Spilyay Tymoo, Warm Springs, Oregon September 27, 2017 Page 5 Eagles Sports Spotlight Distinguished Alumni at high school F all sports—cross country, football and volleyball—are in full swing at the Warm Springs Academy. This week we feature athletes Marilyn Tom, who plays volleyball, and André Spino, football player for the Eagles. Marilyn is in the eighth grade, and has played volleyball since the fifth-grade. She also plays softball and bas- ketball. She plans to continue with sports next year at the high school. Her favorite subject at the Academy is Social Studies. Her parents are Sharon Katchia and Corbett Tom Sr. Marilyn has two brothers and two sisters. Her older brothers are in high school, her older sister is working, and her younger sister Marilyn Tom goes to the Academy. André also is an eighth-grader. He mostly plays safety for the Eagles football squad. He also likes track and wrestling. Birth announcement Francisco Martinez Shadrack Martinez and Olivia Gleason of Warm Springs are pleased to announce the birth of their son Francisco Martinez, born on September 15, 2017. Summaries of Tribal Council The following are summaries of Tribal Council from the begin- ning of September September 5, 2017 1. Roll call: Chief Delvis Heath, Chief Joseph Moses, Chief Alfred Smith Jr., Chair man Eugene Greene Jr., Vice Chairman Charles Calica, Raymond Tsumpti Sr., Valerie Switzler, Brigette McConville, and Lee Tom. Re- corders, Norma Miller (morning), Minnie Yahtin (evening). 2. Bureau of Indian Affairs up- date. 3. Office of Special Trustee update. 4. Bureau of Indian Affairs Re- alty update. 5. Chief of Operations Officer will work with a tribal member to haul donated hay to the Mutton Mountain area. 6. Attorney update by John Ogan will be rescheduled. 7. Federal legislative update call. 8. State legislative update call. · Motion by Charles approving Valerie, Louie Pitt, Michael Ma- son, and Howard Arnett to draft a letter in rebuttal to The Oregonian article regarding the Tribal Atten- dance Project to protect the inter- est of Native Youth in education for snow days, to be brought back to Tribal Council for additional comments. Seconded by Raymond. Question; 6/0/2. Chair- man not voting. Motion carried. 9. Tribal attorney update with Howard Arnett. · 2:37-3 p.m., discussion off the record. · Motion by Charles approving the Chairman to sign this letter to the Attorney General Rosenblum regarding U.S. v. Washington “Cul- verts” case (No. 17-269 (U.S. Su- preme Court). Seconded by Valerie; noting edits, paragraph 3 to name each treaty fishing tribe. Question; 6/0/2, Chairman not voting. Motion carried. 10. With no further discussion the meeting adjourned at 3:25 p.m. September 6 1. Roll call: Chief Delvis Heath, Chief Joseph Moses, Chief Alfred Smith Jr., Chair man Eugene Greene Jr., Raymond Tsumpti, Carina Miller, Lee Tom, and Valerie Switzler. Minnie Yahtin, Recorder. 2. Budget presentations: · Budget overview · Secretary-Treasurer and Com- munity Assistance · Finance · Public Utilities · Administrative Services · General and Administrative · Tribal Court · Governmental Affairs · Debt Services, A Place For Kids, and Capital Projects 3. With no further discussion the meeting adjourned at 3:45 p.m. André Spino His favorite subject at school is PE, “because you get to be ac- tive,” André says. His mom is Tina Spino, and André has one brother at the high school. He likes football because of Coach W. and his teammates. “Everybody on the team re- spects each other,” André says. “We don’t put each other down, so we all like being on the team.” Francisco joins brothers Delvis, 11, Frank, 10, and Jarren, 14; and sister Taylynn, 5. Grandparents on the father’s side are Demus Martinez, and Tr udy Smith. Grandparents on the mother’s side are Valena Sargent, and Rob- ert Gleason. Tom, Valerie Switzler, and Brigette McConville. Minnie Yahtin, Re- corder. 