Page 8 Spilyay Tymoo, Warm Springs, Oregon August 16, 2017 Overall roadway, traffic configuration during weekend, day of eclipse These and other relevant maps are available on the Confederated Tribes’ Facebook page. Resolutions of Tribal Council (The following are resolutions re- cently passed by the Tribal Coun- cil.) Gaming Commission Whereas Warm Springs Tribal Code Chapter 260, the Confeder- ated Tribes of the Warm Springs Reservation of Oregon Amended and Restated Class II and Class III Gaming Ordinance (the Gaming Ordinance) provides for the Coun- cil to designate an Executive Direc- tor for the Warm Springs Tribal Gaming Regulatory Authority (TGRA), pursuant to the Gaming Ordinance, Ordinance No. 76; and, Whereas the current Executive Director, Pamela Douglas, has sub- mitted her notice of resignation; and it is vital to maintain continuity within the TGRA, a Waiver of Ad- vertisement shall be executed through the offices of the Secre- tary-Treasurer/CEO to initiate an internal promotion for the new Ex- ecutive Director; and, Whereas Josephine Johnson, Tribal Member, has served the (TGRA) in the capacity of Internal Auditor since January 2012; she has completed a Bachelor Degree and has established a sound track record of applying her knowledge of gam- ing regulations to the benefit of the TGRA, a period in excess of five years; and, Whereas Josephine has kept cur- rent her gaming license and has an knowledge of the responsibilities of the Executive Director and appli- cable gaming laws and regulations; and, Whereas it is in the best interest of the Tribe’s current gaming op- eration and Plateau Travel Plaza to have an individual with extensive knowledge of the State-Tribal Com- pacts and tribal administrative pro- cesses and procedures; now, there- fore Be it resolved by the Twenty- Seventh Tribal Council of the Con- federated Tribes of the War m Springs Reservation of Oregon, pursuant to Article V, Section 1(s) of the Tribal Constitution and By- Laws, as amended, and pursuant to Section 260.009 (8) of the Gaming Ordinance that Josephine Johnson is hereby designated the Executive Director for the Warm Springs Gaming Commission, effective upon the date of the submission of the completed Personal Action form concluding her transfer from the po- sition of Internal Auditor; and, Be it further resolved that the continuation of such designation is conditioned upon the designee sat- isfying and maintaining the qualifi- cations for Class III licensure as set forth in the Gaming Ordinance. Resolution no. 12,360. Tourism opportunity Whereas the Tribal Council has concluded that it is in the best in- terests of the Tribe to investigate the feasibility of and pursue eco- nomic development projects relat- ing to eco-tourism on the Warm Springs Reservation (the “Reserva- tion”); and, Whereas Big Mountain Heli Tours Inc. (“Big Mountain”) has approached the Tribe to propose accessing and using a portion of the Reservation for eco-tourism over the period beginning a few days before and ending a few days after August 21, 2017; and, Whereas the Tribal Council has concluded that entering into the Access and Indemnification Agree- ment with Big Mountain, attached as Exhibit “A” (“Agreement”), is nec- essary to protect the Tribe’s inter- ests and facilitate the development of the eco-tourism opportunity pro- posed by Big Mountain; now, there- fore, Be it resolved by the Twenty- Seventh Tribal Council of the Con- federated Tribes of the War m Springs Reservation of Oregon, pursuant to Article V, Section (f), (l), and (u), of the Tribal Constitu- tion and By-Laws, and Resolution 10,811, the Tribal Management Plan, that the Tribal Council hereby approves the Agreement attached to this Resolution as Exhibit “A”; and, Be it further resolved by the Tribal Council that the Tribal Coun- cil Chair, Vice Chair or Secretary- Treasurer/CEO, is hereby autho- rized to sign and execute the Agree- ment in substantially similar form as attached hereto on behalf of the Tribe and to execute any other such documents or perform any other such actions as reasonably necessary to carry out the foregoing resolu- tions and Agreement. Resolution no. 12,356 Local Peaches One Hundred Percent Organic Will Deliver! Call 541 508-9338 $2 a pound ~ Through September ~ ~ Located in Metolius ~