Spilyay tymoo. (Warm Springs, Or.) 1976-current, November 23, 2016, Page 4, Image 4

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    E Coosh EEWA: The way it is
Page 4 Spilyay Tymoo November 23, 2016
Letters to the editor
Family, friends
I want to take the time to
thank everyone in our be-
loved community for the
support I and our children
received after the loss of my
beloved husband.
The outpouring of love
has made my difficult jour-
ney more comforting.
I want to acknowledge the
love I received from Louise
and Cassie Katchia, Neda
Wesley, Eliza Jim, Ralph and
Jewel Minnick, Broken Bow,
Tanewasha, Bubi Main,
Lynn and Lonnie McQwen,
Don Courtney, Sandra
Sampson, Bobbi Jim, Olivia
Stacona, Lori Fuentes and
the Credit board, all of the
Public Utilities staff, our
brother-in-law Jody Calica
and niece Direlle Calica.
Thank you Preston
Eagleheart, our nephew who
brought my husband a
Pendleton blanket. And to
our nephew Alvis Smith III
and wife Vivian.
Thank you to my broth-
ers-in-law Bobby Eagleheart
and Besta Smith who were
respectful and kind to me.
To our Finance depart-
ment, thank you for your
I am so very grateful to
my sisters Lena and Lovie
Ike, my brothers Tyrone,
Lucas and Fred Ike Jr. And
our beloved nieces Raylene
and Daisy Thomas, and
Natasha Dibiaso. They were
my strength to start my life
as a widow to honor their be-
loved brother-in-law.
My husband dearly loved
his Ike family who embraced
him with so much love, loy-
alty and family time.
Thank you to our daugh-
ter-in-law Davida Boyd who
cooked and cleaned after my
husband prior to his passing.
Her heart is hurting so I ask
that you pray for her, we
love her so much.
Thank you to our daugh-
ter-in-law Rena Adams-
Smith who got give-away
items to honor her father-in-
law. We have been blessed
with wonderful daughters-in-
I have been so fortunate
to work for such a wonder-
ful non-profit agency,
Bestcare Treatment Services,
who showed their unwaver-
ing support for me.
And thank you to my be-
loved friend Heather Crow-
Martinez and her husband
Danny, my dear friend
Michelle Wells, my co-work-
ers who donated food,
Katrina, Trent, Theresa,
Laura, Silvia, Roger and all
others who showed their
love for me and my family.
I would also like to recog-
nize JoAnn Smith and Lucy
Smith for honoring our hus-
band and being there for the
children we share. I love you
both so very much for sup-
porting me and our children.
Special thanks to the
Housing Department and
Fire Management for sup-
porting our sons who work
along side you. You brought
strength to our sons and I will
be eternally thankful to all of
you. I would also like to thank
Austin Greene and Glendon
Smith for your support.
Thank you, Lawren
Slockish, Officiator, all the
drummers, Larry Dick and
Samuel Starr, our undertak-
ers, the cooks, Annie
K alama, Flossie Wolfe,
Agnes Wolfe and Lovey
Colwash. Thank you Lovie
for helping me sew my hus-
bands regalia.
Atawishamash, inii ny
moo mah, Leona A. Ike-
This holiday
This holiday season there
are many options to contrib-
ute to the community by vol-
unteering, as well as oppor-
tunities to participate.
Here are some of the up-
coming holiday activities:
Thursday, December 1:
Tree lighting with singing
Christmas carols at Commu-
nity Wellness Center. Hot
chocolate to be provided.
December 6: Lighted
Christmas Floats Parade, plus
a Health Fair and Old Fash-
ion Christmas Arts and Craft
with a light dinner provided.
Line-up starts at 5 p.m., pa-
rade at 7.
December 8, 9 and half
day on the tenth: Women’s:
Innovating, Leading and
Learning Legacy Conference
at the Old School gym.
December 10: Christmas
Bizarre at Community
Wellness Center.
December 19: Santa’s
Workshop. Meet at the old
school gym to be Santa’s help-
ers. Wrapping presents and
putting senior food bags to-
gether. Meet at 10 a.m.
December 19 will also in-
clude the Indian Nite Out
family fun and mini powwow.
This will be at the
Communtiy Center, dinner
starting at 5:30.
December 20: Commu-
nity families pick up wrapped
gifts at old school gym start-
ing at 10 a.m.
December 21: Need
drivers to delivery presents
not picked up by families on
Dec. 20, to delivery to fami-
Spilyay Tymoo
(Coyote News, Est. 1976)
Publisher Emeritus in Memorium: Sid Miller
Editor: Dave McMechan
Spilyay Tymoo is published bi-weekly by the Con-
federated Tribes of Warm Springs. Our offices are
located at 4174 Highway 3 in Warm Springs.
Any written materials submitted to Spilyay Tymoo
should be addressed to:
Spilyay Tymoo, P.O. Box 489, Warm Springs, OR
Phone: 541-553-2210 or 541-771-7521
E-Mail: david.mcmechan@wstribes.org.
Annual Subscription rates: Within U.S.: $20.00
December 22: Senior
Christmas luncheon at
Longhouse. Provide Christ-
mas food bags to those se-
niors that are present.
December 23: Need
drivers to delivery seniors’
food baskets to those who
were not at senior luncheon.
