Page 2 Spilyay Tymoo, Warm Springs, Oregon Commission gives annual cannabis report The Cannabis Commis- sion gave their annual report last week to Tribal Council, reviewing events of the past year and looking toward the rest of 2017. “Now that the Cannabis Commission has a staff per- son (executive director Joe Jensen), we hope to begin the process of setting up the business side of the commis- sion,” the report says. Some upcoming projects for the commission: Reviewing and making permanent the commission regulations; establishing a li- censing and approval pro- cess, so the enterprise can acquire (cannabis) genetics; and engaging in the commission’s own consulta- tion with the U.S. Attorney’s Office and Oregon Liquor Control Commission. The Warm Springs Can- nabis Commission is the regulatory authority for the commercial growing of can- nabis on the reservation, and its sale off the reservation. This is done with the coop- eration of the OLCC. The recent annual report also discusses the back- ground that has led up to the current situation, starting with membership passage of the referendum in late 2015. Tribal Council and Ventures next took several actions in Culture and Heritage photo night The Culture and Heritage Department is having a Com- munity Photo Night on Wednesday, May 10 from 6- 8 p.m. at their office in the old boys dorm. Community members are invited to stop by and look at photographs in the Culture and Heritage collection. 2016 to implement the man- date. At first there was an am- bitious business plan, with the goal of having the facil- ity in operation by the end of last year. However, “problems with financing led to delays in the develop- ment of the cannabis culti- vation facility,” the report says. As the tribes worked though financing matters, the commission proceeded cautiously, so as not to spend funds prematurely. This ac- tually led to a significant sav- ings in 2016 from the origi- nally budgeted amount. Now, with the executive director on board, several more phases are expected in 2017. These include: Commission consultation with the relevant state and federal agencies; construc- tion of the growing opera- tion; and the issuing the com- mission license to the enter- prise. Another important phase will be the establishment of the employee training pro- gram. Some of the eventual job tasks will be in process- ing and cultivation; seed to sale tracking; health and safety monitoring; and physi- cal security, among a num- ber of areas of the overall operation. Chef, church hosting cooking class The Adventist Church will host a cooking class in War m Springs on Monday, May 8. This will be with re- nowned chef Mark An- thony. The class will be at the Greeley Heights community building at 6 p.m. April 26, 2017 Vets, family gathering marks 67th year since Korean War The Veterans and Fam- ily Healing Gathering— Honoring the Sixty-Sev- enth Anniversary of the Korean War— is this Thursday through Sunday, April 27-30, at the HeHe Longhouse. The weekend includes healing ceremonies, speakers, talking circles, men’s and women’s sweat lodges, games and kids’ activities. There is no charge to participate. Contributions of food, volunteer time and raffle items are greatly appreci- ated. The longhouse will open Thursday at noon for travelers and campers, and healing touch services, and there is a spaghetti dinner at 5. The opening cer- emony is set for 6 on Fri- day. For information con- tact Larsen Kalama at 541- 553-3093. Casino hosting job fair Indian Head Casino will host a job fair on Tuesday, May 2, from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m. at the casino Human Re- sources office at the plaza. If you are interested in working for the casino, please come to the job fair and com- plete an application. Or bring your resume. Be ready for an on-the-spot interview with department hiring managers. The casino has openings in finance, food and beverage, cage, security and informa- tion technology. For more information call Georgie at 541-460-7714. Warm Springs Community Calendar Brought to you by KWSO 91.9 FM Thursday, April 27 Today at the Early Child- hood Education center it is Social Dance Day, as they celebrate culture dur- ing Week of the Young Child. Warm Springs jurors will need to check-in at 9:30 this morning at Warm Springs Tribal Court. There is an Alcoholics Anonymous meeting to- day at noon at the Behav- ioral Health Center, and Narcotics Anonymous meeting at 6 p.m. at the Shaker Church. Fitness activities scheduled for today at the Community Wellness Cen- ter: There’s noon volleyball in the gym, Functional Fit- ness class at 12:10 in the social hall, and boot camp class