Spilyay Tymoo, Warm Springs, Oregon August 3, 2016 Page 7 Proclamation of the Twenty-Seventh Tribal Council The following is Tribal C o u n c i l R e s o l u t i o n N o. 12,195, adopted as the guid- ing principals of the Twenty- Seventh Tribal Council of the Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs Whereas the people of the Confederated Tribes of the Warm Springs Indian Res- ervation hold ultimate sov- ereignty over themselves, the Warm Springs Reservation, and traditional use places wherever located; and, Whereas the Tribal Con- stitution adopted by the people established an 11- member Tribal Council to govern the Tribe, and del- egates to the Tribal Council certain enumerated powers of the people; and, Whereas it is the duty of the Tribal Council to govern for the tribal people’s ben- efit the lands and resources on and off-reservation; and, Whereas the people of the Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs maintain their inherent and inalienable right to self-determination, self- government and permanent sovereignty over their lands, territories and resources; and, Whereas the people have expressed the desire to con- tinue the preservation, pro- tection and enhancement of their culture, languages, tra- ditions, beliefs and values, and stewardship practices of lands, territories and re- sources; and, Whereas the people have expressed the need for greater opportunity through development of revenue- generating economic initia- tives and the creation of jobs and modernization of the reservation’s technology and infrastructure; and, Whereas the people have expressed the need for more effective educational institu- tions, programs, and policies that ensure access of tribal students to education about tribal government, culture and languages and support for higher education and vo- cational training; and, Whereas the people have expressed the need for the tribal government to pro- vide better support for its members through healthcare, housing, elimina- tion of substance abuse, sup- port of families and im- proved community safety; and, Whereas the people have the need and have expressed the desire to be served by a more efficient, effective and accountable leadership and government that takes timely action, communicates both internally and externally, re- views and reports on its per- formance, sets long-term di- rection and strategies, and re- duces bureaucracy; and, Whereas the Tribal Council and the people under- stand that all listed priorities are important, and that the tribal gov- ernment will maximize opportu- nities for benefits when they arise; and, The Tribal Council shall ensure implementation of language and cultural curriculum in schools that serve tribal students in both Jefferson and Wasco County school districts. Whereas the Twenty-Seventh Tribal Council recognizes and supports the people’s desire for improvements in the areas de- scribed and is committed to pro- vide the leadership required to ac- complish these goals; and, The Tribal Council shall ensure that a review of the Treaty and state/federal laws related to edu- cation is conducted to ensure compliance and incorporate this information into any program de- velopment, re-organization ef- forts or agreements with educa- tional institutions and governing bodies that serve tribal students. Whereas the Twenty-Seventh Tribal Council also recognizes that in order to grow our economy, our government and enterprises must provide business opportu- nities that will build the skills and capacity of tribal membership to contribute to the long term sustainability of employment and business growth; and, Whereas the Twenty-Seventh Tribal Council pledges to work with the community, families, and employees to advance the follow- ing priorities for the greater good of the people with the help and input of the community; now, therefore, Be it resolved by the Twenty- Seventh Tribal Council of the Confederated Tribes of the Warm Springs Reservation of Oregon, pursuant to the Tribal Constitution and By-Laws of the Confederated Tribes of the Warm Springs Reservation of Oregon, Article V, Section 1, com- mit and agree to prioritize the use of tribal resources as follows: 1. Budget and Revenue The Tribal Council shall annu- ally develop, review and approve a balanced Tribal budget for each fiscal year in order to promote and maintain the financial sustainability and integrity of the Tribe. The Tribal Council shall de- velop a 5-year economic devel- opment plan to replenish and re- build the Tribe’s revenue reserve, per capita, and senior reserve funds to sustainable levels over time. The Tribal Council shall insti- tute a Tribal nonprofit and effec- tive grant administration system (income, procurement, contract support, compliance and results) as the means to leverage addi- tional funds in the areas of edu- cation, culture, youth, elders and infrastructure improvements. 2. Education The Tribal Council shall de- velop, review and approve a plan to restructure and build the Tribe’s education program in order to meet the educational goals and needs of its members including traditional, non-traditional stu- dents and those wishing to pur- sue vocational opportunities. The plan shall include expand- ing Tribal higher education schol- arships, improved vocational training and workforce develop- ment programs, and the develop- ment of internships, fellowships, apprenticeships, youth employ- ment and career development. 3. Enterprise accountability The Tribal Council shall require that each Tribal enterprise develop a one-, five-, and ten-year plan and pro forma and have an an- nual business plan for its opera- tion. The Tribal Council shall require that each Tribal enterprise report quarterly on performance and profitability to the Council and at least semi-annually to the mem- bership of the Tribe. The Tribal Council will ensure that a uniform reporting process for annual reports is developed and communicated to tribal en- terprises in order to ensure con- sistent reporting. 