Page 2 Spilyay Tymoo, Warm Springs, Oregon UAS Update Fiber optic approaching Kah-Nee-Ta The tribes’ unmanned aerial systems program is a fast developing enterprise. Other tribes—the Puyallup, Tulalip, Couer d’Alene and Grand Ronde, for instance—have been in contact with Aurolyn Stwyer, business and marketing man- ager at Warm Springs Ven- tures. Other tribes have a grow- ing interest in the industry, and in the Warm Springs’ pro- gram in particular, Ms. Stwyer said. The Puyallup have al- ready drafted a tribal policy to guide their use of un- manned systems. As an FAA-approved UAS test range, the Warm Springs Reservation is also drawing interest from leaders in the industry. Key partnerships Dave McMechan/Spilyay Warm Springs Construction team installs the line that will bring the fiber optic cable to Kah-Nee-Ta. could lead to the develop- ment of a drone manufactur- ing plant at the industrial park, where Construction is preparing for a new building. A key component of the tribes’ UAS program will be the Innovation Center, under construction at Kah-Nee-Ta Resort. The UAS Innovation Center will include a 36-seat conference and training room, instruction and simu- lation rooms, and offices. This project is funded through state business grant from the Infrastructure Fund- ing Authority. The Innovation Center will require high-speed Internet; so part of the project is the installation of fiber optic cable from the Telecom building at the industrial park to Kah-Nee-Ta. Warm Springs Construc- tion is a few weeks away from finishing the cable project. Kah-Nee-Ta will see the benefit from the Innovation Center itself, plus from the fiber optic line that will bring high-speed Internet to the entire resort. September 28, 2016 Member art show The Museum at Warm Springs is gearing up for the Twenty-Third Annual Member Art Ex- hibit. The deadline to sub- mit artwork for the 2016- 17 show is 5 p.m. this Friday, Sept. 30. Stop by the museum for the guidelines, contract and application form. Or call 541-553-3331. The show opening will be on October 20, and the exhibit will be on display through the first part of next year. Veterans summit coming to W.S. The 2016 Veterans Sum- mit is coming to War m Springs in November. There will be resource teams available to assist vet- erans and family members with paper work, questions and information. The summit is planned for November 4 all day at the community center. Veterans should plan to bring documents such your DD-214, ser vice medical records and personal medical records. If you have questions con- tact Mitchell DeVaney at Warm Springs IHS, 541-553- 1196. The Warm Springs VFW is looking for students to apply for its Voice of Democracy competition. It is open to students in grades 9-12 who are enrolled in high school. First place is a $30,000 scholarship and an all-expense paid trip to Washington, D.C. See page 4 for details. Warm Springs Community Calendar Brought to you by KWSO 91.9 FM Thursday, Sept. 29 Warm Springs jurors will need to check-in at 9:30 this morning at Warm Springs Tribal Court. On today’s fitness sched- ule: at noon there is Func- tional Fitness class in the Community Center social hall, Turbo Kick class in the Aerobics room, and volley- ball in the Community Cen- ter gym. There is an Alcoholics Anonymous meeting today at noon at Community Coun- seling, and a Narcotics Anonymous meeting this evening at 6 at the Shaker Church. Guiding Butterflies & Mighty Warriors classes meet today from 1 to 3 in the Prevention room at Commu- nity Counseling. The class is for adults to participate in cultural-based teachings, crafts and activities. There is Social Dance class today from 4:30-6 p.m. at the Community Center Aerobics room. Friday, Sept. 30 Fitness Opportunities to- day include: Senior Fitness class at the Senior Center at 10:45. At noon there is bas- ketball in the Community Center gym, and Functional Fitness class in the Aerobics room. And at the Health & Wellness Center, Pilates Yoga Class is at noon. The Community Health Program at the Health & Wellness Center has a Be- havior Health Clinic today. Walk-in appointments are available between 1 and 5 p.m. Services include screening, assessment, cri- sis intervention, referrals to mental health, medical, sub- stance treatment, or other community resources. Chil- dren, adolescents and adults are welcome. The Community Coun- seling Center will have a walk-in group for intakes today at 1:30. It is open to anyone needing to start coun- seling services. Saturday, October 1 There is an Alcoholics Anonymous meeting this morning at 10 at Community Counseling. Sunday, October 2 The Warm Springs Food Bank is located at the Pres- byterian Church. They are open today from 11:30-1:30. All food banks and pantries do take donations of non- perishable food or cash Monday, October 3 Fitness Opportunities to- day include: Senior Fitness class at the Senior Center at 10:45. At noon there is bas- ketball in the Community Center gym, and Functional Fitness in the Aerobics room. And at the Health & Wellness Center, Pilates-Yoga class is at noon. And there is Turbo Kick class at 4:15 in the Aero- bics room. A Women’s Prayer Group meets Mondays from 12:05 to 12:35 at the Warm Springs Presbyterian Church. The Community