Page 2 Spilyay Tymoo, Warm Springs, Oregon Looking to the future with Recovery conference by Sarah Frank The Warm Springs Be- havioral Health Guiding But- terflies and Mighty Warrior adult group met with NARA—the Native Ameri- can Rehabilitation Associa- tion—this summer and de- cided to plan the first Recov- ery Never Ends conference. On September 30 the conference happened at the HeHe Longhouse. September was National Recovery Month. But we wanted to send the message that the month may come to an end but recovery never ends. We originally thought there would be 20 to 30 people attending the confer- ence. We are pleased to say that over 100 people were in attendance by the after- noon. NARA fulfilled Tribal Councilman Raymond Tsumpti Sr.’s request to Courtesy Sarah Frank Great Outdoors Mini Hike participants at HeHe. come to Warm Springs: This was their third trip to Warm Springs to stay in contact with previous NARA treat- ment clients. Breakfast, lunch and dinner were prepared and ser ved by volunteers: Natural Resources do- nated fish, and NARA Out- reach brought the food for dinner. Master of ceremonies Aldo Garcia entertained the audience throughout the day with his humor and inspira- tion, often using his own per- sonal recovery story. Thank you, Jason Smith, for your continued support in the recovery movement. Deanie Johnson and Guy Wallulatum gave the open- ing prayer. Michael Martinez and Scott Kalama were up bright and early pre- paring for the men and women’s sweathouses. Suzy Moody led the women’s sweat on Friday, and Birda Kirk led the women’s sweathouse Thurs- day evening. Guy Wallulatum shared the War- rior Song, and the history of the song. Patty Katz shared her tes- timony as a “person in long- term recovery.” At one time she spent time getting high under the I-5 bridge: she also talked about her lengthy criminal history. Fifteen years ago she and a friend read an article about Na- tional Recovery Month, and realized people all over the U.S. were celebrating their re- covery from drugs and alco- hol addiction. They decided they would stand on top of the bridge at daybreak to celebrate. That decision marked the be- ginning of Hands Across the Bridge. In 2001 there were 200 participants. In 2015 there were almost 3000 people. Warm Springs Guiding Butterflies and Mighty War- riors attended the 2016 Hands Across the Bridge event. (Continues on page 8) October 12, 2016 Pumpkin Patch Fun Trip Warm Springs Recre- ation will make the Pump- kin Patch Fun Trip on Monday, October 17. The pumpkin patch is at Liepold Farms at Bor- ing. The day will feature the Corn Maze, Hay Ride, Hay Maze, and pumpkin gathering. Young people, stop by the Recreation office at the Community Wellness to fill out a permission slip. Call Carol for more infor mation, 541-553- 3243. The bus will leave at 9 a.m. and return at 4:45 p.m. Bring a sack lunch, good walking shoes and a jacket. The cost is $8 per per- son, and includes: Two pumpkin pulls, the Corn and Hay mazes and Hay Ride. Plus a bag of apples. There will be pumpkins of all sizes and colors, and other squash at the farm. Great Pumpkin Party Recreation will host the Great Pumpkin Party on Thursday, October 20 at the Community Center social hall (for de- tails see page 4). Tribal Member Art Show The Museum at Warm Springs will host the Tribal Member Art Show this fall. The show opens October 27 with a reception starting at 5:30 p.m. This is the Twenty-Third Annual mem- ber art show, a favorite ex- hibit celebrating the artistic talents of the tribes. Warm Springs Community Calendar Brought to you by KWSO 91.9 FM Thursday, Oct. 13 Warm Springs jurors will need to check-in at 9:30 this morning at Warm Springs Tribal Court. On today’s fitness sched- ule: at noon there is Func- tional Fitness class in the Community Center social hall, Turbo Kick class in the Aerobics room, and volley- ball in the Community Cen- ter gym. There is an Alcoholics Anonymous meeting today at noon at Community Coun- seling and a Narcotics Anonymous meeting this evening at 6 at the Shaker Church. Guiding Butterflies & Mighty Warriors classes meet today from 1 to 3 in the Prevention room at Commu- nity Counseling. The class is for adults to participate in cultural-based teachings, crafts and activities. There is Social Dance class today from 4:30-6pm at the Community Center Aerobics Room. A basketball clinic for boys and girls age 6 to 17 is being held every Tuesday and Thursday through Octo- ber. It’s held in the Youth Center at the old elementary school from 5:30-6:15 for ages six to eleven and from 6:15 to 7:00 for the older kids. All skill levels are welcome. Friday, Oct. 14 Today is a 509-J teacher in-service day. No school. The 2016 4-H National Youth Science Day event in Warm Springs will be from 9 a.m. to noon at the Academy. The project this year is called Drone Discovery, and has three activities exploring the science behind or drones. Lunch will be served. Fitness opportunities to- day include: Senior Fitness class at the Senior Center at 10:45. At noon there is bas- ketball in the Community Center gym, and Functional Fitness class in the Aerobics room. And at the Health & Wellness Center, Pilates Yoga