Spilyay tymoo. (Warm Springs, Or.) 1976-current, July 20, 2016, Page 4, Image 4

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    E Coosh EEWA: The way it is
Page 4
Spilyay Tymoo
July 20, 2016
Letters to the editor
Job fairs for
Cannabis project
Save the dates for the
Cannabis Project job fairs,
coming up on Tuesday and
Wednesday, August 2 and 3
(location to be determined).
The fairs will be presented
by Warm Springs Ventures
and project partner Sentinel
Strainwise. Any questions,
contact Laurie Danzuka at
Ventures, 541-553-3565.
Meanwhile, workshops
are this week for anyone
wanting help with applying
to work for the Cannabis
project. The resume and
cover letter workshops are
this Wednesday and Thurs-
day, July 20 and 21, from
8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. at the
Family Resource Center,
1116 Wasco Street.
If you have any ques-
tions, please contact Melinda
Poitra at 541-553-3324 or
Deanna Fender at 541-475-
Also: For anyone inter-
ested, a resume questionnaire
form and letter of interest
template is now available to
pick up in preparation for
the upcoming job fairs.
The questionnaire form
and leter template are avail-
able at the Warm Springs
Workforce Innovation and
Opportunity Act (WIOA)
office, and at the Central
Oregon Inter-governmental
Council (COIC) office in
Madras. The WIOA office is
in the administration build-
ing, by Human Resources.
The COIC office is in Ma-
dras, at 281 SW Third Street.
A letter of interest and a
resume will be required for
anyone interested in apply-
ing for any Cannabis Project
At Council
Here are some items that
are on the July agenda of the
Tribal Council:
Monday, July 25
9 a.m. - Emergency Man-
agement review with Danny
Martinez/Alyssa Macy.
10 a.m. - Natural Re-
sources review (hunting/fish-
ing) with Bobby Brunoe.
Tuesday, July 26
9 a.m. - Forest products
receivership update with Ed
Hostmann/Jim Keller.
1:30 p.m. - Warm Springs
Timber LLC update.
The agenda is subject to
change at Council discretion.
Please note: All draft
resolutions/ordinances, in-
cluding any attachments or
exhibits, are due by the first
Friday of each month by 5
p.m., either hard copy or
email (Word form) for re-
view. No exceptions.
Further items for consid-
monthly report. 1980
Baseline discussion with tribal
membership: District/Gen-
eral Council meetings.
IRMP review with com-
mittees. Warm Springs Na-
tional Fish Hatchery with
Nathan Dexter.
Check out W.S.
Outdoor Market
There is still time to check
out the Warm Springs Out-
door Market. The Warm
Springs Outdoor Market has
been going on for over a
month now and will continue
throughout the summer.
There have been over 20
vendors throughout the sea-
son, with up to 14 on any
given week.
Each week there are a few
artists, at least one produce
vendor, and some people sell-
ing homemade foods such as
cupcakes. Recently the Re-
use-It Second Hand Store has
been grilling and selling
burgers on Fridays as well.
Come check out the mar-
ket every Friday from 10 a.m.
to 2 p.m. outside the Re-Use
It Store and the War m
Springs Market.
We also have a few ven-
dors set up all day on Satur-
day, so swing by on the week-
end as well.
You never know what you
will find at the market, so
come see what people are
selling in one convenient lo-
For more information call
541-553-3148 or check out
the WS Outdoor Market
Facebook page.
Leah Guliasi, War m
Springs Community Action
To nieces
Good job… I’m writing
to congratulate Vivian
Yazzie and Janae Adams,
who are my nieces, for fin-
ishing and graduating
I have been MIA, but I
bug your grandma Bobbi
about everyone’s doings
back home… it’s nice to
hear good about family on
the rez. Congratulations, and
miss you all… From
Pendleton lock-up.
EOCI, Caleb P. Jim
#12091152, 2500 West
Gate, Pendleton, 97801-
Spilyay Tymoo
(Coyote News, Est. 1976)
Publisher Emeritus in Memorium: Sid Miller
Editor: Dave McMechan
Spilyay Tymoo is published bi-weekly by the Con-
federated Tribes of Warm Springs. Our offices are
located at 4174 Highway 3 in Warm Springs.
Any written materials submitted to Spilyay Tymoo
should be addressed to:
Spilyay Tymoo, P.O. Box 489, Warm Springs, OR
Phone: 541-553-2210 or 541-771-7521
E-Mail: david.mcmechan@wstribes.org.
Annual Subscription rates: Within U.S.: $20.00
A thank you for Oxbow work
A kudos to this private
business. I would like to say
thank you to the one and only
Rez Rover.
A walk home at that late
hour, in that weather, would
have been a pain. You being
a good samaritan helped my
feel have no suffering conse-
quences. LOL. You did me
and company the honor of a
courtesy ride. Big tips com-
ing your way!
Pet clinics
On the first Tuesday of
each month, beginning on
September 6, there will be
spay and neuter clinics in
Warm Springs. These will
be free to people who live
on the reservation.
The location of these
clinics will be at the Warm
Springs Housing-Commu-
nity Building, 2776 Quail
Trail-Greeley Heights. Learn
more about this program at
the Bend Spay and Neuter
Project Warm Springs meet
and greet on Tuesday, Au-
gust 2 (same location as the
upcoming clinics).