in the Aerobics room at 12:10. This afternoon at 4:10 is Turbo Kick class. There is Social Dance class today from 4:30-6 p.m. at the Community Center Aerobics room. Friday, April 28 Here are some fitness activities happening to- day: Senior Fitness class is at 10:45 at the senior building. There is noon bas- ketball in the gym, and at 12:10 there is Functional Fitness class in the Aero- bics room. Pi-Yo class at the clinic. The Community Health Program at the Behavioral Health Center has a Be- havior Health Center to- day. Walk-in appoint- ments are available be- tween 1 and 5 p.m. Ser- vices include screening, assessment, crisis inter- vention, referrals to men- tal health, medical, sub- stance treatment, or other community resources. Children, adolescents and adults are welcome. Saturday, April 29 There is an Alcoholics Anonymous meeting this morning at 10 at Commu- nity Counseling. Sunday, April 30 The Warm Springs Food Bank is located at the Presbyterian Church. They are open today from 11:30-1:30 today. All food banks and pantries do take donations of non-perish- able food or cash Monday, May 1 Here are today’s fitness activities: Senior Fitness Class is at 10:45 at the Se- nior building. There is noon basketball in the gym and at 12:10, and Functional Fitness in the Aerobics room. Pi-Yo class is at the IHS atrium. This afternoon at 4:10 is Turbo Kick class. The Community Health Program at the Behavioral Health center has a Be- havior Health Center ev- ery Monday and Friday. Walk-in appointments are available between 1 and 5 p.m. The Warm Springs Vo- cational Rehabilitation program has orientation today at 3 p.m. at their of- fice in the industrial park. Learn more by calling 541- 553-4952. Victims of Crime Ser- vices has a Women’s Support Group today at the VOCS office, 1108 Wasco Street, behind the Old Boys’ Dorm. It’s from 3-5 p.m. Soaring Butterflies Warrior Spirit for high school age youth meets to- day from 5-6:30 p.m. at the Warm Springs Community Behavioral Health Center Prevention room. There is open gym vol- leyball today at the Youth Center (gym at the former elementary school). It’s open for middle and high schoolers from 5:30-6:30, and then open gym from 6:30-8:30. Tuesday, May 2 Fitness activities hap- pening at the Community Wellness Center today: Volleyball is at noon in the gym. Functional Fitness class is at 12:10 in the social hall, and also at 12:10 there is a Boot Camp class in the Aerobics room. The Jefferson County Food Bank is located at 556 SE Seventh Street. They are open for distribu- tion this afternoon. All food banks and pantries do take donations of non-perish- able food or cash. The Warm Springs Vo- cational Rehabilitation program has orientation today at 3 p.m. at Commu- nity Counseling. Call 553- 4952. Wednesday, May 3 Today’s fitness sched- ule: Water Aerobics is at 10:15 at the Kah-Nee-Ta Village Pool. Senior Fit- ness class is at 10:45 at the Senior Center. Basket- ball is at noon in the gym, and at 12:10 there is Func- tional Fitness class in the Aerobics room. Pi-Yo class is at the clinic atrium. Women’s Group meets today at 1 at the Behavioral Health Center (Community Counseling) There is a food handler’s class from 2-4 p.m. in the IHS atrium. Soaring Butterflies Warrior Spirit meets to- day from 4-5:30 p.m. at the Warm Springs k-8 Acad- emy. Thursday, May 4 The Timber Commit- tee meets at 9 a.m. in the Forestry Building. Warm Springs jurors will need to check-in at 9:30 this morning at Warm Springs Tribal Court. There is an Alcoholics Anonymous meeting to- day at noon at the Behav- ioral Health Center, and Narcotics Anonymous meeting at 6 p.m. at the Shaker Church. Fitness activities scheduled for today at the Community Wellness Cen- ter: There’s noon volleyball in the gym, Functional Fit- ness class at 12:10 in the social hall, and boot camp class in the Aerobics room at 12:10. This afternoon at 4:10 is Turbo Kick Class. Guiding Butterflies & Mighty Warriors meet to- day from 1 to 3 in the Pre- vention Room at Behavioral Health Center. The class is for adults to participate in cultural-based teach- ings, crafts and activities. There is Social Dance class today from 4:30-6 p.m. at the Community Center Aerobics room. Friday, May 5 All ECE programs will be closed today for staff training. Here are some fitness activities happening today: Senior Fitness class is at 10:45 at the senior building, noon basketball in the gym, at 12:10 there is Functional Fitness class in the Aero- bics room and Pi-Yo class at the clinic. The Community Health Program at the Behavioral Health Center has a Behav- ior Health Clinic today. Walk-in appointments are available between 1 and 5 p.m.