A special thank you to the
communities of War m
Springs and Madras.
Once again I would like
to thank all that assisted the
Boileau family when we lost
our loved one.
Your willingness, caring
and love are helping the fam-
ily to heal.
Thank you to the Warm
Tribes, the Warm Springs
Utilities Department, Warm
Springs Senior Program,
War m Springs Fire and
Safety, and all the EMTs
who arrived in a heart beat
to help us.
Thank you to the St.
Charles Hospice Team. You
help is truly a blessing day
or night.
Thank you St. Charles
Emergency Room doctors
and nurses, the St. Charles
nurses in Madras, and to
East Cascade Assisted Liv-
Thank you and God bless
all of you, for all your car-
ing and love.
The Mitchell Boileau
Wishing Warm Springs a Happy Thanksgiving, from Travis Bobb.
of 509-J students. Your self-
less dedication is what the stu-
dents of this district need and
Sincerely and with appre-
ciation, Richard R. Molitor,
district superintendent.
509-J district Births
Raymond Victor Suppah
superintendent Mandy May Suppah of
(Jefferson County School Dis-
trict 509-J Superintendent Rick
Molitor gave the following state-
ment to the district board, upon
announcing his resignation:)
Effective June 30, 2017,
I will be resigning from my
position with the Jefferson
County School District. Both
the school board and I agree
this is a positive move for the
I have multiple career op-
portunities I am exploring for
my future, while knowing this
early notice of resignation
will provide the Jefferson
County School District an
opportunity to find a new su-
perintendent to lead the dis-
trict in a positive direction.
A new superintendent can
build upon our past work
while focusing on relation-
ship building and reaching
out to bring diversity to the
forefront of the district’s pri-
It has been an honor to
serve the students and com-
munities of the Jefferson
County School District for
the past nine years. I am
proud my own children are
graduates of 509-J and mem-
bers of the greater Jefferson
County School District com-
I am also proud of the ac-
complishments we have cre-
ated as a team, and am ex-
cited about the future poten-
tial of this district and our
I want to thank the cur-
rent school board along with
previous board members
who have, and will continue
to serve in the best interest
Warm Springs is pleased to
announce the birth of her son
Raymond Victor Suppah,
born on November 12, 2016.
Raymond joins brother
Gunner Bailey Jr., 11; and sis-
ters Isabel and Evalyn
Suppah, 13 years old.
Grandparents are Roman
Suppah of Warm Springs and
Joanna Nelson.
Wesley James Teeman Jr.
Wesley Teeman Sr. and
Clarissa Wolfe of War m
Springs are pleased to an-
nounce the birth of their son
Wesley James Teeman Jr.,
born on November 10, 2016.
Grandparents on the
father’s side are Manuel
Teeman and Laura Kennedy.
Grandparents on the
mother’s side are Cyril Wolfe
and Rhonda Clements.
Lucas David George
James Russell George and
Lillian Dalyn-Aaryn Gonzalez
of Warm Springs are pleased
to announce the birth of their
son Lucas David George,
born on November 4, 2016.
Grandparent on the
father’s side is Dayle Tufti of
Warm Springs.
Grandparent on the
father’s side is Josephine
James of Warm Springs.
Happy Birthday, Big gy, aka Dad. Thanks for
all the years of being my Dad, and awesome
grandpa. Love, Rag gy, Bianca & Dre.
Happy Birthday to my husband Brent.
Love you lots. Love, Rosa and grandkids.
Happy Birthday Dad. Love, Jalen.
Happy Thanksgiving to all my loved
ones and friends. And thank you for being
you. And to my Bianca and Andreaz,
Mommy loves you so much. Thank you
Lord for all my blessings. Yours truly,
RaeAnn Graybael.
I’d like to wish a Happy Birthday to my family:
Wylee Graybael, Jayce and Larissa Wallulatum.
Chubba and Keagon Caldera. Cody Wallulatum,
Fred W., Baby Warren Wallalutum-Garcia. Auntie
Jony and Uncle Tracy. Stay blessed. Love always,
RaeAnn, Bianca and Andreaz.
The Washanaksha board
administers funds from the
Oregon Cultural Trust and
other sources. The Museum
at Warm Springs is the fiscal
Washanaksha is an
Ichishkiin word. It means
that when something is im-
portant, you take it in—heart,
spirit and mind—and are
committed to carrying it for-
ward no matter what.
Tribal culture, family, his-
tory, dance, art, ceremonies,
music and traditional prac-
tices are the foundation of
the tribal identity.
The Washanaksha board is
now accepting grant applica-
The Washanaksha board
tions. The board will accept supports projects and activi-
applications through Thurs- ties outlined in its Cultural
day, Decrement 1.
Promote tribal members
and residents’ understanding
of and involvement in cul-
tural activities, traditions, arts,
language, dance, history, mu-
sic, etc.
Pass on tribal knowledge
and practices to our youth,
and help them feel connected
to their culture.
Preser ve, practice and
teach our tribal languages,
Ichishkiin, Kiksht and Numu.
The maximum grant
award is $1,200.
Washanaksha board wants to
make as many awards as pos-
sible. For more information
please contact Tamera
Moody, secretary of the
Washanaksha board and Edu-
cation coordinator at the
museum, 541-553-3331.