Page 2 Spilyay Tymoo, Warm Springs, Oregon Council okays moving ahead with TERO Tribal Council voted last week to move forward with an agreement with the state of Oregon that will allow the Warm Springs TERO office to establish off-reservation jurisdiction. The primary purpose of the TERO program is to en- force tribally enacted Indian preference law, insuring that Native people gain their rightful share to employ- ment, training, contracting, subcontracting, and business opportunities on and near the reservation. The War m Springs TERO is part of Ventures, and is housed in the Ventures office at the industrial park. The office keeps a list of po- tential tribal member work- ers and their particular skills. Ventures and Tribal Council created the office some time ago, but the project has been delayed by a lack of agreement over an issue with the Grand Ronde tribe. The Warm Springs TERO has jurisdiction on the reser- vation, and with agreement with the state Department of Transportation, the office will have jurisdiction within 60 miles of the reser vation boundary. The 60-mile radio extends from Bend-LaPine in the south to The Dalles area to the north. To the west the boundary includes part of the I-5 area south of Portland. The boundary of the Grand Ronde TERO overlaps with part of the western area. A Warm Springs delega- tion met in late October with the Grand Ronde, with the hope of reaching an agree- ment in regard to the overlap area. After the meeting, Grand Ronde suggested an agree- ment for Warm Springs and ODOT with language that Warm Springs Council mem- bers could not support. The language was to the effect that Warm Springs rec- ognizes the history and treaty rights of the Grand Ronde in the area to the west of the Cascades. Warm Springs Council members were unwilling to approve this, as the TERO agreement is not the place to comment on another tribe’s claims to treaty rights. “I’m not comfortable with any treaty language in the Oregon Department of Transportation document, when it’s not in any other ODOT document,” said Councilwoman Brigette McConville. Councilwoman Carina Miller suggested that Warm Springs work with the Umatilla TERO on a model cooperative agreement for tribal TEROs. The Council approved this approach, allowing the Warm Springs TERO to move for- ward with an agreement with ODOT. The agreement will be for a term of a few years. In the meantime, the area that overlaps with the Grand Ronde TERO can remain an open question, perhaps until the Warm Springs or Grand Ronde TERO agreements come up for renewal. The undisputed areas within the Warm Springs ju- risdiction will provide a good chance for the Warm Springs TERO to implement training and other essential aspects of the program, Councilwoman Miller said. Dave McMechan November 23, 2016 Meeting on housing planned for Simnasho The Land Use Plan- ning Committee and Planning Department will host a public meeting in Simnasho. The meeting will be at the Simnasho Longhouse on Monday, November 28. Light meal at 6 p.m. and meeting at 7. The purpose of the meeting is to receive com- munity input on future housing. Car Light, Craft Fair in Dec. The Warm Springs Car Light Parade and Health Craft Fair is coming up on Tuesday, December 6. The theme of the parade this year is Polar Express. Hosts of the parade and fair are Na- tive Aspirations and the Rec- reation Department. The parade line-up is at 5 p.m. by the old elementary school. Parade judging is at 6 p.m., and the parade begins at 8. The Health Craft Fair will be from 5-8 p.m. A dinner will be served starting at 5:30. For parade information call the Community Center at 541-553-3243. For Health Craft Fair in- formation call Native Aspi- rations Health and Human Services at 541-615-0144. Or Recreation at 541-553- 3243. Warm Springs Community Calendar Brought to you by KWSO 91.9 FM Thursday, Nov. 24 All Central Oregon Com- munity College campuses are closed on Thursday and Friday for the Thanks- giving holiday. There will be no classes and all admin- istrative offices will be closed. Friday, Nov. 25 The Chasan R. Walker Men’s Basketball Tour- nament is Thursday through Saturday, Novem- ber 25-27. It’s all-Indian plus 3, ten players per team. They are taking 18 teams. Games will be played at Madras High School and at the Warm Springs Community Cen- ter gyms. For more infor- mation contact Jake and Julie Suppah at 541-460- 8472. Saturday, Nov. 26 There is an Alcoholics Anonymous meeting this morning at 10 at Commu- nity Counseling. Sunday, Nov. 27 The Warm Springs Food Bank is located at the Presbyterian Church. They are open today from 11:30-1:30. All food banks and pantries do take do- nations of non-perishable food or cash Monday, Nov. 28 Fitness Opportunities today include: Senior Fit- ness class at the Senior Center at 10:45. At noon there is basketball in the Community Center gym, and Functional Fitness in the Aerobics room. And at the Health & Wellness Center, Pilates-Yoga Class is at noon. There is Turbo Kick class at 4:15 in the