Spilyay Tymoo, Warm Springs, Oregon July 20, 2016 Page 7 Walk for Diabetes Prevention The Warm Springs Diabetes Prevention program hosted a ‘50s Walk, July 14. There was a great turn-out from the community Resolutions of Tribal Council Committees Whereas the Tribal Coun- cil is the governing body of the Confederated Tribes of the Warm Springs Reserva- tion of Oregon; and, Whereas Article IV, Sec- tion 11 of the Tribal Consti- tution and By-Laws of the Confederated Tribes of the Warm Springs Reservations of Oregon, provides that the Tribal Council may select such committees as it may deem necessary to properly conduct the business of the Tribal Council, and in Article V, Section 1 (s), for the ap- pointment of subordinates boards and tribal officials; and, Whereas there are cur- rently seven such committees including the Culture & Heri- tage Committee, Education Committee, Fish & Wildlife Committee, Health & Wel- fare Committee, Land Use Planning committee, Range, Irrigation & Agriculture Com- mittee, and Timber Commit- tee; and, Whereas the Tribal Coun- cil believes that it is impor- tant to give the committees clear statement of their pur- pose, mission, powers, opera- tional guidelines, and respon- sibilities; and, Whereas the Tribal Coun- cil hereby appoints the com- mittee members to the cur- rent term to serve until new committees are appointed 60 days after the next term of the Tribal Council; and, Whereas the committee members are to take the oath of office on Monday, July 5, 2016; now, therefore, Be it resolved by the Tribal Council the members will receive $7.50 per hour for their services, with the exception of the Culture & Heritage Committee will re- ceive $8.00 per hour for their services; plus a mileage allow- ance according to the Tribal Mileage Chart and the Fed- eral Mileage and per diem rates; and, Be it further resolved by the Twenty-Seventh Tribal Council of the Confederated Tribes of the Warm Springs Reservations of Oregon, pur- suant to Article IV, Section 11 and Article V, Section 1 (s) of the Tribal Constitution and By-Laws of the Confeder- ated Tribes of the Warm Springs Reservations of Or- egon, that the Tribal Council shall appoint such committees as it may deem necessary for properly conducting the busi- ness of the Tribal Council to membership on those com- mittees as it shall deem ap- propriate and the Committee membership shall be as fol- lows: Culture and Heritage Committee Paiute: Myra Johnson-Or- ange. Lonnie “Rosie” Tom. Paiute alternate: Joann Moses Wasco: Margie Tuckta. Lepha Smith. Wasco alter- nate: Radine Johnson. Warm Springs: Margaret Suppah. Carlos Calica. Warm Springs alternate: Lavina Colwash. Education Committee Jaylyn Suppah. Pah-Tu Pitt. Deanie Smith. Alternate: Ervanna Little Eagle. Fish and Wildlife Com- mittee Kirby Heath Sr. Stanley Simtustus Sr. Bruce Jim Sr. Emerson Squiemphen. Jonathon W. Smith. Ryan Smith Sr. Alternate: Donnie Winishut Sr. Health and Welfare Committee Janice Clements. Urbana Manion. Charlene Moody. Alternate: Jaylyn Suppah. Land Use Planning Committee Jonathon W. Smith. Jimmy Tohet Sr. Evaline Patt. Alter- nate: Francelia Miller Range and Agriculture Committee Delford Johnson. Flint Scott. Jimmy Tohet Sr. Timber Committee Luther Clements. Anthony Holliday Sr. Levi VanPelt. Alternate: Theron Johnson. Resolution 12, 186. _________________ Gaming commission Whereas Warm Springs Tribal Code Chapter 260, Confederated Tribes of the Warm Springs Reservation of Oregon Class II and Class III Gaming Ordinance (“Gaming Ordinance”) pro- vides for the establishment of a Tribal Gaming Regulatory Authority (“TGRA”) com- posed of three Members, to serve a term of office as des- ignated by the Tribal Council and to receive compensation at rates to be set by the Tribal Council; and, Whereas the Gaming Or- dinance sets forth the quali- fications of the “TGRA” and the Tribal Council has estab- lished compensation for a part-time “TGRA” at the rate of $100 for half day (4 hours) and $200 Full day (8 hours) per meeting and for reasonable and necessary ex- penses (mileage) incurred at the government rate in con- nection with the perfor- mance of their official “TGRA” roles and duties; now, therefore, Be it resolved by the Twenty-Seventh Tribal Coun- cil of the Confederated Tribes of the Warm Springs Reser- vation of Oregon, pursuant to Article V, Section 1(s), of the Tribal Constitution and By-Laws of the Confeder- ated Tribes of the Warm Springs Reservation of Or- egon and Section 260.009(1) of the Warm Springs Tribal Code that the following tribal members and one non-mem- ber are appointed as mem- bers of the Warm Springs Tribal Gaming Regulatory Authority effective immedi- ately: Deece Suppah, Chairman. Mariam Tias, Vice Chair. Bruce Stecher, Secretary. Be it further resolved that the continuation of such appointments are condi- tioned upon the applicants satisfying the qualifications for the Tribal Gaming Regu- latory Authority as set forth in the Gaming Ordinance in a timely manner. Resolution 12,185. __________________ Housing Authority Be it resolved by the Twenty-Seventh Tribal Coun- cil of the Confederated Tribes of the Warm Springs