Health Program at the Health & Wellness Center has a Be- havior Health Clinic every Monday and Friday, walk-in appointments are available between 1 and 5 p.m. Ser- vices include screening, as- sessment, crisis interven- tion, referrals to mental health, medical, substance treatment, or other community resources. Children, adoles- cents and adults are wel- come. The Warm Springs Voca- tional Rehabilitation program has orientation today at 3 p.m. at their office in the industrial park. If you or someone you know has or may have a dis- ability that is a barrier to em- ployment or employment ad- vancement, they can learn about their options at an ori- entation or by calling 553- 4952. Victims of Crime Services has a Women’s Support Group today at the VOCS of- fice, 1108 Wasco Street, be- hind the Old Boys’ Dorm. It’s from 3-5 p.m. Soaring Butterflies War- rior Spirit Group for high school age youth meets to- day from 5-6:30 p.m. at the Warm Springs Community Counseling Center’s Preven- tion Room. There’s an Aftercare Re- lapse Support Group today at 5:30 at Community Counsel- ing. They also have a Walk-in Group for intakes every Mon- day, Wednesday and Friday at 1:30. Tuesday, October 4 The Bend Spay & Neuter Project will offers spay and neuter surgeries in Warm Springs on the first Tuesday of each month. Check-ins will start at 7:30 a.m. on a first come first served basis, with up to 30 appointments avail- able, at the Housing Commu- nity Building in Greeley Heights. It is free for Warm Springs residents. The Mobile Medical Unit will be parked at the Commu- nity Center today. Call 541- 553-1196 to schedule an ap- pointment. Today at Community Counseling: There is an Alco- holics Anonymous meeting at noon, Adult Alcohol Education Class is at 1:15, and the Vet- erans Group meets from 1:30-2:30. On today’s fitness sched- ule: at noon there is Func- tional Fitness class in the Community Center social hall, Turbo Kick class in the Aerobics room, and volleyball in the Community Center gym. The Jefferson County Food Bank is located at 556 SE Seventh Street. They are open for distribution this af- ternoon. All food banks and pantries do take donations of non-perishable food or cash. Central Oregon Commu- nity College is offering a Get- ting Started presentation at 2 p.m. in Room 105 on the Ma- dras campus. This is an op- portunity for prospective stu- dents, who are seeking a de- gree or just a few classes, to meet with a COCC admis- sions representative. The Warm Springs Voca- tional Rehabilitation program has orientation today at 3 p.m. at Community Counseling. If you or someone you know has or may have a disability that is a barrier to employment or employment advancement, they can learn about their op- tions at an orientation or by calling 553-4952. Choir & Song Class in preparation for the commu- nity Christmas plays are held every Tuesday from 5-6:30 at the Counseling Center in the Prevention Room downstairs. It is open to people of all ages. The Warm Springs Numu Cultural and Language evening is tonight from 5:30- 7 at the Culture and Heritage Building front office. All are welcome to share, learn and participate in Numu language and culture. AGLOW weekly Bible study is this evening from 6- 7:30 at High Lookee Lodge. It is open to all and a light snack is provided. Wednesday, October 5 Little Miss Warm Springs meetings are held Wednes- days from 6-7:30 at the Com- munity Center. All interested girls and parents are wel- come. The Al-Anon Support Group is today at noon on the third floor at Community Coun- seling. The group offers strength, hope and support for family members who have a loved one that struggles with problem drinking and or addiction. Also today at Com- munity Counseling: A walk-in group for intakes is at 1:30. This is the first step for any- one wanting to begin coun- seling services. There is an Alcoholics Anonymous meet- ing at 7 p.m. Fitness Opportunities to- day include: Water aerobics at 10:45 at the Kah-Nee-Ta Village Pool. At 10:45 there is Senior Fitness class at the Senior Center. At noon there is basketball in the Commu- nity Center gym and Func- tional Fitness in the Aerobics room. At the Health & Wellness Center, Pilates Yoga Class is at noon, and there is Turbo Kick class at 4:15 in the Aerobics room. Warm Springs K-8 stu- dents are invited to attend the Good News Club. The club begins today, and will be held every Wednesday during the school year. Kindergarten thru third grade attend from 1:40- 2:40 p.m. Grades 4 through 8 go from 2:40 to 3:40. Regis- tration forms are available at the school office, Warm Springs Market and Warm Springs Library. For more in- formation contact Gladys Grant at 541-325-2650. Soaring Butterflies War- rior Spirit Group meets today from 4-5:30pm at the Warm Springs K-8 Academy. Thursday, October 6 Warm Springs jurors will need to check-in at 9:30 this morning at Warm Springs Tribal Court. On today’s fitness sched- ule: at noon there is Func- tional Fitness class in the Community Center social hall, Turbo Kick class in the Aerobics room, and Volleyball in the Community Center gym. There is an Alcoholics Anonymous meeting today at noon at Community Counsel- ing and a Narcotics Anony- mous meeting this evening at 6 at the Shaker Church.