Spilyay tymoo. (Warm Springs, Or.) 1976-current, August 03, 2016, Page 4, Image 4

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    E Coosh EEWA: The way it is
Page 4
Spilyay Tymoo
August 3, 2016
Letters to the editor
Recent grads
To 2016 graduates, the
time is nearing to a new
school year, and the Educa-
tion Committee would like
the Class of 2016 graduates
to turn in their diplomas.
This is so you can receive
your graduation gift.
To high school gradu-
ates—Madras High School
including War m Springs
ROOTS, Culver and Maupin
sigh school—diplomas go to
Carroll Dick at Higher Edu-
cation. Her office is in the
Education building (the old
boys dorm). You can contact
her at 541-553-3311, or
Higher education and
boarding school graduates—
Vocational, Tech, AA, Certifi-
cates, Bachelors, Masters,
and boarding schools includ-
ing Chemawa, Riverside, and
other high schools—diplomas
go to Becky Picard at the
Tribal Council Office in the
Administration Building.
You can reach her at 541-
553-3257. Or email:
Thank you.
Tribal Education Com-
Food handlers
Fishers, you may be inter-
ested in a food-handlers class
coming up this week at the
Celilo Longhouse.
The HACCP Class will be
from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. this
Thursday and Friday, August
4 and 5. Light breakfast and
lunch are provided.
The class is limited to 30
participants. Register by
phone at 541-731-1278.
Text or call: 971-221-
2545. Or email:
A truck stop, casino etc. in
that location, there is a strong
fumy gassiness odor emitted
by the company located next
door and just up wind. The
smelly odor is one reason I
voted no on the Madras ca-
sino. The majority of tribal
members exercised their sov-
ereign rights and it was voted
down by popular referen-
dum. Now by recommenda-
tion by the Warm Springs
Gaming board and manage-
ment the truck and casino etc.
The next Spilyay
Tymoo will come out on
August 17, with a sub-
mission deadline of Fri-
day, August 12.
is going forward. Well there
is already competition at the
location. With the reeking
smelly odor I question hospi-
tality business in that location.
Maybe more appropriate
would be a manufacturing
business, like use the build-
ings to make solar panels or
some other up and coming
It is a sad time to me, like
a death to see the mill shut
down. We saw it coming. No
profit for years. It was said
by the ol’ timers when the
mill first opened the lumber
was Warm Springs, good, one
board sold for ten dollars.
Now days ten boards sold for
one dollar. Also at a mill meet-
ing a GM under pressure said
this month we made a profit
for the tribes but next month
that’s not going to happen.
And he was right. The WSFPI
powerhouse has two electric-
ity generating turbines, equip-
ment that should not be sold
out, and kept intact to gener-
ate heat and electricity for
Composite. I would not want
to see two enterprises go belly
up on my watch. The benefits
could be huge with many jobs
created like getting hog fuel
wood chips for the boilers to
produce steam. Also maybe
sell electricity to the power
company like 15 years ago
profiting ten thousand dollars
per day, or just sell out the
turbines for someone else to
make ten thousand dollars per
Floyd Lee Miller
Cody Lee Miller and
Chanda M. Robinson of
Warm Springs are pleased to
announce the birth of their
son Floyd Lee Miller, born on
July 21, 2016.
Floyd joins brothers
Keanu, 11, Kody, 10, and
Ellas, 3.
Grandparents on the
father’s side are Gail Frank
nad Duane Miller.
Grandparent on the
mother’s side is Tammy
Tiana Faye Blackwolf
Sampson Price Sr. and
Jenny (Blackwolf) Redfox of
Madras are pleased to an-
nounce the birth of their
daughter Tiana Faye
Blackwolf, born on July 24,
Tiana joins brothers
Cortez, 8, and Sampson Jr.,
3; and sister Tiara, 5.
Parents are James Redfox
of Montana; Ray Price of
Tulalip; Josie Miller of Warm
Springs, and Tonia Hall of
Spilyay Tymoo
To hunters
If you are interested in
ceremonial hunting, the Fish
and Wildlife Committee
would like to hear from you.
Please send your name to the
committee secretary Becky
Picard. You can send an email
Or stop by the Tribal
Council administrative office,
or call 541-553-3257.
garden advice
This time of year can be a
challenge with your garden
due to all of the hungry cus-
tomers (insects) that feel like
they should share in your
hard work.
The question that quickly
arises is how much can I do-
nate to the bugs before I have
to take action?
I always figure a little bit
of damage is just our pay-
ment to Mother Nature.
However, if the bugs are tak-
ing more than their fair share
there are several options that
you can take.
First, ask yourself if you
want to remain organic or go
ahead and blast them with a
synthetic insecticide. There
are several chemical sprays
available, just be sure to check
the label to be sure they are
safe to use on vegetables and
relatively bee safe.
If organic is your choice,
than you need to take action
sooner than later, as most or-
ganic insecticides work best
when insect populations are
low. A large infestation of
insects is very difficult to con-
trol with most organic sprays.
Secondly, be certain to
spray when bees are not
present in your garden re-
gardless if it is organic or in-
organic insecticide. Experts
agree that is either dawn or
Also, even if it is an or-
ganic spray, be sure to wear
protective clothing and safety
glasses to prevent exposure
or injury.