Reser- vation of Oregon, pursuant to Article V, Section 1 (s) of the Tribal Constitution and By-Laws of the Confeder- ated Tribes of the Warm Springs Reservation of Or- egon and WSTC 400.022 (2) and (6) of the Warm Springs Tribal Code, that the follow- ing are hereby appointed Commissioners of the Warm Springs Local Housing Au- thority: Carlos Calica. Erland Suppah. Sharon Jones. Reso- lution no. 12,187. __________________ Ventures board Whereas Warm Springs Economic Development Cor- poration (“Ventures”) is a corporation formed by the Tribal Council (“Tribal Coun- cil”) of the Confederated Tribes of the Warm Springs Reservation of Oregon, pur- suant to Article V, Section 1(o) of The Tribal Constitu- tion and By-Laws of the Con- federated Tribes of Warm Springs, Oregon, by adoption of Resolution No. 9983 on February 27, 2007; and, Whereas Article IV, Sec- tion 3 of the Corporate Char- ter of Ventures provides that the selection of members of Board of Directors of Ven- tures shall be made by a com- mittee, but to get the current board in place and appoint members to the board in a timely manner due to Tribes financial status. The Tribal Council has opted to appoint the members to the board so that the board can continue with plans for revenue mak- ing ideas for the tribe; now, therefore, Be it resolved by the Twenty-Seventh Tribal Coun- cil of the Confederated Tribes of the Warm Springs Reser- vation of Oregon, pursuant to Article V. Section 1(o) of The Tribal Constitution and By-Laws of the Confeder- ated Tribes of the War m Springs Reservation of Or- egon, that the following per- sons are appointed to the Board of Directors of Ven- ~ Hay ~ Hay ~ Excellent grass hay for sale: $200 a ton. Pick-up in Madras. We provide a squeeze; no rain (delivery extra). Call Rod at 541-306- 0902. tures: Class III (expiring Decem- ber 31, 2018): Pah-Tu Pitt. Resolution 12,188. __________________ Emergency appointment Whereas the War m Springs Tribal Gaming Or- dinance (War m Springs Tribal Code Chapter 260), amended and approved by the National Indian Gaming Commission on September 26, 2014 (“Amended Gam- ing Ordinance”), calls for a three person Commission to oversee the operation of the Warm Springs Tribal Gam- ing Regulatory Authority (“TGRA”) and to take action on certain regulatory and li- censing matters as provided in the Amended Gaming Or- dinance; and, Whereas on January 12, 2016 Tribal Council by Reso- lution No. 12,115 appointed Jim Soules to serve a three year term as Chairman of the TGRA Commission, Deece Suppah to serve a three year term as Vice-Chair of the Commission, and Yolanda Yallup to serve a three year term as Secretary of the Commission, how- ever, Yolanda Yallup subse- quently declined to accept her appointment, thus leav- ing the Commission with two active and duly appointed TGRA Commissioners; and, Whereas Tribal Council has been advised by the Ex- ecutive Director of the TGRA, Pam Douglas, that Commission Chairman, Jim Soules, was recently involved in a serious motorcycle acci- dent and is unable to con- tinue serving as a member of the Commission and wishes to resign his position, which leaves Commission Vice-Chair, Deece Suppah, as the only active, duly ap- pointed TGRA Commis- sioner; and, Whereas under Section 260.009(7) of the Tribal Gaming Ordinance, official action of the Commission re- quires a quorum of two Com- missioners and, with only one active, duly appointed Com- missioner in office, the TGRA is unable to take any official action required of the Commission pursuant to the Amended Gaming Ordi- nance; and, Whereas Tribal Council believes that an emergency appointment of a temporary Commissioner is necessary in order to provide the TGRA Commission with the mini- mum quorum requirement of two duly appointed Com- missioners, thus allowing the TGRA to carry out its duties and responsibilities as set out in the Amended Gaming Or- dinance; and, Whereas the Tribal Coun- cil has been advised that Bruce Stecher, a for mer TGRA investigator and the holder of a currently valid high security gaming license issued by the TGRA, is will- ing to serve as a short-term, temporary Commissioner pending Tribal Council’s ap- pointment of a new Commis- sioner to replace Jim Soules through the process set out in Section 260.009(3) of the Amended Gaming Ordi- nance; now, therefore, Be it resolved by the Twenty-Seventh Tribal Coun- cil of the Confederated Tribes of the Warm Springs Reser- vation of Oregon, pursuant to Article V, Section 1 (l), (s) and (u), of the Tribal Con- stitution and By-Laws of the Confederated Tribes of the Warm Springs Reservation of Oregon, that the Tribal Council hereby appoints Bruce Stecher to serve as a temporary Commissioner of the TGRA, effective im- mediately, until such time as Tribal Council is able to ap- point at least one new Com- missioner to ser ve three year term pursuant to the process set out in Section 260.009(3) of the Amended Gaming Ordinance for the selection and appointment of TGRA Commissioners. Resolution 12,184. - Alfalfa Hay - Alfalfa hay – 100 pound – two string – 40 inches long – Very nice and green, no weeds – $10 per bale – Call Bob at 541-408-5463