Spilyay Tymoo, Warm Springs, Oregon April 26, 2017 Page 5 Words of advice in managing diabetes Richard ‘Kuks Animal’ Tohet rec- ommends trying to be active, especially for those who have diabetes. Here are some suggestions Kuks makes for others who are managing their diabetes: Get your circulation going. “Before going to sleep and when waking up, move hands and legs while still in bed to help get circula- tion going. If I do not do this my hand and leg cramp up. I have an amputation and if I do not get my circulation going I will have more phantom pain in my ankles and toes that are not there. “Getting my circulation going also helps my heart. Moving my hands and legs stops heartburn that goes from my breast bone to my left chest, over my heart.” Drink lots of water. “I think it helps to keep my Courtesy IHS Diabetes Kuks Animal - Richard Tohet blood sugar levels down. “I probably drink one gallon of water every day and three cups of coffee or tea without sugar.” Get exercise. “I started walking again. I have my mark by the driveway at the one-half mile out, and walk there and back. I will increase this to three-quarters of a mile out, and walk there and back.” Pay attention to your skin. “If you have an injury to your foot or hand, get it checked out right away. I have had diabetes since 1986. I did well until I stepped on a nail.” Go easy on salt. “I had to give up some use of salt.” Let your family help you. “My family is very supportive, making sure I take my insulin, medications and making something for me to eat. They come home at the noon hour to be sure I have eaten something. I feel very for- tunate to have their support.” This article is from the Indian Health Services Warm Spring Model Diabetes Program. You can reach them at 541-553-2478. Or email: Jeri.kollen@ihs.gov The weather turned sunny and warm in April for the Root Feast Kids Rodeo and Open Jackpot Rodeo, sponsored by the Warm Springs Rodeo Association. At right: opening ceremony with the young rider carrying in the colors. Below, calf riding during Root Feast Rodeo (more on page 6). Courtesy of Linda Warren Larson Tribes’ first drone conference coming up Tribally owned Eagle Tech Sys- tems is getting ready for the Drones and Public Safety Confer- ence, coming up in May at Kah- Nee-Ta Resort. Eagle Tech Systems is a sub- sidiary of Warm Springs Ven- tures, the economic development enterprise of the Confederated Tribes. Public safety agencies now use unmanned aircraft systems, or UAS, at structure fires, wildland fires, traffic accidents, search and rescue, and crime scene investi- gations. The Drones and Public Safety conference, May 24-25, will help agency representatives learn more about the benefits, and challenges of developing their own UAS pro- gram. The event will feature demon- strations from vendors, as well as CRITFC Salmon Camp in June The Columbia River Inter- Tribal Fish Commission, in collaboration with the Confed- erated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation, is hosting Salmon Camp June 25-30. A limited number of incom- ing sixth through eighth grade students from each of the CRITFC tribes, including Warm Springs, will be selected to attend this free 6-day camp. A stipend will be provided upon successful program completion. Participants will learn about the science and life-cycle of salmon, see salmon restoration projects, explore traditional eco- logical knowledge, and meet tribal professionals working in the field. Applications are due by 5 p.m. on May 26. Learn more and download the appli- cation at critfc.org practical information on starting a UAS program. As an FAA-approved UAS test range, Warm Springs Eagle Tech Systems provides four primary launch and recovery sites, as well as additional sites as needed. The department has three mo- bile command centers, equipped with high speed Wi-Fi, and offers many individual services tailored to a client’s specific needs. The Kah-Nee-Ta UAS Innova- tion Center is scheduled to open this year, in addition to the War m Springs UAS manufacturing plant. To learn more please contact Aurolyn Stwyer, Ventures business development and marketing man- ager, 541-553-3565. Or by email: aurolyn.stwyer@wstribes.org Registration for ms for the Drones and Public Safety Confer- ence are available at the website: www.wsuas.com. April 17, 2017 1. Roll call: Chief Delvis Heath, Chief Joseph Moses, Chief Alfred Smith Jr., Chair- man Eugene Greene Jr., Vice Chair man Charles Calica, Brigette McConville, Valerie Switzler and Raymond Tsumpti. Minnie Yahtin, Re- corder (morning), Phoebe Joe, Recorder (afternoon). 2. Multi-Disciplinary Team report with Juvenile Prosectuor. 3. Motion by Joseph to amend agenda, seconded by Raymond, to have Bobby Ahern introduce himself. He is currently an intern for Con- gressman Blumenauer in Washington, D.C. 4. Washington, D.C. intern update. 5. Committee and board appointments. Motion by Charles to have each committee and board ap- plicants complete criminal and credit checks. Seconded by Brigette. Carries 7/0/0. Motion by Charles to table appointments and to resched- ule as a call back on the agenda. Seconded by Valerie. Carries 7/0/0. 6. Pi-Ume-Sha Dignitary Dinner. Motion by Charles, sec- onded by Valerie, approving staff to proceed with appro- priate planning and letters. Doris Miller is point of con- tact. Carries 7/0/0. 7. Fish tower tour at Round Butte Dam. Motion made by Raymond delegating Raymond, Charles, Delvis, Valerie and Eugene to attend the tour. Seconded by Valerie; question. Carries 7/0/0. 8. Rocky Island damage as- sessment. 9. Cannabis Commission annual report. 12. WSFPI-Clean up Phase II and III. Motion by Charles to approve Phase II and III, authorizing Secretary-Trea- surer to work with Finance as appropriate. Second by Brigette. Carries 5/0/2. ECE Parade The Early Childhood Education Center is celebrat- ing the Week of the Young Child this Friday, April 27, with a parade at 10 a.m. Honor Seniors Day just weeks away Warm Springs Honor Seniors Day is coming up on Friday, May 12 at the Agency Longhouse. Mark your calendar! The committee is looking for donations of door prizes and gift items for guests. For information, or if you’d like to help out, contact the Warm Springs Senior Wellness Program at 541-553-3313 or - 3520. 2321 Ollallie Lane (PO Box 6) Warm Springs, OR Call 541- 553-1182 Council summary 15% OFF product purchases To redeem mention this ad, or show your tribal ID. 341 SW Sixth St. Redmond Tuesday - Saturday 10 a.m. - 6 p.m. ph. 541-923-8071 Lost phone on Friday, April 14 at the ball fields in Warm Springs. Have lots of pic- tures on there. If found please call 541-553-2517. I would appreciate it.