E Coosh EEWA: The way it is Letters to the editor Seniors Lunch A big shout out to all who helped with the Senior Thanksgiving lunch. The lunch was a big suc- cess. Thanks to all who made this event a very great one. I would also like to thank the following for their donations of gifts: Family Preservation, Early Childhood Education - Day Care, ECE, Community Counseling, WOW, Utilities, Social Ser vices CHRC, Jefferson County, Preven- tion, Community Health, Sharon Jones, Lupe Katchia, Caroline Cruz, Beatrice Lopez and Edna Gonzales. Names were drawn and the gifts were given out to the names that were drawn. Fun and food was had by all. It was nice to see the smiles on our Elders. Again a big thank you to all who do- nated gifts. Rosemary Alarcon From Credit The Warm Springs Tribal Credit Enterprise would like to inform the membership of its check policy: Here are the standards: No two party checks. Personal checks accepted for amount being paid on loan: No cashing of personal checks, money orders, insur- ance drafts or any check that has been altered. Checks issued by the Con- federated Tribes of Warm Springs, the U.S. Treasury (federal government), and state of Oregon are accepted. Only the payee is allowed to cash check. No exceptions and must have ID. Required to make pay- ment to delinquent loan: We reserve the right to refuse any check. Any check returned is sub- ject to $25 fee. We will use any and/or all methods at our disposal to collect on returned checks/fees. War m Springs Credit This holiday Coming up this holiday sea- son ar ound the r eser vation community: December 8, 9 and half day on the tenth: Women’s Innovating, Leading and Learning Legacy Conference at the Old School gym. December 10: Christmas Bizarre at Community Wellness Center. December 19: Santa’s Workshop. Meet at the old school gym to be Santa’s helpers. Wrapping presents and putting senior food bags together. Meet at 10 a.m. December 19 will also in- clude the Indian Nite Out family fun and mini powwow. This will be at the Commu- nity Center, dinner starting at 5:30. December 20: Commu- nity families pick up wrapped gifts at old school gym start- ing at 10 a.m. December 21: Need drivers to delivery presents not picked up by families on Dec. 20, to delivery to fami- lies. December 22: Senior Christmas luncheon at Longhouse. Provide Christ- mas food bags to those se- niors that are present. December 23: Need drivers to delivery seniors’ food baskets to those who were not at senior luncheon. Lincoln’s candidate Jaihline “Cha Cha” Ramirez, Indian name Smalahne, is a candidate for the 2017 Lincoln’s Birthday Powwow Quenn. She is sell- ing raffle tickets, and intro- ducing herself around the community. Jaihline is 12 years old, and in the seventh grade. Her parents are Joy and Jose Ramirez. If you are inter- ested in showing your sup- port, you can call 541-777- 9220. Or look on Facebook at Joy Ramirez. To Yakama members Attention all Yakama Na- tion members 18 and over: There will be an official Gen- eral Council meeting on Wednesday, December 7. Two-hundred and fifty members 18 and older are needed to make a quorum for the first session in accordance with T-38-56, section 2; and 175 members thereafter. Extension gift class Warm Springs OSU Ex- tension will host a Home- made Gift Class on Wednes- day, December 21, at Exten- sion in the Education build- ing. The class will be from 10 a.m. to noon. This is a free class, a chance to make and take gifts. Each participant will leave with one of each of the ac- Spilyay Tymoo Page 4 Spilyay Tymoo December 7, 2016 At the Veterans Summit tivities, including poinsettia crafts, hand-stamped gift tags, bath salts and flavored vinegars. Space is very limited, open to the first 10 participants (one participant per family please). Call 541-553-3238 to reserve a spot. On Council Dec. agenda The following are some of the items coming up on the Tribal Council agenda for the rest of December: Monday, Dec. 12 9 a.m. - Review minutes and resolutions with S-T Michele Stacona. 10 - Secretary/Treasurer- CEO and Chief Operations Officer updates with Michele and Alyssa Macy. 11 - Tribal Court update with Lisa Lomas, chief judge. 2017 jury list and pro tem- pore judge resolutions. 1:30 p.m. - January 2017 agenda/review minutes with the S-T. 2:30 - Enrollments with Lucille Suppach-Sampson of Vital Stats. Tuesday, Dec. 13 9 a.m. - Health Services carryover plan with Alfred Estimo and Caroline Cruz. 10 - Warm Springs Tim- ber LLC update with Clyde Hamstreet and Cal Mukomoto. 