Spilyay Tymoo, Warm Springs, Oregon August 30, 2017 Page 5 One of the best places to view the eclipse was at the Warm Springs Academy, where a team of scientists was on hand from the Northwestern Earth and Sciences Pipeline, a NASA-funded project youth science project. The scientists and students launched high-altitude balloons just before the eclipse. The science team brought a mobile planetarium, robotics equipment for a youth robotics competition, and several high-powered telescopes and cameras for viewing the night sky and the eclipse. Anthony Anderson photos In Warm Springs last week, Iljitsch van Beijnum, from The Hague, Netherlands, captured this eclipse photo, showing the solar Diamond Ring Effect. The effect is caused by beams of sunlight shining through a deep canyon on the moon. Summary of Tribal Council More letters to the editor Unforgettable To the Warm Springs Community: My family and I were fortunate to be on the reservation for the recent solar eclipse, which was an amazing experience. But it wasn’t just the sky show that touched me—it was the ground I was on and the people around me. To see the old familiar landscape darkened by the moon’s shadow, to hear people cheering down at the Academy (which was only a dream when I lived on the rez), to feel the warm embrace of our hosts and the community… it’s something I’ll never forget. My adopted home was the per- fect place to watch this beautiful celestial event! In 1979, I shared another eclipse with Warm Springs—a low-key, local affair, nothing like this year’s Internet-driven phenom- enon. But 38 years later, the tribes were clearly ready for the hordes! A lot of people worked incred- ibly hard to pull off the eclipse weekend, and every flagger, shop- keeper or craftsperson we talked to was gracious and welcoming. Most meaningful for me, though, were the spontaneous per- sonal connections made during my two days in Warm Springs. I felt like I was beginning to complete a circle as I introduced my grown son to folks who were such a big part of my life before he was born. You all remain very important to me, and I plan to come back for more visits and hugs when the sun and the moon and the wild- fires aren’t keeping everyone so busy! Cynthia Stowell Paint project Shout out to all the paint volun- teers for the Warm Springs Hill: Thomas Knoufe, Margeret Vanpelt, Kaiwin Clements, Roberta Tufti, Percy and Jeremiah, Rose Ball, Taya Hollliday, Garrett Jack- son, Danny Jackson, Marie Jackson, Joanie Wallulatum, Gunner Wallulatum, Olin, Carladean Caldera, Denesia and DJ, Shannon Wilson, Natalie Kirk, Keeyana Yellowman, Velincia, Kelly, Sonya Tias. Thank you for the donations: Warm Springs Market, Brunoe Logging, Deanie Johnson for spray paint, and Melissa Waheneka for the paint brushes. And thank you to the Warm Springs community for the kind donations to Pam Cardenas and myself to support this project. Inchee Kwathla, Tie Itucki— Thank you. Merle Kirk Huckleberry trip A group of tribal members made the Mt. Hood Meadows Huckleberry Trip this Wednesday. The bus left the community center in the morning, and arrived at the Hood River Lodge. Some took their own vehicles as well. Mt. Hood Meadows, in a part- nership with the Confederated Tribes, then provided lift rides and lunch. A thank-you to all of this year’s participants. August 22, 2017 1. Roll call: Chief Delvis Heath, Chief Joseph Moses, Chief Alfred Smith Jr., Chair man Eugene Greene Jr., Vice Chairman Charles Calica, Carina Miller, Brigette McConville, Valerie Switzler, and Raymond Tsumpti. Minnie Yahtin, Recorder. 2. Hunting Regulations · Motion by Charles adopting Resolution No. 12,365 approving the 2017 CTWS Ceded Lands Hunting Regulations, modifying deer season up till October 29, 2017; Seconded by Carina. Ques- tion; 9/0/0, Chairman not voting. Motion carried. 3. Tribal Council September agenda: · Motion by Charles approving the September business agenda, subject to change; Seconded by Joseph. Question; 9/0/0, Chair- man not voting. Motion carried. · Motion by Joseph approving the September travel agenda, sub- ject to change; Seconded by Charles. Question; 9/0/0, Chair- man not voting. Motion carried. · Council received the Decem- ber 2016 minutes for review. 4. Draft resolutions: · Motion by Charles to table the supplemental budget resolution based on the discussion, and until Tribal Council meets with the Ven- tures Board of Directors. Ques- tion; 6/1/2. Chairman not voting. Motion carried. · Motion by Charles to have the $1 million dollars from carbon se- questration be paid to the Tribes, not to be used by Ventures for their bills; Seconded by Brigette; Ques- tion; 7/0/2, Chairman not voting; Motion carried. · Motion by Carina adopting Resolution No. 12,366 relinquish- ing five acres for a homesite on 2321 Ollallie Lane (PO Box 6) Warm Springs, OR Call 541- 553-1182 15% OFF product purchases To redeem mention this ad, or show your tribal ID. 341 SW Sixth St. Redmond Tuesday - Saturday 10 a.m. - 6 p.m. ph. 541-923-8071 the current lease No. 2778, and adding Liana Tom-Holyan to Land Assignment No. 270. Seconded by Brigette. Question; 7/0/2, Chair- man not voting. Motion carried. · Motion by Charles adopting Resolution No. 12,367, the con- struction of the All Warrior and Veteran Memorial is approved and granted, and the memorial shall be executed by means of Modifica- tion to Lease No. 4112, and the terms and conditions of Lease No. 4112 remain the same; Seconded by Carina; Question, 8/0/1, Chair- man not voting; Motion carried. · Motion by Charles adopting Resolution No. 12,368, authorized to include the Tribal Tract 3006 to existing Lease No. 4112 for the remaining years on the lease, for the Middle Oregon Indian Histori- cal Society. Seconded by Carina. Question; 8/0/1, Chairman not voting. Motion carried. · Motion by Charles adopting Resolution No. 12,362A, correct- ing the class to Class II on the Warm Springs Power & Water En- terprise Board appointment; Sec- onded by Valerie. Question 7/0/ 2, Chairman not voting. Motion carried. · Motion by Charles adopting Resolution No. 12,363A, correct- ing the class to CLASS II on the Warm Springs Ventures Board ap- pointment. Seconded by Brigette. Question; 7/0/2, Chairman not voting. Motion carried. · Motion by Charles adopting Resolution No. 12,369, reappoint- ing Roberta Kirk, Lynn Johnson, and Stanley Speaks to the Board of Directors of The Museum At Warm Springs, terms expiring Janu- ary 1, 2020; Seconded by Valerie; Question; 7/0/2, Chairman not voting; Motion carried. (Summar y continues on page 7)