Class is at noon. The Community Health program at the Health and Wellness Center has a Be- havior Health clinic today, walk-in appointments are available between 1 and 5 p.m. Services include screening, assessment, cri- sis intervention, referrals to mental health, medical, sub- stance treatment, or other community resources. Chil- dren, adolescents and adults are welcome. The Community Coun- seling Center will have a walk-in group for intakes to- day at 1:30. It is open to any- one needing to start coun- seling services. The Jefferson County Li- brary Community film cen- ter will show the 1962 West- ern Lonely Are the Brave at 7:30 p.m. Films are free and shown in the Rodriguez Annex, next to the library in Madras. Saturday, Oct. 15 There is an Alcoholics Anonymous meeting this morning at 10 at Community Counseling. The Warm Springs Chris- tian Community Potluck and Prayer gathering meets the third Saturday of every month (except in December) at the High Lookee Lodge commu- nity room. Potluck dinner is at 6 p.m. and prayer from 7 to 8. Sunday, Oct. 16 The Warm Springs Food Bank is located at the Pres- byterian Church. They are open today from 11:30-1:30. All food banks and pantries do take donations of non- perishable food or cash Monday, Oct. 17 On the Tribal Council agenda: Morning – secre- tary-treasurer update, No- vember agenda/travel del- egations/review minutes, draft resolutions. Afternoon – Legislative update call/en- rollments. Fitness Opportunities to- day include: Senior Fitness class at the Senior Center at 10:45. At noon there is bas- ketball in the Community Center gym, and Functional Fitness in the Aerobics room. At the Health & Wellness Center, Pilates- Yoga Class is at noon. And there is Turbo Kick class at 4:15 in the Aerobics room. A Women’s Prayer Group meets Mondays from 12:05 to 12:35 at the Warm Springs Presbyterian Church. The Community Health Program at the Health & Wellness Center has a Be- havior Health clinic every Monday and Friday. Walk-in appointments are available between 1 and 5 p.m. Ser- vices include screening, as- sessment, crisis interven- tion, referrals to mental health, medical, substance treatment, or other commu- nity resources. Children, adolescents and adults are welcome. The Warm Springs Voca- tional Rehabilitation pro- gram has orientation today at 3 p.m. at their office in the industrial park. If you or someone you know has or may have a disability that is a barrier to employment or employment advancement, they can learn about their options at an orientation or by calling 553-4952. Victims of Crime Ser- vices has a Women’s Sup- port group today at the VOCS office, 1108 Wasco Street, behind the Old Boys’ Dorm. It’s from 3-5 p.m. Soaring Butterflies Warrior Spirit group for high school age youth meets today from 5-6:30 p.m. at the Warm Springs Community Counseling Center’s Prevention Room. There’s an Aftercare re- lapse support group today at 5 at Community Counsel- ing. They also have a Walk- in Group for intakes every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 1:30. Tuesday, Oct. 18 The Mobile Medical Unit will be parked in Simnasho today. Call 553-1196 to schedule an appointment. On the Tribal Council agenda: 9 a.m.-noon, Fi- nance update. Discussion on CTWS new bank, IHS contract support settlement. On today’s fitness schedule: at noon there is Functional Fitness class in the Community Center so- cial hall, Turbo Kick class in the Aerobics room, and vol- leyball in the Community Center gym. Today at Community Counseling: There is an Al- coholics Anonymous meet- ing at noon. Adult Alcohol Education class is at 1:15, and the Veterans Group meets from 1:30-2:30. The Jefferson County Food Bank is located at 556 SE Seventh Street. They are open for distribution this af- ternoon. All food banks and pantries do take donations of non-perishable food or cash. The Warm Springs Voca- tional Rehabilitation program has orientation today at 3 p.m. at Community Counseling. If you or someone you know has or may have a disability that is a barrier to employment or employment advancement, they can learn about their op- tions at an orientation or by calling 553-4952. Choir and song class in preparation for the commu- nity Christmas plays are held every Tuesday from 5- 6:30 at the Counseling Cen- ter in the Prevention Room downstairs. It is open to people of all ages. The Warm Springs Numu Cultural and Language Evening is tonight from 5:30-7 at the Culture and Heritage building front office. All are welcome to share, learn and participate in Numu language and culture. AGLOW weekly Bible study is this evening from 6-7:30 at High Lookee Lodge. It is open to all and a light snack is provided. Wednesday, Oct. 19 The Oregon Food Bank’s Harvest Share program is giving out free fruits and veg- etables at the Celilo Com- munity Center will be from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. There are no income verification or ID requirements. They would like you to bring reusable shopping bags if you have them. Central Oregon Veter- ans Outreach does a give- away of clothing and other needs on the third Wednes- day of each month. They are in Warm Springs on Cam- pus from 1-2 p.m.