Aerobics room. La- dies open gym time is at 6:15 A Women’s Prayer Group meets Mondays from 12:05 to 12:35 at the Warm Springs Presbyte- rian Church. The Community Health Program at the Health & Wellness Center has a Behavior Health Clinic every Monday and Friday. Walk-in appointments are available between 1 and 5 p.m. Services include screening, assessment, crisis intervention, refer- rals to mental health, medical, substance treat- ment, or other community resources. Children, ado- lescents and adults are welcome. The Warm Springs Vo- cational Rehabilitation program has orientation today at 3 p.m. at their of- fice in the industrial park. If you or someone you know has or may have a disability that is a barrier to employment or employ- ment advancement, they can learn about their op- tions at an orientation or by calling 553-4952. Victims of Crime Ser- vices has a Women’s Support Group today at the VOCS office, 1108 Wasco Street, behind the Old Boys’ Dorm. It’s from 3-5 p.m. Soaring Butterflies Warrior Spirit group for high school age youth meets today from 5-6:30 p.m. at the Warm Springs Community Counseling Center’s Prevention Room. There’s a Youth Sub- stance Abuse Education class today at 4:30 and an Aftercare Relapse Sup- port Group at 5 at Com- munity Counseling. They also have a Walk-in Group for intakes every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 1:30. Tuesday, Nov. 29 The Mobile Medical Unit will be parked in Sidwalter today. Patients can schedule to be seen by calling the medical re- ception desk, 541-553- 2610, starting at 8 a.m. weekdays. On today’s fitness schedule: At noon there is Functional Fitness class in the Community Center social hall, and Turbo Kick Class in the Aerobics room. Volleyball, the November Fitness Challenge bonus activity, will be in the Community Center gym. IBA Open Gym is at 7. Today at Community Counseling: There is an Alcoholics Anonymous meeting at noon. The Men’s Group is at 1, a Vocational Rehabilita- tion program orientation is at 3, Relapse Preven- tion group at 3:30, and Alcohol and Drug Edu- cation class at 5. The Jefferson County Food Bank is located at 556 SE Seventh Street. They are open for distri- bution this afternoon. All food banks and pantries do take donations of non- perishable food or cash. Choir & Song class in preparation for the com- munity Christmas plays are held every Tuesday from 5-6:30 at the Coun- seling Center in the Pre- vention Room downstairs. It is open to people of all ages. The Warm Springs Numu Cultural and Lan- guage evening is tonight from 5:30-7 at the Culture and Heritage Building front office. All are welcome to share, learn and partici- pate in Numu language and culture. Indianpreneurship class meets this evening from 5:30 to 7:30 at the Credit Enterprise confer- ence room. AGLOW weekly Bible study is this evening from 6-7:30 at High Lookee Lodge. It is open to all and a light snack is provided. Wednesday, Nov. 30 Fitness Opportunities today include: Senior Fit- ness class at 10:45 at the Senior Center. At noon there is basketball in the Community Center gym and Functional Fitness in the Aerobics room. At the Health & Wellness Center, Pilates Yoga Class is at noon. There is kick ball to- day at noon. It’s the bonus activity for November Fit- ness Challenge partici- pants today. Ladies open gym time is at 6:15 Today at Community Counseling: A walk-in group for intakes is at 1:30. This is the first step for anyone wanting to be- gin counseling services. A Women’s Group meets at 1:30, Anger Management at 3:30, Wellbriety Group is at 5:15 and there is an Alcoholics Anonymous meeting at 7 p.m. Soaring Butterflies Warrior Spirit group meets today from 4- 5:30pm at the Warm Springs K-8 Academy. WSK8 Sports: Boys’ Basketball will host Crook County today at 4. Little Miss Warm Springs meetings are held Wednesdays from 6-7:30 at the Community Center. All interested girls and par- ents are welcome. Thursday, Dec. 1 The Timber Commit- tee will meet from 9 a.m. to noon in the Fire Man- agement conference room. Warm Springs jurors will need to check-in at 9:30 this morning at Warm Springs Tribal Court. There is an Alcoholics Anonymous meeting to- day at noon at Community Counseling and a Narcot- ics Anonymous meeting this evening at 6 at the Shaker Church. On today’s fitness schedule: at noon there is Functional Fitness class in the Community Center so- cial hall, Turbo Kick class in the Aerobics room, and volleyball in the Community Center gym. And there is Turbo Kick class at 4:15 in the Aerobics room. IBA Open Gym is at 7. Guiding Butterflies & Mighty Warriors classes meet today from 1 to 3 in the Prevention Room at Community Counseling. The class is for adults to participate in cultural- based teachings, crafts and activities. WSK8 Sports: Boys’ basketball will play at JCMS today at 4. There is Social Dance class today from 4:30-6 p.m. at the Community Center Aerobics room. Financial Skills for Families class is this evening from 5:30-7:30 at the Community Action Team office.