Check-ins will start at
7:30. Appointments are first-
come first-serve, with up to
30 appointments available.
Your dog’s free appoint-
ment will include:
Spay and neuter surgery
(no additional charge for in-
heat, pregnant or dogs with
retained testicles); pain in-
jection, anesthesia, monitor-
ing post surgery, pre-surgi-
cal exam, and rabies vacci-
nation if needed.
A few of the benefits to
having your pet spayed or
Prevention of accidental
litters of puppies; your dog
will be healthier and this will
help them live longer.
It will make your dog
easier to train, and help
avoid unwanted behaviors;
and your dog will stop run-
ning away from home.
This program presented
by Bend Spay and Neuter
Project and The Daisy
Fund. For more info on
having your pet fixed, visit
www.bendsnip.org or call
Crews at work on the Oxbow (pictures above and below).
Hello, everyone! We
had a great fish salvage
event at the Oxbow, and
I want to thank every-
one who helped out with
the event. It was really a
great team effort.
We probably moved
over 20,000 fish, mus-
sels, crayfish, frogs out
of the river, slough
ditches, and Ruby
Creek. People worked
so hard to get as many
of the fish as possible.
There was great
weather, and there were
no any injuries to my
We accounted for all
data sheets from the
event. There was some
urgency with the net
seining, so most of those
fish numbers were not
recorded, as too much
time would have elapsed
to perform the counts
as the nets were gath-
ered. We did rescue 18
adult Chinook and one
Jack, and one adult dy-
Emily Davis did a great
job working with other agen-
cies and staff to gather and
release mussels during the
past couple weeks, and her
numbers are not yet re-
flected below. Thanks again
to the mussel crews.
We had three different
departments from the
tribes’ Branch of Natural
Resources, the Malheur
National Forest’s aquatic
crew with two shockers, all
available staff from the
Oregon Department of
Fish and Wildlife with four
shockers and gear, and the
Bureau of Reclamation
staff out of both John Day
and Boise with their shocker.
The North Fork John
Day Watershed Council sent
about a dozen Oregon
Youth Conservation Corps
staff each day, providing
essential help. And Dirk
from U.S. Fish and Wildlife
Service was out there with
his shocker.
Even our contractors—
BCI/Hanging Rock/Dry
Canyon, along with Inter-
Fluve, Inc.—were out
there helping by spotting
fish and collecting lam-
prey from the mud.
One adult Chinook
was saved by Will
Noffke, spotting it on
Thursday night in the
shallows. Hopefully I am
not leaving anyone out.
One more thing…
there were a couple nets,
an aerator, and a water
bottle left behind. They
are in the Shop building,
and you can swing by
and get them when you
have a chance. If you
are missing something
else or left with some-
thing new, let us know
and we can try to get
those items back to the
right place and person.
Thanks again! The
project is off to a great
start because of you!
See you on the River,
Brian Cochran, Res-
toration Ecologist, the
Confederated Tribes of
Warm Springs.
Norman Archie Spino
Wesley J. Spino III and
Shannon Lucei of Warm
Springs are pleased to an-
nounce the birth of their son
Norman Archie Spino, born
on July 9, 2016.
Norman joins brothers
Noah, 3, Andrew, 3, and
Duke, 1; and sister Myla, 6.
Grandparents on the
father’s side are Trudy Th-
ompson of South Dakota,
and the late Wesley J. Spino
Grandparents on the
mother’s side are Flora
“Fawn” Frank of Portland,
and David E. Lucei of Warm
Evalena Stormie Stevens
Jess H. Stevens III and
Marti Ann Stevens of Warm
Springs are pleased to an-
nounce the birth of their
daughter Evalena Stormie
Stevens, born on July 11,
Evalena joins brothers
Courtesy Brian Cochran/BNR
Jess, Amarius, J’Sean and
Grandparent on the
father’s side is the late
Francelia Wheeler of Warm
Grandparents on the
mother’s side are Lucelia
Berry of warm Springs, and
Howard Crawford Sr. of
Warm Springs.
At center
The Community Health
Program at the Health and
Wellness Center will host a
Behavior Health Clinic this
Friday, July 22.
Walk-in appointments are
available between 1 and 5
p.m. Ser vices include
screening, assessment, crisis
intervention, referrals to men-
tal health, medical, substance
treatment, or other commu-
nity resources. Children, ado-
lescents and adults are wel-
Head Start
Warm Springs Head Start
is taking applications for fall
enrollment. Head Start is a
free preschool program for
children who will be age 3 by
September 1 through 5 years
old. Head Start also provides
assistance with accessing
health care and comprehen-
sive services for families.
Stop by the Early Child-
hood Education Center or
call 541-553-3242 to learn
more. July 22 is the deadline
to apply for Head Start.
The Madras High School
Class of 1980 is planning a
reunion August 19-21 at
Kah-Nee-Ta Resort.
They are inviting other
classes 1978, 1979, 1981
and 1982 to join them for
dinner on Saturday evening,
August 20. For more infor-
mation contact Rose Earl
Galloway at 503-407-2916.
A fund-raising raffle
is going on now for the
2016 Chasan Walker
Memorial Basketball
Tournament. For tick-
ets you can contact
Jake and Julie Suppah,
Annette Ball or Cyndi
Leclaire on Facebook.
The drawing will be on
September 24.