:45 today and kids should be at school by 9:30. On the Tribal Council agenda: Treaty fishing/ hunting update; right-of- way workshop with the Land Use Committee. Here are today’s fit- ness activities: Senior Fitness Class is at 10:45 at the Senior Center. At 12:10 there is Functional Fitness in the Aerobics room, and Pi-Yo class at the IHS atrium. This after- noon at 4 is Turbo Kick class in the Aerobics room. The Community Health Program at the Health and Wellness Center has a Behavior Health Clinic every Monday and Friday. Walk-in appointments are available between 1 and 5. There is a food handler’s class from 2-4 p.m. in the IHS atrium. Warm Springs Voca- tional Rehabilitation has orientation today at 3 p.m. at their office in the indus- trial park. Learn more by calling 553-4952. Victims of Crime Ser- vices has a Women’s Support Group today at the VOCS office, 1108 Wasco Street, behind the Old Boys’ Dorm. It’s from 3-5p.m. Soaring Butterflies Warrior Spirit Group for high school age youth meets today from 5-6:30 p.m. at the Warm Springs Behavioral Health Center Prevention room. Aglow Bible Study is this evening at High Lookee Lodge from 6:15- 7:30. Everyone is wel- come. Tuesday, October 17 Warm Springs Commu- nity Health Nurses will be at the Warm Springs Early Childhood Education Center at 9 a.m., offering flu shots to children and staff. Stu- dents must have signed par- ent consent to receive a shot. Fitness activities hap- pening during the noon hour at the Community Wellness Center today are Functional Fitness class in the social hall, and Boot Camp class in the Aerobics room. The Jefferson County Food Bank is located at 556 SE Seventh Street. They are open for distribution this afternoon. All food banks and pantries do take dona- tions of non-perishable food or cash. Warm Springs Voca- tional Rehabilitation has orientation today at 3 p.m. at Community Counseling. Call 541-553-4952 for infor- mation. Soaring Butterflies Warrior Spirit is afterschool today at the Warm Springs Academy from 3:30-5. There is a Fusion Fit- ness class every Monday and Wednesday morning at 6 at the community center Aerobics room. The class is suitable for all fitness levels. Wednesday, October 18 Warm Springs Commu- nity Health Nurses will be at local schools giving flu shots. Today at 10 a.m. they will be at the Warm Springs Academy. Mom Dad & Baby group meets today at 2 p.m. at the Family Re- source Center. Families are welcome to join in mak- ing Halloween caramel corn and caramel apple bites. Today’s fitness sched- ule: Water Aerobics is at the Kah-Nee-ta Village Pool at 10:15. Senior Fitness class at 10:45 at the Senior Center. At 12:10 there is Functional Fitness Class in the Aerobics room, and Pi- Yo class at the clinic atrium; and an afternoon Turbo Kick class at 4. Women’s Group meets today at 1 p.m. at the Be- havioral Health Center. There is Warm Springs Christian Fellowship this evening at 6 at High Lookee Lodge. Thursday, October 19 Warm Springs Commu- nity Health Nurses will be at Madras High School and Jefferson County Middle School today giving flu shots. Students must have signed parent consent to re- ceive a shot. Flu shots are also available in the I H S Pharmacy. The Timber Committee meets at 9 a.m. in the For- estry Building.