11 a.m. - WSFPI receiver- ship update with Ed Hostmann, et al. 1:30 p.m. - ODOT Rock Fall project, and Safety Plan with Lonny Macy. 2:30 - Pension update with Elizabeth Sato and Catherine Langford. 3:30 - Open. Photo courtesy of Cpt. (retired) T. Creelman. LCDR N. Marlof, Cpt. J. Gemelas, CDR A. Whistler, CDR C, Duong, LCDR C. Cummins, LT. J. Casberg, CDR R. Locker, LCDR J. Simpson (from left; not pictured Cpt. L. Dziuk, CDR C. Keene, Cpt. L. Crosby, LCRD H. Peterson, LT A. Portier. The Central Oregon U.S. Public Health Ser- vice Commissioned Corps, in support of Mitchell Devaney, with the assistance of Terry Bentley, VA tribal govern- ment relations specialist in the Western region, participated in the Sec- ond Annual War m springs Veterans Summit in November. This event was a great success, and was free to all veterans and their families. The summit al- lowed them to meet with 22 vendors who support veterans. The vendors included Portland Medical VA, Port- land regional VA, Native Wellness Institute, Healing Hands, Oregon state De- partment of Veterans Af- fairs, Native Procurement Technical Assistance Center, the Oregon Veterans Home at The Dalles. Also: The National Cemetery at Willamette, VETS Em- ployment and Training Ser- vices; Portland Mobile VA Unit; CHAMPVA, the Bend Vet Center, the Department of Labor Women’s Division at Seattle; SAMSHA, the So- cial Security Agency, CMS, TERROS Tribal, Denver VA Glenn Johnson, chief government relations spe- cialist Western Region, office of Tribal Govern- ment Relations and the Indian Health Service, and the Warm Springs Health and Wellness Cen- ter. The commissioned of- ficers of the War m Springs Health and Wellness Center spon- sored the meal. The of- ficers will be sponsoring in December a clothing and toy drive for the lo- cal Children’s Protective Services. Note: aLL draft resolu- tions and ordinances, includ- ing any attachments or ex- hibits, are due by the first Friday of each month by 5 p.m. Send by email in Word form. No exceptions: michele.stacona@wstribes.org lynn.davis@wstribes.org Items for further consid- eration: · ATNI Winter Conven- tion in January. · 2017 Presidential Tran- sition meeting for the new administration in January. · Purchasing policy sched- uled for early January. · Telecom/Century Link negotiation team. Happy Holiday Season, from Travis Bobb. Name the Travel Plaza by December 6 (Coyote News, Est. 1976) Publisher Emeritus in Memorium: Sid Miller Editor: Dave McMechan Spilyay Tymoo is published bi-weekly by the Con- federated Tribes of Warm Springs. Our offices are located at 4174 Highway 3 in Warm Springs. Any written materials submitted to Spilyay Tymoo should be addressed to: Spilyay Tymoo, P.O. Box 489, Warm Springs, OR 97761. Phone: 541-553-2210 or 541-771-7521 E-Mail: david.mcmechan@wstribes.org. Annual Subscription rates: Within U.S.: $20.00 The deadline is coming up to submit you suggestion for the name of the tribes’ Travel Plaza. Entries must be received by December 6 (details for submission below). The new 13,000-square- foot facility, located at the Madras industrial park, will be a one-stop show: It is pro- posed to include a conve- nient store, deli food, fuel, showers, rest-rooms, laundry services, approximately 30- 40 Class II gaming machines, coffee bar and casual dining. The naming contest is open to Warm Springs tribal community members. Cri- teria: · The name should re- flect positively and descrip- tive on the Travel Plaza. · The name should not be offensive, insulting or de- rogatory in nature. · In instances where the same name is submitted, the selection committee will se- lect the entry with the earli- est entry by time and date. · The name must be original, not likely to cause confusion with any other similar business or enter- prise, and not be the trade- mark, trade name or prop- erty of any other person or entity · The selection commit- tee has the authority to re- ject an entry it deems inap- propriate. The author of the winning suggestion, chosen by a se- lection committee, will re- ceive a $250 check. Mem- bers of the selection com- mittee will be blinded to the names associated with the entries. Additional rules: Only two entries per submission. · The winner is solely re- sponsible for all federal, state and local taxes on the prize. All entries are due by De- cember 6. Entries can be mailed to Indian Head Ca- sino, attention: Nicole Garcia-Smith, PO Box 890, Warm Springs, OR 97761. Or email her at: NGarcia- Smith@indianheadgaming.com.