If you are interested in
learning more about protect-
ing your garden from insects
and weeds, OSU Extension is
hosting a lunch and learn gar-
dening class on Tuesday, Au-
gust 9 at 12 p.m. in the base-
ment of the Warm Springs
Education building.
For more information,
please check the War m
Springs Facebook page, stop
by the OSU Extension office
or give us a call at 541-553-
Scott J. Duggan, OSU
Happy 9 th Birthday to my Bianca. Mommy
loves you so much. You’re becoming a beautiful lil’
lady, and always stay you. Love you that way. Love,
Happy birthday, sister. I love you
chunky wunky. Love, Dre.
Summer meals
Nutritious meals are pro-
vided free of charge to all
youth 18 and younger, thanks
to the Summer Food Service
Meal Program.
Breakfast is served at the
Warm Springs Youth Center
in the Boys & Girls Club
from 8:15-9 a.m.; and lunch
from 11:45 to 12:30.
Parents, please remind
your child to clean up after
themselves after they eat –
take any leftovers or contain-
ers to the garbage cans.
Health careers
Central Oregon Commu-
nity College is offering an in-
formation session about its
Allied Health programs at 5
p.m. on Aug. 10 in room 306,
building 3 on the Redmond
Campus. The programs in-
clude Dental Assisting, Mas-
sage Therapy, Medical Assis-
tant, Pharmacy Technician
and Veterinary Technician.
The session we will include
a description of each occu-
pation, the typical clinical and
administrative duties as well
as the certification or licens-
ing required. There will also
be a review of the structure,
length and cost of each of
the programs.
It is not necessary to be
enrolled at COCC to attend
this session. Reservations are
not needed. The sessions last
approximately one hour. Visi-
tor parking is available in the
Barber Library parking lot
located across the street from
the Health Careers Center.
For information, call 541-
In advance of college
events, persons needing ac-
commodation or transporta-
tion because of a physical or
mobility disability, contact Joe
Viola: 541-383-7775.
For accommodation be-
cause of other disability such
as hearing impairment, con-
tact Anne Jenkins: 541-383-
MAC Dash
The Ninth Annual MAC
Dash Sprint Triathlon is com-
ing up on Saturday, Septem-
ber 10.
They are looking for vol-
unteers to help during the
event. All volunteers will re-
ceive a free t-shirt and lunch.
You can also sign up now
to compete individually or on
a team. The MAC Dash con-
sists of a 500-yard swim, 12-
mile bike ride and 3-mile run.
And there is a mini-MAC
Dash for children 10 and
younger that is free.
Find out more and regis-
ter at macdash.org
Proceeds from the MAC
Dash support the Madras
swim and water polo teams.
KNT golf league
The summer golf league
is under way at the Kah-
Nee-Ta course.
The program will run
through mid September.
The league will be every Fri-
day evening at 5:30 p.m. for
anybody who is interested.
For more information, call
the clubhouse at 541-553-
Softball tourneys
There will be a co-ed soft-
ball tournament on Saturday,
August 6, and a men’s soft-
ball tournament on Sunday,
August 7 at Juniper Hills in
Madras. For information call
Nor Sampson at 541-460-
9151. Entries are due by Au-
gust 2.
Sports physicals
Free sport physicals will be
available on Thursday, Au-
gust 11, and again on Septem-
ber 8.
The physicals wil be 5-7
p.m. at the Madras United
Methodist Church.
Students need to arrive in
proper attire. Parents must
sign forms and complete the
medical history portion in or-
der for the student to have
the physical.
Summary of Tribal Council
July 26
1. Roll call: Chief Delvis
Heath, Chief Joseph Moses,
Chief Alfred Smith Jr., Chair-
man Eugene Greene Jr.,
vice-chair man Charles
Calica, Ronald Suppah Sr.,
Carina Miller, Brigette
McConville, Lee Tom, Valerie
Switzler, Raymond Tsumpti
Sr., Devin Winishut, Re-
2. Rattlesnake Fire update
with Trey Leonard and Orvie
- Motion for Orvie and
Uren Leonard Jr. to be in-
volved with the negotiations
for the Compact and Co-op
3. Warm Springs Forest
Products Industries receiver-
ship updates.
4. Warm Springs Timber
Company LLC update.
- Motion to appoint Jerry
Brodie to the Warm Springs
Timber Company Advisory
5. Travel delegation
6. Meeting adjourned at
3:46 p.m.
(Coyote News, Est. 1976)
Publisher Emeritus in Memorium: Sid Miller
Editor: Dave McMechan
Spilyay Tymoo is published bi-weekly by the Con-
federated Tribes of Warm Springs. Our offices are
located at 4174 Highway 3 in Warm Springs.
Any written materials submitted to Spilyay Tymoo
should be addressed to:
Spilyay Tymoo, P.O. Box 489, Warm Springs, OR
Phone: 541-553-2210 or 541-771-7521
E-Mail: david.mcmechan@wstribes.org.
Annual Subscription rates: Within U.S.: $20.00
The Madras High
School Class of 1980 is
planning a reunion Au-
gust 19-21 at Kah-Nee-
Ta Resort. They are in-
viting other classes
1978, 1979, 1981 and
1982 to join them for
dinner on Saturday
evening, August 20. For
more information con-
tact Rose Earl Galloway
at 503-407-2916.