2. Budget presentations: · Chief Operations Officer · Department of Natural Re- sources · Human Services · Education (budget call back) · Centralized Billing (budget call back) · Public Safety · Human Resources · Tribal Council Executive Com- mittees · Culture & Heritage Commit- tee · Timber Committee · Health & Welfare Committee · Education Committee · Range, Irrigation & Agricul- ture Committee · Land Use Planning Commit- tee · Fish & Wildlife Committee 3. With no further discussion the meeting adjourned at 5:30 p.m. · High Lookee Lodge · Kah-Nee-Ta – will return as a call back · TERO Commission · Economic Stewardship (ESI) · Warm Springs Housing Au- thority · Warm Springs Ventures · Warm Springs Power & Wa- ter Enterprise · Warm Springs Timber Com- pany LLC 3. Inheritance Act Resolutions: · Motion by Joseph adopting Resolution No. 12,373, approv- ing the purchase of The Dalles Public Doman Allotments, 147- 50, 147-51 and 147-53, located outside the boundaries of the Warm Springs Reservation. Sec- onded by Carina. Question; 7/ 0/2, Chairman not voting. Mo- tion carried. · Motion by Carina adopting Resolution No. 12,374, approving the purchase of allotment 145- 489; Seconded by Charles. Ques- tion; 8/0/1, Chairman not vot- ing. Motion carried. · Motion by Joseph adopting Resolution No. 12,375, approv- ing the purchase of allotment 145-489; Seconded by Carina. Question; 8/0/1, Chairman not voting. Motion carried. 4. With no further business the meeting adjourned at 4:50 p.m. September 8 1. Roll Call: Chief Delvis Heath, Chief Joseph Moses, Chief Alfred Smith Jr., Chairman Eu- gene Greene Jr., Vice Chairman Charles Calica, Raymond Tsumpti, Valerie Switzler, and Brigette McConville. Minnie Yahtin, Re- corder. 2. Budget presentations: September 7 1. Roll call: Chief Delvis Heath, Chief Joseph Moses, Chief Alfred Smith Jr., Chair man Eugene Greene Jr., Vice Chairman Charles Calica, Raymond Tsumpti, Lee 2321 Ollallie Lane (PO Box 6) Warm Springs, OR Call 541- 553-1182 15% OFF product purchases To redeem mention this ad, or show your tribal ID. 341 SW Sixth St. Redmond Tuesday - Saturday 10 a.m. - 6 p.m. ph. 541-923-8071 This is Homecoming Week at Madras High School. The football game is on Friday, Sep- tember 29, and the Homecom- ing Dance is Saturday. The school is honoring Dis- tinguished Alumbi. Among those being honored is Ken Smith of Warm Springs. Mr. Smith is a former Sec- retary-Treasurer of the Con- federated Tribes, and also served as Department of the Interior Assistant Secretary for Indian Affairs during the Reagan Administration. Other Distinguished Alumni this year at the high school are Margie (McBride) Lehrman, Tom Norton Sr., Dallas Stovall, Juanita (Wickham) Kurtin, Erin Olson and Bob Shaw. There are Homecoming events through the week at the high school, such as the dress- up day. The Distinguished Alumni are invited during the week to meet with students. September 11 1. Roll call: Chief Alfred Smith Jr., Chairman Eugene Greene Jr., Vice Chairman Charles Calica, Raymond Tsumpti, and Valerie Switzler. Minnie Yahtin, Recorder. 2. Budget presentations: · Indian Head Casino · Warm Springs Credit Enter- prise · Warm Springs Composite Products · The Museum At War m Springs · Warm Springs Telecommuni- cations · Gaming Commission – Sur- veillance · Council Support · Tribal Council 3. Kah-Nee-Ta: (Present by phone: Carina Miller, Brigette McConville, Lee Tom, and Delvis Heath). · Motion by Charles to confirm the Kah-Nee-Ta term sheet, and proceed to negotiate. Seconded by Carina. Question; 7/1/0, Chair- man not voting. Motion carried. 4. Budget call backs: · Health and Human Services · Education · Centralized Billing · Public Utilities Department 5. With no further discussion the meeting adjourned at 5:30 p.m.