Spilyay Tymoo, Warm Springs, Oregon May 24, 2017 Spring celebration at Capitol Photo courtesy Alyssa Macy At the recent Legislative Commission on Indian Services Nine Tribes Spring Celebration: Lil’ Miss Warm Springs Kiahna Allen, Noelani Sapuay, and Gov. Kate Brown (front row from left); and Hunter Onstad, co-representative of the Warm Springs Youth Council. The youth also met with Sen. Ted Ferrioli at the state Capitol. The theme of the spring celebration this year was Sharing Traditions: Teaching Our Children to Build Strong Tribal Nations. Tribal Council summary May 1 1. Roll Call: Chief Delvis Heath, Chief Joseph Moses, Chief Alfred Smith Jr., Chair- man Eugene Greene Jr., Vice- Chairman Charles Calica, Raymond Tsumpti Sr., Valerie Switzler, Carina Miller, Lee Tom, and Brigette McConville. Minnie Yahtin, Recorder (morning), Emily Yazzie, Recorder (afternoon). 2. Bureau of Indian Af- fairs update. 3. Agenda amendment · Motion by Charles to amend the agenda; seconded by Brigette: to bring Contract Services with John Ogan in regards to his attorney con- tract; question; 9/0/0, Chair- man not voting. Motion car- ried. 4. Contract Services · Motion by Charles adopt- ing Resolution No. 12,318; seconded by Brigette: accept- ing the three-year attorney contract of John W. Ogan from this day forward; Ques- tion; 10/0/0, Chairman not voting. Motion carried. 5. Museum at War m Springs solar eclipse request. · Motion by Raymond ap- proving Secretary-Treasurers recommendations on the do- nation request for the eclipse project; seconded by Brigette. Question; 7/0/2, chairman not voting. Motion carried. 6. Legislative updates (state and federal) conference calls. 7. Motion by Charles; sec- onded by Joseph: approving an agenda amendment to up- date May travel delegations. Question; 7/0/2, chairman not voting. Motion carried. 8. Motion by Charles, sec- onded by Valerie: approving May 2017 delegation, subject to change. Question; 6/0/3, Chairman not voting. Motion carried. 9. Tribal attorney update. · Organizational changes of the Karnopp-Peterson Firm · Motion by Charles adopt- ing Resolution No. 12,319; seconded by Joseph: the Hearth Act adopting chapter 413 of Warm Springs Tribal Code as amended and set forth in exhibit A. Question; 7/0/2, Chairman not voting. Motion carried. 10. County Line 2 Fire Update, occurred August 21, 2015. · Motion by Joseph adopt- ing Resolution No. 12,320; seconded by Charles: Tribal Council approves the Chair- man, Vice-Chairman and Secretary-Treasurer in con- sultation with tribal attorney to authorize and engage out- side legal counsel to repre- sent the Tribe in any action that may be commenced in the Warm Springs Tribal Court. Question; 7/0/2, Chairman not voting. Mo- tion carried. · Land acquisitions under the BPA wildlife mitigation program Little Sweden Con- servation Area. · Motion by Charles adopting Resolution No. 12,321; seconded by Raymond; Question; 6/0/3, Chairman not voting. Mo- tion carried. · Austin Hot Springs Conservation Area · Motion by Charles adopting Resolution No. 12,322; seconded by Valerie; Question; Austin Hot Springs property through the BPA Wildlife funding source; 6/0/3, Chairman not voting. Motion carried. 11. With no further dis- cussion the meeting ad- journed at 4:49 p.m. Ore. predicts bad summer for steelhead The Oregon Department of Fish & Wildlife is forecast- ing dramatically low returns of summer steelhead to the Columbia and Snake rivers, which will likely result in fish- ing restrictions for Northwest anglers. Tucker Jones, Columbia River program manager for ODFW, said the agency is predicting a total run of just 131,000 steelhead based on a number of factors, includ- ing the suffocating 2015 drought and war m water “blob” over the Pacific Ocean. Fisheries managers are considering a plan that would close steelhead retention downstream of The Dalles Dam during the entire month of August; between The Dalles and John Day dams during the month of Septem- ber; and from John Day Dam to the Oregon-Washington border during October and November. Report: Calif. chinook could disappear in 100 years Wild Chinook salmon, probably the most prized sea- food item on the West Coast, could all but vanish from California within a hundred years, according to a report released last week. The