E Coosh EEWA: The way it is Page 4 Spilyay Tymoo August 17, 2016 Letters to the editor Wasco Sub-Chieftainship essary for the AAS degree. It is not necessary to be enrolled at COCC to attend this orientation, and reserva- tions are not needed. How- ever, admission into COCC’s Nursing program requires in- district residency. Contact the Admissions and Records of- fice at 541-383-7500 for de- tails about residency. For information on the Nursing orientation, call 541- 318-3741. 8x10 Indian print, Cecil Seyler Annie Smith- Etheridge; donated by Mel- issa Benson. Seahawks earrings, Michael Bailey, Melissa. Personal trimmer, Darryl Smith, Val Squiemphen. Men’s overnight bag, Ron Goodman, Val Squiemphen. Small fan, Tyler Takalav, Al Squiemphen. Inspiring visit Casino hosting Courtesy photo. There will be a Wasco Subchieftainship cer- emony for Wissie R. Smith - Xupthwit - on Sat- urday, August 27, 2016 at the HeHe Longhouse. The day’s activities will start at 11 a.m., and try to finish between 4 and 5 p.m. There will be a lunch served at 12 noon, fol- Attention bough cutters For the 2016 bough pro- gram, you must submit your request and drop it off with the Timber Committee sec- retary. Do this by the close of business on Monday, Au- gust 22. Request forms will be available at the Forestry of- fice, or with the Timber Com- mittee secretary, Stevie Hicks. You can reach her 541-553-3257. A public meeting with be held on Wednesday, August 24, from 6 to 8 p.m. at the Agency Longhouse. This will be regarding the bough cut- ting regulations and cutting locations. All persons interested in obtaining a permit for the 2016 season are encouraged to attend. If you have any ques- tions, please contact Talya Holliday at 541-553-8210, or Bob Gill at 541-553-8213. lowed by brief speeches, Wasco dancing, then a tra- ditional giveaway. We encourage Wasco people to attend, but ev- eryone is invited. Come and show your respect and support for our Wasco custom and tradition. Thank you from the Chief Tumlikt Family. including the quality of the image and whether the story is interesting and verifiable. Guidelines to submit an image are on the museum’s website. Photographs may be submitted up through Octo- ber 2. All the best, Damian Fagan, High Desert Museum communica- tions manager, 541-382-4754 ext. 300. See: highdesertmuseum.org Birth Noah Angelo Summerhalder Derick Summerhalder and Stephanie Gomez of Madras are pleased to announce the birth of their son Noah Angelo Summerhalder, born on July 31, 2016. Noah joins brother Jermaine, 3. Grandparents on the father’s side are Walter and Rose Summerhalder. Grandparents on the mother’s side are Michael Gomez and Andrea Smith- Sapuay. Legendary Landscapes Nursing careers The High Desert Mu- seum is seeking submissions from photographers for an upcoming community- curated exhibition, Legendary Landscapes. The exhibit will feature landscapes within the High Desert region, along with sto- ries about how the places got their names. Museum curators will re- view the submissions and make selections based upon based on a range of factors, Central Oregon Commu- nity College is offering a nurs- ing program orientation ses- sion from 9 to 10 a.m. this Friday, August 19 in room 155 of the Boyle Education Center on the Bend campus. The purpose of the meet- ing is to review the selection procedure for students inter- ested in applying to COCC’s Associate of Applied Science in Nursing program, as well as the prerequisites for apply- ing and support courses nec- Raffle results Here are the winners of the recent Portland to Coast raffle (prize, followed by win- ner, and the person who do- nated): Office printer, Monique Moody, Mary Iwomoto. Pendleton bag, Katrina Greene, Marci Smith. Pendleton bag, Chris Watson, Marci. Shawl, Sylvia McCabe, Val Squiemphen. Wampus necklace, Joel Holliday, Val. Beaded medallion, Mike Gomez, Susan Jim. Blazer beaded medallion, Luanne Boarwright, Saphronia Coochise. Oversize scarf, Hazel Wahpat, Marsha Spellman. Place mat (Guatama), Trey Leonard, Marsha. Lap shawl, Chris Wallahee, Nancy Seyler. Seahawks mini drum, Raymond Shike, Melissa Benson. Beaded barrett, K. Seelatsee, Melissa Benson. Lottery scratch offs (mul- tiple winners): Everett Isaac, Jake Stennfeld, Charles B., Barbara Poncho. Donated by Nancy Seyler. Necklace/earrings sets (multiple winners): Bob Z., Jim M., Leslie Davis; do- nated by Roxanne Bisland. Necklace/earrings (mul- tiple winners): Lint Takala and Austin Charley; donated by Amaya Bisland. Necklace: Ashley Colson and Andrea Sapuey; donated by Andrea Sohappy. Horseshow key holder, Kyle Stennfeld, Melisssa Benson. Antler key chain, Donna Wainanwit, Greta White Elk. Wallet, Evaline Patt, Al Squiemphen. Earrings, Thelma Alsup and Rosie Rudder; donated by Melissa Benson. Earrings/necklace set, Pegg y Forseth-Andrews, Rosanna Jackson. Indian Head Casino will host the Jefferson County Chamber of Commerce Business After Hours this Thursday, August 18, from 5:30-7:30 p.m. The evening theme is A Summer Breeze (Hawaiin). Last fruit tour Community members are invited for a final Fruit Loop Tour for this year. The tour is hosted by OSU Extension, and will happen on Saturday, August 27. The group will go to the Hood River and Parkdale areas to purchase produce. Vans will leave the Extension office at 7:45 a.m. and return by 5 p.m. Space is limited, call 553-3238 to reserve a spot. You will need to bring a lunch or you can purchase one in Parkdale. Gathering Friday The Guiding Butterflies and Mighty Warriors Group is hosting a community gath- ering this Friday, August 19, from 5:30- 9 p.m. behind the Community Center. There will be a potluck meal, drum- ming, games, dancing, door prizes and family fun. Ev- eryone is welcome. Mac Dash The Ninth Annual MAC Dash Sprint Triathlon is com- ing up in September. They are looking for volunteers to help during the event. All vol- unteers will receive a free t- shirt and lunch. You can also sign up now to compete indi- vidually or on a team. The MAC Dash, on Sept. 9, con- sists of a 500-yard swim, 12- mile bike ride and 3-mile run. And, there is a mini-MAC Dash for children 10 and younger that is free. Find out more and register at macdash.org. Proceeds sup- port the Madras swim and water polo teams. D. McMechan/Spilyay Don Coyhis presents at the Community Wellness Center. Health and Human Services, and the Behav- ioral Health Center hosted a visit in late July from Don Coyhis and the Sacred Hoop. Mr. Coyhis, of the Mohican Nation, is the founder of White Bison, the American Indian grass-roots non-profit Wellbriety organization. Mr. Coyhis brought his inspirational message to the Health and Human Ser vices Branch, and then to the Community Wellness Center. Discussion included the legacy of the board- ing school experience, and its ongoing impact on Native families to this day. Mr. Coyhis and White Bison produced a docu- mentary on the board school institutions, fea- turing War m Springs community members. You can view this powerful documentary on Youtube: search for ‘The Wellbriety Journey to Forgiveness.’ During his visit to War m Springs, Mr. Coyhis also introduced a five-year community health and sobriety pro- gram, one the tribes may pursue. Thank you for Freedom Tour To Warm Springs Credit, Cayuse Technologies, Warm Springs Education Commit- tee, Indian Head Casino, Aunt Dena Burnside, Grandma Joan Burnside, Grandma and Grandpa Wilfred and Gereldine Jim, DMJ Automotive, and my Mom and Dad Sugar Bear and Mark Stacona: Thank you for contribut- ing money on my behalf so that I could go on the Free- dom Tour to Washington DC and New York. It was an amazing jour- ney and I learned a lot about the history of the United States. I am honored that you helped me. Again, Qe’ Ci Yew’ Yew’ Robert Wilfred Windy Boy, proud member of the Warm Springs Tribe A look back... Spilyay Tymoo (Coyote News, Est. 1976) Publisher Emeritus in Memorium: Sid Miller Editor: Dave McMechan Spilyay Tymoo is published bi-weekly by the Con- federated Tribes of Warm Springs. Our offices are located at 4174 Highway 3 in Warm Springs. Any written materials submitted to Spilyay Tymoo should be addressed to: Spilyay Tymoo, P.O. Box 489, Warm Springs, OR 97761. Phone: 541-553-2210 or 541-771-7521 E-Mail: david.mcmechan@wstribes.org. Annual Subscription rates: Within U.S.: $20.00 Do you recognize this area of Warm Springs? The picture was taken during the 1930s. The hill in the background is one clue to the location, and a building in the picture is still standing. Randy Scott at Realty pointed out recently where this CCC photo was taken (Courtesy Warm Springs Forestry/The National Registry.)