4. Health care The Tribal Council shall de- velop, review and approve a plan to improve health care service delivery, funding and perfor- mance subject to annual review and evaluation by the Tribal Coun- cil. The Tribal Council shall ensure that the Tribe recovers all billable costs for health care services pro- vided. 5. Protection of assets The Tribal Council affirms that the 1855 Treaty is the founding document that establishes the gov- ernment-to-government relation- ship between the Tribe and the United States government and outlines the Federal trust obliga- tions. The Tribal Council shall work to preserve, enhance and utilize the Tribe’s natural, cultural and sacred Treaty resources and sov- ereign rights consistent with the United States trust obligations. The Tribal Council shall de- velop a plan and strategy to en- sure that the Tribe is protecting its interests in the U.S. v Oregon Management Plan, the Columbia Basin Fish Accords, and the Co- lumbia River Treaty. The Tribal Council shall de- velop a specific legal, political and support strategy for nullifying the 1865 Treaty. 6. Our People The Tribal Council shall ensure environments that provide the support necessary for healthy de- velopment of individuals and families at all stages of life in- cluding adequate housing, healthcare, education, employ- ment, safety and security. The Tribal Council shall en- sure opportunities for youth that are culturally and community based and includes but is not lim- ited to leadership development, arts and technology, business and recreation. The Tribal Council shall en- sure that one of our most valu- able assets, our children, have the opportunity to be raised amongst our community and culture by building healthy fami- lies and when necessary, ensure that the provisions of the Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA) are implemented by the tribal gov- ernment and other partner agen- cies. 7. Infrastructure, eco- nomic development and comprehensive planning the districts that they choose. The Tribal Council shall re- view the Housing Code and other relevant codes to en- sure they meet the develop- ment and housing needs of the community. 10. Community safety and security The Tribal Council shall re- view any current safety plans and assess what improve- ments may be needed to ad- dress the community needs to ensure the safety and se- curity of its members. These plans will address prescription and illicit drug abuse, alcohol, and gang pre- vention. These plans will in- clude community policing, public safety satellite offices, creation of improved rela- tions and creating opportu- nities for youth and elders. The Tribal Council shall re- view the 1999 People’s Plan and assess what has been accom- plished and engage the member- ship in an update of that com- prehensive plan with an ex- panded emphasis on the eco- nomic development strategy necessary to achieve the goals and objectives established by the membership. The Tribal Council shall re- assert with the Bureau of In- dian Affairs, Department of Interior, and the Department of Justice their trust obliga- tions to provide safe facili- ties for incarcerated adults and juveniles. Tribal Council shall direct the executive staff to develop a funding plan to achieve the re- view and the updating of the 1999 People’s Plan. The Tribal Council shall develop, review and approve a strategic communication plan and processes to im- prove internal and external communications and com- munication with Tribal mem- bers. The Tribal Council shall en- sure the review and refinement of current infrastructure plans and identification of funding sources to move towards imple- mentation of defined actions. The Tribal Council shall en- sure that opportunities for re- newable energy and energy ef- ficiency are investigated with the goal of reducing energy costs for both homes and government facilities. Tribal Council shall ensure that the trust mismanagement claims for facilities and infra- structure are met by Federal agencies responsible. 8. Tribal member employ- ment The Tribal Council shall de- termine the professional and training development needs of the tribal organization and em- ployees and develop a plan to meet those needs. The plans will be made to en- sure that they are in compliance with Tribal Resolutions 8363 and 8363A for Tribal employment preference. 9. Housing The Tribal Council shall ini- tiate a conversation with Tribal membership to assess the hous- ing needs of families and single adults so that Tribal members have the opportunity for inde- pendence and healthy homes in 11. Communications The Tribal Council shall hold quarterly meetings with the membership and im- prove Tribal member access to information and Tribal Council actions. The Tribal Council shall re- view Tribal Codes to address any discrepancies and ensure that all codes are updated and communicated within the tribal government and to the public. 12. Tribal Council and administration opera- tions The Tribal Council shall improve the operational ef- ficiencies and effectiveness of the Tribal Council, enterprises and administration by annu- ally reviewing the organiza- tional structure, Corporate Charter and Constitution and By-laws and by developing policies and procedures that are clear, transparent and fol- lowed. All organization and enterprise efforts will be con- sistent with approved bud- gets. The Tribal Council shall re- view and adopt policies and procedures for day-to-day operations of the Tribal Council. These policies shall be communicated to the membership. Tribal Council Resolution No. 12,195