authors, with the University of California, Davis, and the conserva- tion group California Trout, name climate change, dams and agriculture as the ma- jor threats to the prized and iconic fish. Chinook salmon are just one species at risk of dis- appearing. California is home to 31 genetically dis- tinct kinds of salmon and trout, 23 of which are at risk of going extinct some- time in the next century. Page 7 Summary of Tribal Council May 15 1. Roll call: Chief Delvis Heath, Chief Joseph Moses, Chief Alfred Smith Jr., Chair- man Eugene Greene Jr., Vice Chairman Charles Calica, Raymond Tsumpti, Carina Miller, Lee Tom, Valerie Switzler, and Brigette McConville. Minnie Yahtin, Recorder. 2. Building inventories up- date. 3. Storm damage update. 4. Receivership update (ex- ecutive session 11-12:15). 5. Board and committee appointments: Associate judges: · Motion by Charles ac- cepting the ad hoc recommen- dations for associate judges; seconded by Brigette. Ques- tion; 5/3/1, Chairman not voting. Motion carried. · Motion by Charles to adopt Resolution No. 12,329; Seconded by Carina; Ques- tion: appointing Gayleen Adams as associate judge starting July 1, 2017, one year probation with requirement to pass the bar exam within the probation period; 7/1/1, Chairman not voting; Motion carried. · Motion by Charles to adopt Resolution No. 12,330; seconded by Brigette. Ques- tion; appointing Glendon Smith as associate judge start- ing May 15, 2017, 5 percent wage increase after one year probation; 6/1/2, Chairman not voting. Motion carried. · Warm Springs Gam- ing Enterprise: · Motion by Brigette to adopt Resolution No. 12,331; seconded by Valerie. Ques- tion; appointing Mavis Shaw to the Indian Head Casino Board of Directors, term ending December 31, 2020; 9/0/0, Chairman not voting. Motion carried. · Warm Springs Com- posite and Forest Products board: · Motion by Charles to adopt Resolution No. 12,332; seconded by Lee; Question; Dave McMechan/Spilyay BIA Agency Superintendent Lori Anderson administered the Oath of Office Tuesday to some new tribal enterprise board members: Douglas Williams Jr. (TERO), Mary Sando-Emhoolah (Credit), Mavis Shaw (Gaming), Marcia Soliz (TERO), James Halliday (Ventures), and Rafael Queahpama (Power & Water) (from left). appointing James Halliday to Warm Springs Composite and Forest Products Board of Directors, Class II, term end- ing December 31, 2018. And, appointing Douglas Wil- liams Jr., Class III, term end- ing December 31, 2019; 9/ 0/0, Chairman not voting. Motion carried. · Consensus to advertise the non-tribal member posi- tion. · The Museum At Warm Springs: · Consensus to table until the general manager meets with the Board of Regents. · Warm Springs Power & Water Enterprise: · Motion by Charles to adopt Resolution No. 12,333; seconded by Lee. Question; appointing Raphael Queahpama, to Warm Springs Water & Power Enterprise Board of Directors, term ending January 1, 2020; 9/ 0/0, Chairman not voting. Motion carried. · Tribal Employment Rights Office Commission (TERO): · Motion by Carina to adopt Resolution No. 12,334; seconded by Brigette; Ques- tion; appointing Douglas Wil- liams Jr., and Marcia Soliz to the Tribal Employment Rights Office Commission, terms ending January 11, 2019; 8/ 0/1, Chairman not voting. Motion carried. · Ventures board: · Motion by Brigette to adopt Resolution No. 12,335; seconded by Carina. Ques- tion; appointing James Halliday and Ted Kulongoski to the board of directors of Ventures, terms ending De- cember 31, 2019; 9/0/0, Chairman not voting. Motion carried. · Water Control board: · Motion by Charles to adopt Resolution No. 12,336; seconded by Joseph. Ques- tion; appointing Roy Spino to the Water Control Board, term ending October 31, 2019; 7/2/0, Chairman not voting. Motion carried. · Warm Springs Credit Enterprise: · Motion by Carina to adopt Resolution No. 12,337; seconded by Charles. Ques- tion; appointing Mary Sando- Emhoolah, to the Board of Directors of Warm Springs Credit Enterprise, Class II, term ending January 1, 2020; 9/0/0, Chairman not voting. Motion carried. · War m Springs Telecom: · Motion by Carina to table this board appointment until issues are resolved; seconded by Charles. Question; 8/1/ 0, Chairman not voting. Mo- tion carried. 6. Executive session (4:37- 5:25 p.m.).