Spilyay Tymoo Coyote News, est. 1976 August 30, 2017 - Vol. 42, No. 18 August – Shatm – Summer - Shatm Tribal budget season starting for 2018 Tribal Council and Management last week began the 2018 budget discussion, an early start this year to another challenging budget sea- son. Management and Finance pre- sented an initial overview of how to achieve a balanced budget again next year. A goal for 2018 is to avoid em- ployee lay-offs, though most cur- rent non-essential vacancies would have to remain unfilled, said Sec- retary-Treasurer Michele Stacona. She also presented another cost- saving idea for the tribes, involv- ing the 5 percent employer discre- tionary 401(k) Plan contributions. Each year Tribal Council ap- proves these discretionary contri- butions. They are contributions on behalf of all eligible employees, whether or not an employee chooses to make his or her own contribution to the plan. Employees are eligible if he or she has worked 1,000 hours for the tribes, or if the person is al- ready 62 years old. “The amount of the discretion- ary contributions is determined by Tribal Council, and may change from time to time,” according to the summary of the tribes’ 401(k) Plan. The contribution amount has been at 5 percent for several years. Making these contributions is good when the budget conditions are right, Ms. Stacona said. But in the present budget situation, she said, Tribal Council may want to consider a one-year change to the contributions amount. She presented three alterna- tives: maintaining the 5 percent, reducing to 2.5 percent, and sus- pending the contribution for the year. The construction phase of the Plateau Travel Plaza is about half way complete. The tribes and Indian Head Casino broke ground on the project in April, and the completion time is early spring of 2018. The Travel Plaza is on Cherry Lane at the Madras Industrial Park, featuring the 13,500-square-foot main building. This will house a convenience store, restaurant, some class II gaming, plus shower and laundry. The gas and diesel tanks are now in, with the canopy over the diesel island going up this week. The 10-acre site includes parking for about 70 semi trucks. There will be 30 to 40 new jobs at the plaza. Tribal Council approved the project in early 2015 after a positive feasibility report. PO Box 489 Warm Springs, OR 97761 ECR WSS Postal Patron U.S. Postage PRSRT STD Warm Springs, OR 97761 Back to School BBQ on Thursday The Back to School Barbecue is this Thursday, August 31, from 4-6 p.m. at the Warm Springs Academy. Classes at the Academy resume at 8:10 a.m. on Wednesday, Septem- ber 6. This year the students at the Academy started in mid August, extra days made possible through an Extended Learning grant. At Madras High School fresh- man start classes on September 6. All other students at the high school start back on Thursday, September 7. There is still time to contribute clothing for the Back to School Barbecue. The drop box is at the Family Resource Center through this Wednesday, August 30. The clothing drive is a project of the Papalaxsimisha Program at Health and Human Services. Papalaxsimisha is recommending new or gently used clothing, shoes, new socks and new underwear for all ages. For more information con- tact Ervanna LittleEagle at: ervlileagle@gmail.com Or call Jaylyn Suppah at 541- 280-1933. CPE funding plan set for October Dave McMechan/Spilyay A Day to Remember Native Sol powwow dancer; and an image of the totality. Miss Warm Springs Katrina Blackwolf and River Edwards join the powwow at the Native Sol festival. Jayson Smith photos/ Spilyay Tribal Council in July proposed a supplemental budget that would fund the Cannabis Project Enter- prise. The idea is to invest some of the carbon sequestration revenue into the construction of the CPE greenhouse. The General Council meeting on the proposal, involving the creation of the Warm Springs Financial Strategies LLC, also hap- pened in late July. Council has not yet adopted a resolution regarding the supplemen- tal budget, as the carbon sequestra- tion revenue has not yet arrived. The revenue can be expected in October, and Council wants to wait until the money is in-hand before adopting the resolution. The sole purpose of the Finan- cial Strategies LLC is to provide fi- nancing for membership-approved capital improvement and economic development projects. The CPE funding proposal involves $3 mil- lion of the carbon sequestration revenue. Carbon sequestration should net more than $10 million over a term of years, Warm Springs Ventures estimates. Budget presentations Tribal branches, departments and enterprises will begin their 2018 budget presentations the week of September 5-8. Council will then have a proposal by the end of Sep- tember, and the district meetings will be in October.