E Coosh EEWA: The way it is Page 4 Spilyay Tymoo December 21, 2016 Letters to the editor Miss Warm Springs Pageant Vets’ housing The Warm Springs Hous- ing Authority invites any veteran who is homeless, or facing homelessness, to par- ticipate in a new veterans housing assistance program. This program is open to any veteran who qualifies for services from the Veterans Administration. You can reach the Hous- ing Authority office by the administration building. Or call 541-553-3250. This program is made possible by a Housing and Urban Development grant. Jonathan Smith, the Residency Opportunity and Self Sufficiency Coordina- tor at Housing. Happy Winter Solstice ~ The first day of Winter, December 21, 2016. LIHEAP assistance clinic is from 5:15-6:00, and open gym from 6-7 p.m. Boys and girls ages 7-17 are invited to participate in the clinic, people 14 to adults can take part in the open gym vol- leyball. All skill levels are wel- come. GED classes War m Springs winter term GED Class registra- tions begin the week of Janu- ary 9. Attend a class the first week for orientation and to register. Registration closes January 13. Orientation for Basic Reading and Writing is Mon- day or Wednesday at 9:30 a.m., and Basic Math on Tuesday or Thursday at 9:30 in room 302 at the Education building. Classes will begin the fol- lowing week. Homeownership Warm Springs Social Ser- vices has received the Low Income Home Energy Assis- tance Program (LIHEAP) grant for the 2016-17 season. We will be processing ap- plications for winter energy assistance as applications are received. However, we will be prioritizing by senior citi- zens and disabled persons first. Applications must be com- plete before being processed. You will need date of births, and Social Security numbers of all adult persons residing in your household. The amount of assistance you will receive will be deter- mined by a matrix used based on income and the number of people residing in your home. Feel free to call me if you need assistance with your ap- plication, 541-553-3415. Ramona Lopez, Social Services secretary/LIHEAP coordinator. The tribal organiza- tion will be closed on Monday, December 26. Closures do not apply to tribal Police, Corrections and Dispatch, Fire & Safety EMTs, the tribal group home and Utilities. Volleyball A volleyball clinic and open gym volleyball are held every Tuesday and Thursday through December at the Youth Center. The youth Pathways Home: A Na- tive Homeownership course will begin on January 10. The classes are designed to teach you how to become a successful homeowner. Participants will learn how to find, finance, pur- chase and maintain a home. Classes will meet Tues- days from 5:30-7:30 at the tribal Credit building begin- ning January 10. Call 541- 553-3148 to sign up. based on creativity and origi- nality. All judging decisions are final. For information call 541-546-3412 ext. 229. Or see the Cove Palisades website. District superintendent The Jefferson County School District 509-J is seek- ing input to utilize in the search for a new superinten- dent. Current superintendent Rick Molitor has given no- tice that he will step down at the end of June 2017. There is an opportunity to give feedback online. Ev- eryone is encouraged to par- ticipate. You can go to the school district website: jcsd.k12.or.us Scroll down to the box that says ‘Community, Stu- dents, Staff.’ The survey is designed to identify: Things that will encour- age good candidates to ap- ply for the position; issues to be discussed during the interview process; and the qualities and qualifications desired in a new superinten- dent. All responses are anonymous. Spilyay photo Some of the crows of former Miss Warm Springs. The Miss War m Springs 2017 Pageant is scheduled for Wednes- day, December 28 at the Agency Longhouse. The evening will start with a dinner, followed by the pageant starting at 7 p.m. Former Miss Warm Holiday items Some holiday activities coming up this week: December 21: Need drivers to delivery presents not picked up by families on Dec. 20, to delivery to fami- lies. Springs are encouraged to attend in regalia and your crown. Individuals interested in running for the Miss Warm Springs title must submit completed applications by this Friday at 5 p.m. to be eligible. Questions regarding the December 22: Senior Christmas luncheon at Longhouse. Provide Christ- mas food bags to those se- niors that are present. December 23: Need drivers to delivery seniors’ food baskets to those who were not at senior luncheon. application process should be directed to Starla Green, Pageant coordinator, at: starla.green@wstribes.org Applications and let- ters of recommendation can be downloaded on the tribal website. Vets Handyman Service & More is available to hire for odd jobs around your home, or any project you may have. For information contact Anthony Davis at 541-460-1664. At W.S. Dentistry Student Eagle Watch contest The Third Annual Eagle Watch Art Contest is open. The contest is for all Jefferson, Deschutes and Crook county students in grades 4 through 12. Students can enter all art- work, including traditional types of work such as weav- ing and beading. Winners will be an- nounced at the Eagle Watch Event at the Round Butte Overlook Park in February. Here are the contest rules: All artwork must be the student’s original artwork. All art must include the student’s name, school, grade, email and phone num- ber on the back or attached. Artwork can be dropped off at your school office or at the Cove Palisades State Park or . The deadline is Friday, February 17, at 3 p.m. Winners will be chosen Courtesy photo The Warm Springs Health and Wellness Center Dental staff: Dental assistant Nachelle Kalama, Pediatric Dentist Dr. Mendoza, dental assistant Sam Heath, Chief Dentist Dr. Damon Pope, contract Dentist Dr. Abraham, and dental assistant Whitedove Cooper (back rom from left); and dental hygienist LCDR Spilyay Tymoo (Coyote News, Est. 1976) Publisher Emeritus in Memorium: Sid Miller Editor: Dave McMechan Spilyay Tymoo is published bi-weekly by the Con- federated Tribes of Warm Springs. Our offices are located at 4174 Highway 3 in Warm Springs. Any written materials submitted to Spilyay Tymoo should be addressed to: Spilyay Tymoo, P.O. Box 489, Warm Springs, OR 97761. Phone: 541-553-2210 or 541-771-7521 E-Mail: david.mcmechan@wstribes.org. Annual Subscription rates: Within U.S.: $20.00 From inmates and prayers. I am writing to tell all my family and all my friends, as well as those who misunder- stand me, to have a very safe and very Happy Holi- day. May you all be blessed with you needs. I love you all very much. Please feel free to write me at: Steven N. Anderson, no. 19520459, Eastern Or- egon Correctional Institu- tion, 2500 Westage, Pendleton OR 97801. You are all in my thoughts To Myra Johnson and family. I want to send my love and condolences to you all, and you are in my prayers. I’m very sorry I couldn’t be at the funeral, and it breaks my heart be- cause she (Sandy) was a very good friend, and you all were like family. Please, if any of you can, will you please send me a Memory Card for her, when you get the chance. I will be getting out of CCCF in March Juanita Sampson, dental assistant April Lenoir, dental assistant Farrell Lucei, dental receptionist Debra Garfield, and dental assistant Ida Frank (seated from left). The clinic is open Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., excep6t Wednesday morning; and closed at the noon hour each day. 2017. My info is at the end of this letter, because yes I’m out of sight of every- one. I just pray I’m not for- gotten. So yes, once again I send my love and respect, and all family and friends are always in my prayers. Always, L o r n a A r t h u r , no. 10035801; 24499 SW Grahams Ferry Rd., Wilsonville OR 97020. Dear Warm Springs, I would like to send all my prayers and blessings to ev- eryone on the reservation who has lost loved one this year. I pray for strength, hope and understanding for each and every one of you. I also would like to wish everyone on the res a safe and Happy Holiday. If anyone wants to be a pen pal, you can write me at this address. Thanks for your time. Sincerely, Michael Ton Meanus no. 6170683, 3920 E. Ashwood Rd., Madras OR 97441